ID this Cipher

Please ID this cipher. That is 5 separate lines on encrypted text that consist of numbers in the order of 4 set of 4 digits with a space between each set, much like a card number ex (xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx). It may be ascii+hex but i cant produce similar results if i were to encrypt nor can i get similar results with i were to use the Caesar cipher. There are characters being used that are not in some ciphers which is proving to be difficult to decrypt. Here are five examples:


What is this supposed to even mean? ASCII and Hex are two different encodings.
Anyhow, this contains letters that do not exist in ASCII.

>Please ID this cipher
The output of every secure cipher is indistinguishable from random data. Not saying that this is true for this one ofc.

>There are characters being used that are not in some ciphers
What is this supposed to even mean? This makes absolutely no sense.

its means that its using the combination of the two encodings.

>There are characters being used that are not in some ciphers

i meant as in there are characters being used that are not in your average alphabet

>its means that its using the combination of the two encodings.
How is this supposed to even work?

>i meant as in there are characters being used that are not in your average alphabet
Which means that it does not use ASCII nor Hex as its representation. Anyhow, there is no reason why any cipher would not be able to output any data that can be represented in that way.

May I ask you where did you find this? Was it in a file? If so, what was its extension?

you're right about the combo of the ciphers, someone actually told me it but i couldnt find any proof of the combination either, just wanted to make sure.

These strings were discovered by a colleague of mine from a server, the information is out-dated so we cant make use of it but we'd still like to know what method was used to create this cipher. Could it be a custom cipher?

>its means that its using the combination of the two encodings
Did you actually type that?

>Could it be a custom cipher?
It could be. It could also be that your colleague opened a binary file with notepad and thought that it was encrypted data. How exactly did your colleague find this?
I would suggest that you use a tool like binwalk to check the entropy of the data. If it has low entropy it is not encrypted or it uses a shitty cipher. If it has high entropy it could be encrypted, compressed or just random.

if it was a binary it'd have a proper header
it also wouldn't be using \xNN for unprintable bytes
who knows what this retard shit is 2bh

Ok this is raw dump from an sql db. all sql dumps are saved via csv format.

>if it was a binary it'd have a proper header
Not necessarily. But even then it could still have one (which is also why I suggested binwalk)

>it also wouldn't be using \xNN for unprintable bytes
The program that was used to print it might have added that.

Did you open it with excel or something? Because MS tools are known to fuck up csv formats that do not use weird encodings.

no i open it with Libreoffice calc, which is a linux app

the information is exactly how its shown in the database

who can decrypt this???

"2099 Your waifu is a slut HLC"
Is this from the VK Cypher Challenge?

its from this
int main()
for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
printf("%c", __rdtsc() % 255);

maybe ascii+hex means that block of text could have both ascii chars and hex numbers;
like the ї and C are probably ascii, but the 87 or 17 or 8d could be hex

>like the ї

>but the 87 or 17 or 8d could be hex

good point and u r correct, but that's what it could mean... ascii+hex

Decode the Unicode into hex, oct, and decimal, then go from there.

are you truly asking for help to decrypt what appears to most likely be stolen credit card data?

good job taking the bait user, i merely used this as an example. the data is not valid anymore but i still want to know what this cipher is which is most likely unicode thanks to the other user.

unicode isnt a cipher retard