/csg/ Chink Shit General

In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.

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>Chink Shit Randomiser

>Chink Shit Wiki

>Gearbest Deals Pastebin Updated Daily

>Chink Shit Infographic

• user bought a couple infinity cubes • user gets a safety razor shaver • user shows off his new UMI phone but it's a little slippery posts camera sample of his workbench worries it's apart of the Chinese botnet
• Postnord can't handle large amounts of chink shit comes across as a very incompetent company • user loves China • user gets the H96 Pro android TV box

Other urls found in this thread:


Picked up an engraver from a carboot sale.
Turned out to be a cheap chinese one.

• German Anons can't get to the lewd section on AliExpress • Zuk phone overheats, user doesn't specifiy which Previous bootleg thread

What mechanical keyboard should i get for 50€?
No amazon

I have been thinking about these:
>JamesDonkey 619
>Ajazz AK33 RGB
>3LUE k751
JamesDonkey has Gateron switches Ajazz has Zorros, K751 has Outemu

>user shows off his new UMI phone but it's a little slippery posts camera sample of his workbench worries it's apart of the Chinese botnet

That's two different anons. One has a UMi and the other has a Honor 8 or 9

Shit my bad, assumed they were the same because it was missed in the last thread.

News on the Walnut v3?


Do you need to wear some sort of protective eyewear while doing these?

That's a real nice webm, would use as OP pic.

I guess this is the right place to ask:

Max 400 american bucks
>Looking for
A nice tablet that i can listen to audiobooks and read ebooks with. So i guess decent batterylife and a support for reading mode is needed

Any tips?

>German Anons can't get to the lewd section on AliExpress
Fake news, I can see the faak™ selection and that horse dildo just fine.

Just get a iPad or some Huawei/Samsung tablet

Was thinking about getting something like this. It's interesting they don't make this shit in the West.

MI pad 3

I think it's some aliexpress app bug, my browser opens it just fine but I get pic related with the app (Finland btw)

Thanks OP
What am I a nerd!?

Possibly, I don't use the app.

>It's interesting they don't make this shit in the West.
Nobody makes consumer plastic garbage in the west.

True but I figure mobile gaming, while sizable, still doesn't match with Asia.

Is their a horizontal keyboard case for a 5.5 ich phone?

Are these good?
They're cheaper than eneloops

I wonder if it's from that user who bought one a few months ago.

>mobile gaming
>doesn't match with Asia
Extremely wrong

If user was a psychic selling salt lamps and incense before flogging all her gear at a bootsale then it is.

Forgot pic

if you want cheap batteries just get amazonbasics they're mostly rebranded or B grade eneloops anyways

Not murrican so not an option.
Even eneloop lites are still more expensive.

What country will replace China as wages increase and the reputation of Chinese products get better?

I have them for about a year now, they're probably rebranded Eneloops but they served me well in a wireless controller. I bought the powerbank shell for it too.

rate hate

Chinese Africa

I just bought these because of specs and it's cheap

>africans can barely be trusted to dig a trench

I wouldn't count on it

new thread here

don't go POSTIN your OWN DEALS on the #HOT-DEALS channel on the discord! crew-cut closet-faggot TRIBIT will waddle outta the fucken shadows and DELETE your PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE offerings. he'll BOX you outta the market with his ADMIN PRIVILEGES because he knows he can't COMPETE in the FREE MARKET. ugly shapeless thirty-somethin dirtbag.


They'll export their surplus chinese

Multiple people told you to stop shitting up the hot deal section, you only joined the Discord to spam your mouse pad coupon. You were kicked because you wouldn't shut up.

Pepe a cute. CUTE

> search for this infinity cube out of curiosity
> see kickstarter page
> "801 backers pledged $80,706 to help bring this project to life."

Meanwhile on Chink Express there's a bunch of these available for $2-10 depending on how colorful you want it to be.

I really should find some cheap product and crowd-fund a startup selling the exact same product with a 20x higher price-tag on Kickstarter. The amount of funding silly projects like that juicer thing is just beyond belief. Why am I not in on this?

Why is hdd-kun so autistic?

i JOINED the discord to POST the coupon and keep a LOOKOUT for HOT-HOT-HOT deals, brat. i DEFENDED my RIGHT to post HOT-HOT-HOT deals when stagnant sh•thead TRIBIT (you probably) DELETED my offering. quit makin assumptions you know NOTHAAANG ~growl-scream~ NOTHAAAANG. judging by the archive you're very PROTECTIVE of your little chinkshit safespace, eh? got a little ponzi scheme goin there eh? don't like when a fucking MAVERICK comes and FUCKS your plans up, eh? someone with BRIGHT, CLEAN graphics and a more ENGAGING HUMAN ELEMENT comes & proves you near-worthless. yeah, well, time to GET USED to it

Fuck off you mentally ill idiot.

Piss off, you absolute spaz

HAH mad. HAH so mad. 'mentley ill braraouge i practice dominion over the chinkshit & this fellows is standing in the way of my kickbacks!' got a real hard-on for CHEAP shit, eh? personally i don't. the MOUSEPAD deal RESONATES with me because i VALUE AESTHETIC. i VALUE the ability to IMPOSE my AESTHETIC taste onto a piece of MY property. you-- you do this sh•t all day. you wake up & remember-- you're the CHINKSHIT guy! you're IN CHARGE-A stuff! better gather more URL's to PASTE like a fucken formless automaton! better satisfy that androidal obsessive-compulsion! actually feel bad for you, no offense

Mods, this is a referral code for artsc*w, btw

Artsmoo coupons are banned on this site and there's already one pinned on /csg/ discord. We don't need two just so you get a free tote bag, you fucking newfag. Fuck off and kill yourself.

TH--THERE'S ALREADY ONE! u-USE THAT ONE CAUSE IT'S ALREADY-- ~golp~ IT'S ALREADY THERE! i gave em another OPTION, people can only use the same code once for an address so i OPENED their WORLD unto a BRAND NEW CUSTOM MOUSEPAD offering. so this is what it's like when a power structure PANICS and starts to BREAK DOWN, eh? 'tsf•ckin beautiful. "killselveee raraouge killselve even though you're literally famous and i just sit here & protect my CHINKSHIT thread day-in-day-out!" nah. nah i got a lot to lose. you-- you not so much, HAH.

& if i get banned? lol SO WAT! i could use a few days off. even though this IS chinkshit general and that coupon IS perfectly valid and benefits all involved. aint no wrong-doing no-how.

now show these people where they can find a bucket full of used one-cent-apiece wired IBM mice with flesh-crust engraved in its nooks & crannies im sure it's ALL the rage AHAHA

Your own autism got you banned, you couldn't just post your coupon. You had to shitpost much like you're doing now; in an obnoxious and tryhard way. You swamped the discord with excrement and buried the other good deals. Because you're an attention seeking gigafaggot. And you know it. So fuck off.

Yes coupons are allowed, no referal codes allowed. No exceptions.

you DELETED the deal, so i made a HUBBUB about it.
you DELETED... the deal
& "there's already a code, use it because i must maintain my monopoly!" isn't an excuse

well that's why i WENT to the discord but LO&BEHOLD poor-mans-tom-from-myspace can't handle any inkling of formidable competition

I'm not Tribit. Go cry to someone else.

'go cry 2 sum1 else because i cannot defend his actions and deep down recognize that yr correct now that i realize what actually happened although the backfire effect cognitive bias precludes me from changing my mind on the issue' lol alrite

What does comfy look like?

~guns smoken all my enemies sprawled out on floor defenseless~ any takers? hah thot so . . .

We told you to stop, I quoted the rules (which you obviously ignored) and now you're autisming up the general. Stop being here and fuck off somewhere else if you're gonna be toxic like this.

Some people have alerts set on hot-deals for the actual deals. I'm one of them. Filling it with shitposting is against the rules. Your obnoxious shitposting broke the rules so you got banned. Nothing to do with your stale coupon. Pull your head out of your ass.

im not complaining about the ban. i was criticizing the fact that TRIBIT DELETED my deal, the ONLY post i was going to make originally, & posted his own code for the SAME DEAL because his uncharismatic ass would not stand a chance in a true FREE-MARKET economy.
not autosem u autosem mayby im a literal genius dont kid yaself

no thots allowed


You posted it minutes after his with some shitty image. Now shut up because with your autistic comebacks and incorrect spelling, you're either an obnoxious non English speaker or a literal 12 year old. And yes, that's how you use literal.

He wiped 30 posts because you were sperging so hard. A few of them were other anons deals. Get over it you sack of shit. No one is going to use your code if you follow it up with a bunch of word salad bullshit shitposting. You're insufferable.

is the one there also a ref code? if so, who gets the money?

>I bought the powerbank shell for it too

The powerbank/charger is fantastic thanks to taking a 5V microusb power input. Never used it as a powerbank but it's come in extremely useful when needing to charge AAs from a proper powerbank while out.

I live in Sweden.

I find it a bit strange that if I order a bunch of things from China from a bunch of different stores then there's nothing in the mail for 3 weeks then one day it's full of packages and then there's nothing for 3 weeks and then there's again one day that I get three-four packages. It's like they down-prioritize China and then they decide to have the monthly clean-up.

It does seem a bit incompetent to claim that 'we could be getting 100000 or 300000 packages a day' but have no idea if it's 100k or 300k. That's a pretty wide range.

Just to give the claimed numbers some context: Sweden has a population of about 10 million.

These numbers may actually not be that inaccurate. Sweden has some "problems" these days such as almost daily car-fires in most small towns, gangs of immigrants openly selling drugs & throwing rocks at the police if they interfere, robberies and beatings in the streets, rapes and so on. One result is that many people just avoid going to town if they need something, there is less risk of getting robbed or raped when ordering online.

That particular coupon doesn't bring in any actual money, so that sperg is getting all worked up over nothing. You only get points you can use for free mousepads.

Why do you capitalize random words and use unnecessary symbols?

Weaponized autism in action

Why is this thread so much more shit than usual?

This is pretty fun keep going

There already was one there since 07/07/2017, you only joined the discord to post yours and spam your autism.


Probably because there's a single shitposter who tries to ruin it.

americans and discordkids

Unironically buy chink tea with lead and end yourself

w2c good watch with leather strap and not a bunch of extra faces

I wonder if it's actually safe to do so

Keep going daddy please senpai-kun

If you were a genius you wouldn't be crying that you can't get a free tote bag off your artsmoo coupon. I've got an idea, go post it in the /csg/ telegram. They're starving for good deals and with your autistic attitude you'll fit right in.





Comfy is a Scottish Pajeet?

at least he has a nice handwriting

Every discordshit should be banned
Remove from OP
Remove Comfy

Won't ever happen. This general is doomed without RegOP who has a massive hardon for ComfyReviews.

Hey! I also have a massive hardon for Comfy's bulge!




Comfy should be banned for ref links.

No luck for app fags.

He already was banned a few days ago.

>from my pecky wood great room i can see billy joel's guest house
so you're posting on 4chin from here?

Anyone know of a good replacement screen (inc digi and frame) for oneplus one? I dropped it like 2 years ago and just found it again in a drawer, I wanna fix it but I don't know which sellers to trust

>I find it a bit strange that if I order a bunch of things from China from a bunch of different stores then there's nothing in the mail for 3 weeks then one day it's full of packages and then there's nothing for 3 weeks and then there's again one day that I get three-four packages

I'm in Finland and this is happening to me too. No orders arrive for weeks, then I get a letter to go collect mail from the post where there'll be 3-4 different orders waiting for me, all taped together. Before they'd be delivered to my home one by one.

I rike chinese things