Sup Forums IS BROKEN

figured out the issue of the comment disapearing

it has to do with the script that causes the scroll bar to appear at a certain number of lines used

using backspace is what triggers it, but when you hit enter to create lines to enable the scroll bar it "fixes it"

this only started happening within the last week or so, so since Sup Forums never seems to ever fix anything im wondering if its something chrome changed which is causing it to create this error when the quick embed is used

PS ignore the watermark, i had to use some jewish program to save it as webm since this shitty fucking site doesnt accept raw MP4s and if i upload to streamable and post the link dumb ass mods literally ban for "Sup Forums streaming promoting" because they think its a fucking twitch website or something when its just a fucking file host and i dont feel like creating a fucking jewtube account

Webm for retards, search it.
Also 4chanX doesn't have this problem.

>trial software

dude wtf, get OBS or something

>setting up autistic OBS

can it export in webm? i think not

i screencapped using windows g mode and then quickly cropped the recording to the parts i want using avidemux not having to encode at all

i only needed a software to convert to webm

ffmpeg -i input.avi -c:v libvpx -an output.webm

>Sup Forums IS BROKEN
no u

same, werks for me

That's your browser, retard.

Mate, just get OBS and do this . And if that is too hard for you, there are programs like Webm for Retards that will give you a GUI to play around in.

>not pirating it

Out of curiosity, what extensions are you two using? I have Appchan X right now, but it keeps getting further and further out of date. I would do Sup Forums X but it only has the default themes so iunno.

>it has to do with the script that causes the scroll bar to appear at a certain number of lines used
Your browser and operating system handle that. There's no script for it.

no extensions other than native. i posted the webm.

Well shit, I didn't even realise that you could do that.

well im using chrome and windows 10

both up to date and no Sup Forums x shit

this started happening about 1 week ago

what else could the issue be?

a graphics driver issue?

the only major windows change is that the creators update finally got pushed thru, but the graphics are the intel graphics on my 4600 and no other site has issues

what browser and operating system are you using

also what zoom level are you using?

cause i just tested by moving the size til it glitches then changing the zoom level and it fixes it, so its something in chrome

I use Sup Forums X with OneeChan. I think I might drop OneeChan though since it hasn't updated in over a fucking year.

Yeah, that's the problem with Appchan. It's getting worse and worse with time.

Linux Mint 18.2 w/ Firefox DE 55.0b14 (64-bit)
zoomed in 2 times

I haven't had any problems yet with it. Sup Forums X (ccd0's fork) seems to get regular commits and Oneechan hasn't really caused me problems.
I just hate sitting on the timebomb that is Oneechan. It will just take one update from either Sup Forums and/or Sup Forums x to fuck it.

Yeah, that's hwat's happening to Appchan. It's dying slowly between Sup Forums flag things and captcha changes and the like. Shame none of them seem to keep updated that have good custom themes and the like.

heres another example

Yeah looks like a graphics driver issue. Try turning off hardware acceleration in Chrome's advanced settings and see if that fixes it.

thats off by default

im going to manually install the drivers from intel's site since the one windows queued up is from 2016, the latest for the 630 grpahics is from 07/2017

updated graphics still happening