So, when are these consumerist fags who use wanglblows, smartphones and other proprietary garbage going to be banned...

So, when are these consumerist fags who use wanglblows, smartphones and other proprietary garbage going to be banned? Should we just make a containment board for the winbabbies/mactoddlers so we can talk about actual technology?

people like you are a cancer of GNU/Linux community.
Instead of promoting free software and make people realize the importance of their right for privacy, freedom, etc. you just want to isolate yourself from them and silently play with your toys all by yourself.

But you don't use any actual technology.

You're in the minority here, buddy. You build your stupid containment board (or let's just say safe space) and fuck off.

thank you - its a very grown up thing to say.

> Write a cuck license
> But it doesn't matter to you because you can get your cucklings to violate their freedoms so you don't have to and made exceptions for things that personally affect you like the firmware on airplanes
GPL is the ultimate cuck license

how is gpl a cuck license?

Take a look at the ubuntu forums, and be amazed at the sheer stupidity of the average linux "power user".

Now imagine if hundreds of thousands of typical windows users migrated to linux. Developers and other contributors already have too much shit to deal with from entitled noobs, bringing more people into the Linux fold would basically kill all development.

People interested in linux will find it themselves. "Promoting" free software leads to the detriment of free software development.

IMO people who ask "linux is so hard why cant i just stay on windows" should always be recommended to stay on Windows, and be told that there's no shame in using proprietary software. They wouldn't contribute anything to the free software community anyway, no use wasting time bringing them on board.

You're forced to live like a fat dead skin eater neckbeard dictates.
He needs to travel by plane often to he can panhandle in whatever shitty college is invited to, so the proprietary firmware running on planes doesn't count.
You're living by his rules
Imagine if Stallman actually did something productive and relied on professional CAD software like Solid Works. You can bet your ass he'd say using proprietary software is okay if there are no better FOSS alternatives
If he really cared about freedom he'd reject everything even remotely touched by proprietary technologies and basically live in the woods.

With all the other boards on Sup Forums besides Sup Forums, why do these fucktards gravitate to the Stallman board?

thats so damn wrong, more people = more developers

Sup Forums cannot into basic logic

>more people = more developers
It may seem this way on the surface, but it's actually pretty flawed logic.

Very few users even consider becoming a developer.

Do you really think people who can't google basic shit and ask shitty questions in shitty english on the forums capable of becoming developers? If someone had the skills to develop for Linux, they don't need some "evangelist" to tell them about linux to get started on it.

My point is, eventual contributors will find the project by themselves, evangelists or not. Evangelism only brings people in who don't care about giving back.

why do you think so much software has a priority on windows? because windows has the most casual users, more people to reach.

I mean why do I have to explain something so goddamn basic? you are insulting my intelligence and yours at the same time.

Programmers are attracted to windows (as a distribution platform) because there are a lot of casual users.

This is different from what we're discussing in this thread, because casual users don't become developers

>inb4 "more casual linux users will bring more commercial support"
This has been proven false time and time again, because linux is too fragmented to release binary-only and expect it to work flawlessly on all distros. Appimage isn't good enough yet. While more casual users directly correlate to more developers on centralized platforms like windows or freebsd, it doesn't hold for linux.

You should think a little harder on this, it's not nearly as simple as you suggest.

you simply make it more complicated than it really

linux isn't really as "fragmented" as you might think, most of the distros are based on Debian, with Mint and Ubuntu in the lead, both which are based on Debian, true there is fragmentation still, but it is dying as time goes on, there's also Flatpak which is distro-independant, plus sandboxing.

Sup Forums doesn't even have a janitor and you're asking for 80% of the board to be banned.

Linux and Linux users are communists and should be banned from living. I'd like to throw them out of a Helicopter.

Hey what the fuck man I'm as reactionary as humanly possible. I mean, I literally unironically consider Adolf Hilter a liberal douche. And I've been using Linux exclusively since when Windows8 hit the markets.

Most software developers are windows users

The GNU license is communistic in nature. Everything released under that license must be released free, and if people offer to support your software, that money has to be shared with the entire community.

Sup Forums is proprietary, if anything all the freetard GNUmale/Lincuck sjw faggots should be banned because they belong on reddit (which is free and open source as Stallman intended).