You opinion matters. what is the best distro/DE ever and why?

you opinion matters. what is the best distro/DE ever and why?
I'll start. Debian (stability and easy to use) with XFCE (customization and a little bit lightweight).

~post screenfetch if you can~

Debian beacuse stable and good repos
i3 because I'm an autist


CloverOS (it's Gentoo) with twm (20 years of proven stability)

I'm not suing it now but I'm a fan of Arch with Mate. It's light and makes my computer not want to kill itself.

using not suing

more like 30 years. initial release 1987
no one in their right mind other than a fellow thinkfag would use that resolution in 2017. what's your model? or could it be that you're a filthy Dellist or HPoochamper?


Literally foolproof

Arch and i3
Never had any bullshit with it.

I literally bought it for $180 for gayman. FX-8800P has a good APU and the 1366x768 resolution helps for frames per second

Toshiba Satellite Radius E45DW-C4210

>best distro
Manjaro. Ease of use of Ubuntu; but with the benefits of rolling release model, more bleeding-edge software, and access to AUR coming from its Arch-derivative nature.

>best DE
For desktop, KDE. Preferably with Openbox as the WM. The customizability coming from both KDE and Openbox together is just unbeatable.

For laptop, i3, because who needs a mouse?

Arch Linux, because godlike package manager and build system, good repo size, AUR, rolling release, vanilla packages. And Gnome because it's well integrated with the system and is the flagship DE of Linux.

What taskbar should I use? I was thinking cairo-dock. Are there any better alternitives?


Debian XFCE best on desktop confirmed.

Been thinking about MATE though.

wtf i like macos now

Windows 10 because it's easy to use.

How the hell do you manage to reply to quickly every single time..




>1080p on a twelve inch screen

so how does your internal screen look?


I didn't say a higher res would be better. It's just standard now to have 1080p screens even in small laptops

Comfiest distro coming thru

Same exactly as every thinkpad screen would look. Elegantly washed out pastel colours.

I use it docked mostly.

gentoo with no DE

But is it backdoor proof?

what did the wustabustabundafelaffel mean by this

I know it's not the best thing, but it works for me

more like k-plastic

Gentoo is probably the best if you actually wanna put the effort into maximum autism. Personally I use debian with xfce and I like it

Debian but with KDE. The main reason why I don't use Gnome is that the animiation fps are awefull.


Slackware for all eternity, Hail Patrick Volkerding


Gentoo, ports like package management is the way to go and USE/SLOTS actually makes it tolerable. wmutils, it's light and offers unix flexibility to WMs.

It's Swedish. Instead of doing it like in English, Picture editor, we write it as Pictureeditor. Not so hard really.