You have 10 seconds to argue why you support a deprecated socialist institution like net neutrality

You have 10 seconds to argue why you support a deprecated socialist institution like net neutrality.

Protip: ISPs are not a monopoly by definition. There are literally thousands of them.

Other urls found in this thread:

>You have 10 seconds to argue why you support a deprecated socialist institution like net neutrality.
because I can. what the fuck are you gonna do about it, you little bitch?

you have 10 seconds to argue why you are over 18 and still a virgin
>protip: you can't

you don't seem to understand what a monopoly is. must be chink

back to (((Sup Forums))) judea worshiping kike lover

Don't let the jews take down net neutrality.

Highways aren't monopolies either. There are literally thousands of them, so let's just let people establish arbitrarily high tolls at the exists that lead to any major city, since you can just figure out another path anyway.

Because ISPs would have too much power over the content we see on the internet (including Sup Forums). That and we would have to pay to go to certain websites.

I'm surprised the technology board supports something as cucked as government regulation of the internet. Looks like the CTR shills have taken over.

yeah because letting jews force us to pay for every site we want to visit sounds great
fuck off pol

You'd rather the government have control over what we see? At least ISPs are subject to supply and demand.

Trump is not Jewish.

they aren't supply and demand, the wires are from a public-private partnership, the government doesn't allow new companies to install lines so one company gets a monopoly and smaller isp's are able to buy bandwidth from them
that'd be like your electric company charging you more money for using a "non approved appliance", even though it's the same wattage
please explain how getting rid of regulation would help consumers

>You'd rather the government have control over what we see?
And just how does the government have control over content?

>Trump is not Jewish
No, but Ivanka is.

>ISPs are not a monopoly
Not in my region. Also it would mean the death of websites not in this list.

>At least ISPs are subject to supply and demand.
They aren't

There are massive swathes of geographic locations with absolutely no choice of ISP at all. Hell even in my town I can only get TWC on one side of town and verizon on the otherside, I can't get verizon at all even though neighbors 3 blocks down get it

>also it would mean the death of websites not on the list
yeah because the european countries that don't have net neutrality or something similar have this problem, right?

As if Europeans don't use those websites almost exclusively. ISPs everywhere (includingthose in the EU) provide social media/youtube only internet packages.

Ah man, you got me again with your net neutrality superior arguments! I guess I am going to have to abandon my interests and pick up monopolizing ISPs in the western hemisphere.

Darn you with your absolute 100% factual all the time facts, m8! Woo!

>all the autistic socialists in this thread
plenty of countries dont have net neutrality, cucks

they don't charge you extra for visiting a particular website, do they?

how many sites do you visit anyway
you just need google, Sup Forums, youtube, wikipedia, amazon and facebook
if you want more then the ISPs can compete over it
it would drive prices down

Africa doesn't count, nigger,

They charge extra if you visit websites outside facebook/twitter.

the one thing africa did right

>a country
you Sup Forums crossposters sure are retarded!

>Muh africans are people too

just like that has happened in every other market, right?

>Sup Forums
I wonder what ISP is going to advertise or even provide that option.
So you use a search engine without actually opening its results? wat?
Are you going to pay extra when you want to follow a citation?
>it would drive prices down
That were artificially inflated in the first place. How exactly is an ISP saving money by limiting your access to certain servers?

ITT: Liberals ruined Sup Forums

fuck off reddit

It just means that you chose a shitty ISP

Firstly, NN didn't actually start in the US, just the fact that it was coming was keeping ISPs scared enough to cut their bullshit out and abide by the rules before they were enforceable. Secondly, most other countries don't have massive monopolies since big ISPs can't lobby to block smaller ISPs from taking their business.

You don't get to do that in a monopoly.

I have 2 ISPs available where I live, none of them blocks any websites or gives a shit about how you use your connection


there are people who don't actually support net neutrality? wtf

Yep, people like this

yeah, there's a lot of retards that don't understand corporations exist to fuck over consumers and take as much money as they can
a lot of Sup Forums, for example
they just do whatever propaganda tells them

Libertarians, shills and retards. Probably a lot of the kekistanian types as well.

You're retarded. Romania is a perfect example of why laissez faire works.
>Cheap internet
>Fast as fuck
>ISPs don't block sites

>none of them blocks any websites or gives a shit about how you use your connection
And that's how it should be. It's probably proper regulation that saved you from my fate.

Their entire country isn't ruled by mega corporations that do everything they can to make as much money as possible either though

>Romania is a perfect example of why laissez faire works.
Let me guess, no monopolies right?

ban on all pol tourists when??


It's not laissez faire if the government can be lobbied to turn a blind eye to that kind of stuff.

Someone mentioned how the US government doesn't allow new companies to make new internet lines. You know what that means? Not a laissez faire approach.

and that's why net neutrality laws should stay the same in the US

Why's Sup Forums swallowing the party cock so hard these days?

Does this guy have the most punchable face, Sup Forums?

He's just Pajeet in disguise

>not realizing that both parties are the same

The Republicans want to molest the average Joe's ass a lot more than the Democrats do.

Shouldn't you be prepping the bull or picking up your wife's kids from school?

Isn't it an act of love to prep the bull?
