Take screenshots of your browser

take screenshots of your browser

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firefox with arc theme use your imagination



jews control the government and global banking system


why macfags like wasting a shitload of screen estate for that dumb dock, why not hide it?
also always resolution is scaled to level that it's almost the same as using 1366x768, why they do this, i cannot understand it


i just set my dock to hide after analysing the picture

now get rid of that scaling, dont be a retard and use a highres display with scaling that its on par with 1366x768 when it comes to screen estate and maybe your lgbt os is a bit more usable

but i don't want to squint when looking at text, which is the only thing that i do on this laptop

but then their fonts will go to shit



Is this the new desktop thread?

Android fanboy







tabs game on point

Not having :) as tab number. Not a true RAMdestroyer

Am I the only one who doesn't use a fullscreen browser?

Because it's single page.




I feel sorry for you




fuck your rules


wp please user kun :3

i wish i could find more pics like this
>tfw no 458 driving gf

thanks a lot, its amazing

Why do autists seem to prefer dark themes? I've noticed that there is a distinct difference in personality between the sort of person who uses light themes and the sort of person who uses dark themes.

succesful triples


uh ok



grisaia is shit, what's that palmtop tiger in taskabr btw?


I'd prefer a darker Sup Forums theme but I always find the text harder to read.

Get Brave nigger


That wallpaper is unbelievably cringe-y, remove yourselves.
>inb4 hurrr stop liking what I don't like
can't stop the power of opinion(shit)posting.


>can't stop the power of opinion(shit)posting
im not going to
im just gonna call you a closed minded, telly headed cunt

>no gay sex with hats on

I'm disappointed in all of you.



>Sup Forums

You know i have a strange feeling these aren't windows

How do people rice browsers now that firefox is just chrome with a different logo?


You're half right.

...Or half wrong.




Nice try, NSA.

>grisaia is shit
how about you fuck off
>what's that palmtop tiger in taskabr btw?

Here you go

Anyone have a browser I can use to slim down my tab/address bar as much?
the cyberfox devs said they would stop developing it iirc.

because we like our themes to reflect our souls

I will take 1 (one) screenshot of my browser. Try to guess what it is.



Safari is awesome 

/–/ o /V 3 ¥ []D ⨀ ⊤

its windows uwu

You seriously use 95-2000?




kys before you go on a rampage.

>Android fanboy
Top or bottom?


Power bottom.

Do you pitch or receive, bitch?

Good man. I have respect for bottoms. Twink by any chance?

what do u think

I'm not talking to you, Android guy!



>non trivial number of mac and phone users

what the fuck happened to Sup Forums?

>what the fuck happened to Sup Forums?
It has ever been so.
You new kids with your assumptions.

>he needs a walkthrough for his chinese novels

There were literally no phoneposters before 2012 and around 2007 I'd say it was almost split between windows and linux distros with mac users being negligent. Then again, it was so full of moeshitting tripfags that it was a really uncomfortable place to post, today I'd have said cringey but we didn't use that word back then. After pc gaming became a more mainstream thing immigrants from Sup Forums normalized this place a lot, like using a picture of an actual three-dimensional woman to attract attention to their threads.


there you go


Firefox, or some fork, obviously, dick.

simple yet lovely

what a huge waste of screen real state with that fuckhuge title bar.

fucking change it.
