Italian Empire when?

Italian Empire when?

Other urls found in this thread:,_Duke_of_Aosta'Italia_augustea

They tried once

Ethiopia had other plans

Never and I hope we will return to something as similar as this someday.

and we do one siege too

Only if the king is German.

Independent Venice when ?

i prefer not to be a bitch of some other nation

we fucked up, pls annex

well, if we can go back to the kingdoms of italy and greece i think is ok, after all Aimone of Savoy and Olga of Greece are married

we don't even have to be Greek anymore, we can be Italian.

Gorizia, Fiume and Trieste to the Serenissima

Nuke the Repubblica di San Marino

Regain the Canton Ticino at least to exclave of Campione and annex that the Ducato di Milano

Delet the useless exclave and minor puppy territories (Pontecorvo, Benevento, Crema, Masserrano, Monaco, Stato dei Presidi)

Make a federal state with the result

Et voilà, perfection

only with the Regno di Napoli or with the Regno di Sicilia obviously
Magna Grecia II: Electric Boogaloo

>di Savoia

btw bring back the province of Rodi


Go away you are drunk
You have to go back or accept Amedeo di Savoia alias Zvonimiro II king of Jugoslavia


We are ready to join this Greco-Italian abomination if the S*voiard polentone pretender promises to restore us in the borders he agreed to govern
Then long live in the King

i'm ok to accept greece, but i don't know if every greek will accept to not be called greek anymore

I'd rather have an Italian king, not a dinasty of backstabbing worms, thank you

Italy must be unite under one king

Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta didn't run away from italy during ww2 like Emanuele III and his family, he remained and fought

pls let's avoid this route
the most I can concede is more nations united in a (nominal) kindgom like the UK

>Zvonimir II, king of Yugoslavia
He was named king of Croatia, and he was rather smug about it. It's good he hasn't stepped one bit on our soil because he would have embarrassed us

Though this nonce looks loke he would be a rather nice figurehead

ops i meant Aimone di Savoia-Aosta his father

I mixed his ancestor Tomislav II and him...
Sorry. Tomislav was a fag hag
Don't know much about Zvonimir

wrong Aimone di Savoia
>He was named king of Croatia
yeah i know but there are other titles given to Amedeo di Savoia and i just simplified

I want you to promise me one thing only,
we get to kick out all the immigrants.

This is a thread about Italy, if you don't like an united Italy fuck off and spread your garbage elsewhere

go there,_Duke_of_Aosta

when we kill the eternal anglo and the eternal kra*t

obvious, immigrants are illigal and they have to go back

But will Zvonimir make Croatia great again?
Send him a letter that there is a governmental crisis in Croatia and that we have a rump technical government now. Tell him to start brushing on his Croatian because if we could import a Canadian to be our PM, we can crown the son of our deceased king, who probably doesn't even know where Croatia is

greek was a derogatory term used by barbarians, we were called hellenes before the roman conquests and before the turkish ones we were being called romans

At least he believed Dalmatia should be ours
Besides, what kind of a king reminds his lands

Italy never existed as a united country and shouldn't exist.
The most I've conceded is a federal State and I'm pretty sure most if not every Italian (in the northern AND in the southern regions) would be pretty comfy with this.
Aquisgranakun in depicted a good enough scenario.
A united Italy AND a kingdom = shite.

Eat shit

Idi ubij se ustašo smrdljivi

>he wants 2m bosniaks and 1.5m serbs in his cunt

first we kill the eternal turk and reclaim constantinople

i tought greek was just a translation of the word ελληνιkά, however what i said remain it will be ok for the ellenikà not to be called like that anymore?

I'm ok with this

Ššššš, Srblju

With the power of love and understanding, we can all accept our joint identity

>love and undertanding
>in ex-yu
>accept joint identity
ahahah I won't believe that in 100 years
I caught you

Under the emperor Ottaviano Augusto the borders of the province of Italy was defined from Cisalpinia to Sicily, and after the fall of the Western Roman Empire the first Kingdom of Italy was called the Regnum Italiae (781-1014) with his servant state of the duchy of Spoleto and Benevento, the conflict with the HRE destroyed the italian ambition of the Regnum Italiae to be united. And we remein divided because was easier to the pope to control us

My second best thing on Sup Forums to arguing with Slovenes is arguing/talking with Italians
It's this platonic Adriatic shitposting connection, I can't describe it

Actually Amedeo di Savoia-Aosta is the last king of Croatia

>Regnum Italiae
Did not that had the borders nor the extension of what we call today "Italy" - like, not at all.
>Ottaviano Augusto
the regional subdivision he made wasn't a pertinence of an hypotetical Italy, user.
Italy never existed, it has always been common term to designate the region between the gallia cisalpina and sicily - at best.

Keep eating shit

>Regnum Italiae Did not that had the borders nor the extension of what we call today "Italy" - like, not at all.
of course this is why i wrote: the conflict with the HRE destroyed the italian ambition of the Regnum Italiae to be united

For Octavian go here:'Italia_augustea


You know the Greeks that were under Italian rule still have Italian surnames like Augustus. They are also pretty cultured people unlike the big turkified chunk of ours.

or here under Diocleziano

>of this is why I wrote
Italy never existed, period
and weren't related to an hypothetical italy
pls staph you're only embarrassing yourself

i have another idea, we can unite spain and italy, balance our economy, later help Portugal and greece and annex them, and at least the western balkans under the Kingdom of Croatia and Serbia will join us, then go after the turks

Might as well make a Mediterranean league

>pls staph you're only embarrassing yourself
you don't even read the article, stop being a filthy peasant

>and weren't related to an hypothetical italy

EUROPEAN Mediterranean league

Make it happen desu, come on Italy