/flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread

Old thread: Welcome to /flt/ - Friendly Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly Linux Thread. Please use other boards to discuss ideology, Sup Forums is Technology ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources[*].

If you would like to try out Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or other software made for this purpose for safety reasons.
1) Use the Live ISO to boot directly into the Linux distribution without installing anything, that way, you can get to experience the Linux operating system without installing it.
2) Dual boot the Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS, this is recommended if you want to know more about the Linux operating system.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with Linux.

* Resources:
Your friendly neighborhood search engine (searx, ixquick, duckduckgo, whatever.)
$ man
wiki.archlinux.org (Most troubleshoots work on all distros.)
wiki.gentoo.org (Please see comment above.)

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos

>What distro should I choose?
Trying to run Linux on an old computer?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

Other urls found in this thread:


First for fuck you retarded niggerfaggots. Go to fglt

Why are you here?

New Thread:

Don't even respond to GNU/Posters.
Let them rage so everyone sees how retarded they are.

Fuck off newfag. Go to fglt

Recommend me some good books that would help me really understand Linux. I'm at the point where I could follow the handbook to install gentoo and basically understand what I was doing, but I feel like there's a lot I still don't know properly.
I'd also like to understand the kernel a bit better.
What should I get?

I was under the impression everyone was already doing this

This triggers pajeets

You're calling it the wrong thing.

What's the best way to backup encrypted hard disk? I have it partitioned into several logical volumes and few of them are encrypted. Would like to do regular backups. not sure how...

You're calling it the wrong thing.

You're calling it the wrong thing.

You're calling it the wrong thing.




uwu sempai owo

Hi guys
None of my Tweak tools show up in applications and when i use terminal to launch they dont even work when i try to switch themes
The software center never works
What do?
On Xubuntu 17.04

Also wanted to know how can I make terminal run neofetch on start up?

Thank you

Desu!!! onee-chan smepia??!?!?!??




Imagine being a janitor on the Internet who does it for free.

I like where this thread's going


>being this mad

>not being mad at CIA Niggers fucken pajeets fucken

triggered GNU retards are getting this mad over a dumb name

>friendly thread
>blue board

To run something on startup, put it in your rc file (I'm assuming you're using bash, so it would be ~/.bashrc - more for something like neofetch, might be better to put in bash_login or whatever that's called instead).

Not sure about the rest because I don't use xubuntu

Friendly reminder that Richard Stallman doesn't even program anymore and is to busy shilling his communist propaganda

Dear GNU/Fag, could you go to /dpt/ and post basically the same things, but replacing "GNU" with "C++"? Much appreciated.

what version of linux will 'just werks' and can do windows virtualization easily?

A really nice and customizable desktop would be a plus. I liked that one desktop environment that iirc samsung or sony did for linux

linux-libre is pretty good

ubuntu was good for 'just werks' until canonical sold out to MS.

he asked about linux version, not GNU/Linux distro


nobody cares about GNU. the correct name IS linux

yes, name of the kernel is, in fact, Linux

>the name of the OS is Linux

>the name of the os is NT

>GNU is more than a userspace that can be replaced


man no wonder nobody uses linux

Ubuntu is generall the "just werks" one, although Debian is the one that didn't sell out and is pretty similar most respects

You can install any desktop environment you want really, google for screenshots or whatever. Most of them are very customizable. I personally recommend xfce, but you might find that a bit too minimalistic. KDE is a good one if you don't care about bloat and want a lot of fancy stuff.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I'm about to give up. Just spent 8 hours trying to get a desktop on arch and I'm spent. I've been going round in circles with Xorg, KDE and gnome.
>startkde - "DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server"
>startx - terminates immediately, no error
>gnome-session - Terminated
Send help

Are there any errors in the logs? Xorg, syslog, xsession.

I have a question, not sure if it belongs here or in /sqt/. I'm on opensuse tumbleweed, and for some reason all internet-related things take a long time to complete, except for chrom[e|ium]. So like with firefox, when I click a link, it will sit at "connecting..." for several seconds before it progresses. Updating from my repositories takes probably 20-30 seconds, and I'm excluding third-party repos in that number.

wat do?

>>startkde - "DISPLAY is not set or cannot connect to the X server"
No shit, xinit or a display manager has to first set up the environment.
>>startx - terminates immediately, no error
Make a file called .xinitrc (with the leading dot) in your home directory and write exec startkde in it. Make sure it has read and execute permissions. Then run startx. Did you install GPU drivers, by the way?
>>gnome-session - Terminated
Again, the environment hasn't been set up.

Do an mtr(name of the package) test to your isp's website and let it run for 1 complete hour.
Then post your results here.
Its most likely routing/peering with you isp

Dumb stallmanposter

Where the fuck are the mods though?
>be me
>report one of the copypasta posts from last thread
>get warned for spamming
>meanwhile all the porn is still here

Captcha: calle calle

I'm pretty alright at shell scripting though, plus shells are really well documented so I can always look things up if I'm not sure how to do something.
Would this book still be useful?

Refresh the page

mods are gods

I'm a retard. Much better

I'm trying to create a boot-able flash-drive with Windows on it for gaming. Ive had no luck so far. Any tips or links to help?


Well hmm, that's running now, but intermediately I remembered I'm running pi-hole on my server, which is what this tumbleweed machine is using as a DNS server. Removing that has sped everything up. So now this seems like more of a "why is pi-hole slowing only things on this machine down, and only non-chromium things".


Look through the index and find chapters that interest you. It's primarily a book for beginners, though, so you might as well skip it outright.

There's also Grymoire that you can get some use from if you want to learn sed and/or awk: grymoire.com/Unix/index.html

Just use an external hardrive

good thread

You have to specify the proxy with chrome on the command line to make it use it, it may be bypassing the proxy.Ive never used pi-hole so im not familiar with it,but that may be an issue.
You may have too many things being filtered/blocked and as a result its taking longer to process actions through it
I remember in the early days of privoxy if you had a shitty computer it would take seconds extra to resolve and filter requests

Has anyone here tried void? It looks like a good distro but I'm worried of hardware compability because my hardware has poor linux support.

I'm doing great with it but then again I'm using an X220.

Redpill me on zip+unzip vs tar

tar preserves Unix file permissions and ownership

tar is stream/pipable

Ok now redpill me on gzip, bzip, and lzip please

Urgh, I really regret buying my Asus F556U... It was actually really cheap for the parts it has (i7 quadcore CPU, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, some Nvidia graphics card and all for 650€ or something) but I just wish I was smart enough to buy a x200 or x220.. They are way cheaper, have better Linux support and are more than powerfull enough to do anything I need to do.
I almost feel like just saving up a bit of money to get a thinkpad and maybe sell F556U... Or I just sell/donate my blood/plasma and get enough money in a month doing just that.

they're stream compressors
gzip is pretty fast, used basically everywhere, chances are most websites you visit are sending gzip-compressed data to your browser
bzip/2, a bit better compression than gzip, and a bit slower, used to be very common before lzma-based compressors like xz were available
don't know much about lzip

gzip is fast but doesn't compress well. bzip2 is in between xz and gzip. lzip is a meme, using xz instead. xz compresses well, but is slow.

In your place I would honestly try to sell my asus and get an X220 instead. Unless it's really old or really fucked up, you'll still end up with net profit from the deal, and with a laptop that is better suited to your needs - so even if you lose money overall (since you won't resell the asus at retail price), you're still better off going through with it.

Then again it's a hassle and you run the risk of just losing everything due to scummy buyers or a scummy postal system + buyer protection



Yeah, the thing is that I really don't want to deal with selling my laptop because of those things you've mentioned.
Guess I save up a bit of money and buy a thinkpad once I have the money and sell my laptop afterwards when I have time to care about that.

>tar preserves Unix file permissions and ownership
zip (at least the default one on linux) preserves permissions. But not ownership.
The more you know.


First for /flt/'s revolution.

/flt/ doesn't approve of Communism

what's the story on that gif? is there a video of this somewhere?

I installed Linux Mint 18 and updated. Now I can't connect to wifi, no networks pop up at all I'm assuming I'm missing a driver, any help Sup Forums?


>tfw this really reminds me of how I am when something goes wrong

why is he so angry?

Linus was mad because Nvidia's Linux driver support is utter shit

It's that time again

Go to the other thread. /fglt/ -> /flt/

but why was stallman angry in the OP?

you got any links to good doujins?

You guys wanted me to shit on /dpt/, right?


C-pee-pee is literally the best lang, prove me wrong nogs

>you don't understand how painful it is to have a failure


What wayland wm is the most like fluxbox?
Asking for a friend

Fluxbox on xorg

Not sure which thread to use, what are the most beginner/user friendly non systemd distros?


My friend wants to try nouveau and wayland.
What wayland wm is the similar


musl will probably break regular Linux binaries

It dosent