Fuck you Sup Forums

Fuck you Sup Forums.

What's the issue?

>Racism is ok as long the niggers get a pat on the head
And i'm not even saying "racism against whites" here, but to judge people in general by the racial theory established by basically the nazi.
Those PC people probably use a nazi memorabilia ruler to judge people with.


meme school for meme people who want meme big name degrees.

why do you care?

lemme guess, it's 80% asian

This, it's Indians and Asians. Once enough whites have been kicked out, they're next.

(I am NOT a poltard)

Why do burgerclaps do affirmative action?

I looked at applying to us uni's and it was awful, at MIT it was very obvious that being female or black gave you a massive advantage, and asian was pretty much guaranteed btfo.

There'd be RIDICULOUSLY intimidating people getting rejected, and then impressive but not exceptional people being accepted, and it was nearly always blacks or females.

I don't want to be a white male anymore guys

it has gotten pretty bad

The US is majority white and the jews make up an outsized part of the """whites""" at Harvard. So whites are actually massively under-represented. Due to actual discrimination, not the imagined systemic shit.

In little more than half a century the Ivy league went from whites discriminating against jews to jews discriminating against white. It's impressive.

>affirmitive action

Dye your hair purple, wear a skirt and ride the wave ayy

can't the men just idenfity as women and get priority on their applications? WHy aren't more men exploiting this?

You don't have to be. You can identify as what ever you want. Nobody can challenge that in my safe space.

This is gonna be kino.

But how is this Sup Forums related again?

Ok but how is this technology?

If I'm white but identify as non white, do I get a free pass?


No, you're still getting lynched in the streets, white boi.

works for talcum x

Underrated. You get two minority statuses for the price of one.

It really is disgraceful that the left is so proud that they've rigged the system. Ideally, you'd have the makeup of the incoming class match the demographics of the country.

How is this not blatant racism?

Lets celebrate the fact that there are less people of a certain skin colour in class

When I was in highschool this Mexican kid got accepted to university of Penn on some scolarships over some other white fucks in the same program with better grades. Now he's an alcoholic and about to get kicked out


No school in the world can teach you to think.

((( )))


>anti-racists are just regular racists that target a different group
>it's ok and considered normal

Really activates them almonds

you know its funny because all the ameriburgers told me that "europe is so cucked", but ever since i moved to germany to go to grad school, i have seen and heard literally nothing even remotely related to these dumb fucking token quotas

all this sjw recreational self-victimization bullshit is 100% an american issue. i can see now why alt-right faggots are so quick to shit on europe, they absolutely NEED any possible reason to think that they are still #1 somehow, even if it's only in their heads.

pretty much.

it does help because the school is a brand that generally confers quality, but at the end of the day it's your fucking job to get off your ass and actually do something great.

harvard is a business that sells degrees via "donations" to degenerate coke-head fuckups that are the children of rich powerful people for whom it is a requirement to be able to tell other people at cocktail parties that their child is an ivy-league student.

Dont worry cuck you will get your part when the Ahmeds take over Germany, rape all the women and behead you.

exactly what i'm talking about. when faced with reality, this is all they can come back with. sad, angry children who just can't swallow reality.

I'm Asian and I didn't even bother applying to Harvard or UC Berkeley

I applied to and attended Williams and I regret nothing

If you're not a complete fuckup there are other options than racist schools, let the white legacies grouse about how it's genocide because they're expected to work hard unlike in le good ole days

Also this thread needs to go back to Sup Forums

HAHAHAHAHA. You Americans are fucked.

t. A Swede