Sup Sup Forums. Decided to fire up the "blood" machine from the horde I purchased and see what it was

Sup Sup Forums. Decided to fire up the "blood" machine from the horde I purchased and see what it was.

Turns out it was and Athlon 3400 w/ 1 GB RAM and a Geforce 2 MX 400. I found this a bit odd as the CPU is circa ~2004 but the GPU is circa ~2000.

Also, general /retro/ thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Dirty as sin.

Those games tho...

>the "blood" machine
what do you plan on doing with it?

Kill it with fire.

Well, I'll clean it up for starters. Then probably sell it.

This one fires up but doesn't post, let's see what's under the hood...

AT style motherboard, also has ATX power connections, SiS 530 chipset and a socket 7, hmm...

wtf it's my computer

CPU is a K6-2 500. I'm excited now. I had a nearly identical system when I was about 14, but mine was a 450. I hope I can get it running... will probably keep this one for nostalgia sake.

Please burn that keyboard.

tis a bit dirty eh? just some ratty one I pulled out for testing.

Should I?
It'll probably get tossed in the trash if someone doesn't grab it.

Search around for a better deal if possible. Those black P4 dells are a dime a dozen. I come across them all the time. But if your local supply is limited, then sure go for it.

I got a similar system for 10.

I'd keep the monitor. Toss the optiplex, unless you need a server or are in desperate need or a desktop.

Would be pretty cool though if you added some ago card and delt with driver hell to get 98 on that.

not in this area, Thrift shops are always selling them at 30-40 bucks and never went to go down on price, so someone must be buying them. That'd the cheapest computer i could find on Craigslist for a months that doesn't evolve driving 5 hours round trip.

*Agp I'm phone posting sorry.

P4's use a lot of electricity though

To be honest I'll offer him 5 bucks. Collecting vintage computer stuff is really scarce in my area, although it could be that I'm not looking in the right places. I feel I would be just getting that to mess around with it for a bit and then store it in my closet. I always have a soft spot for old tech that still works but isn't very wanted as well, because I can still see all the engineering that led up to it.

>Then probably sell it.

Excuse me but how fucking DELUSIONAL are you?
You'd have to pay someone to take this heap.

why the FUCK is there blood on that PC?

Is it worth it? I'm looking at the 160$ plus monitor _180 in all). I can't find a better deal.

>You'd have to pay someone to take this heap.
t. me when moot was kill

There's plenty of demand for stuff like this so people can play their games of yesteryear. Have a look at Ebay, dickhead.


I had a K6-2 500 at about the same age

>tfw you'll never use open netscape and then use webcrawler to find again

looking for retro-looking windows managers like picrelated

>mid-2000s games on a GF2MX400

This explains the blood. The owner was a masochist.

>obviously pirated Windows

Just make sure you have a copy of daz handy in case the OS de-authenticates itself.

>This explains the blood. The owner was a masochist.
Masochist? Try playing certain games on anything with a GMA 950, you'll get an instant BSOD when you actually get into the game.

Well then you don't really get to suffer through it then, do you?

My Latitude D620 (with a 64MB GMA 950) played The Simpsons: Hit and Run just fine until after the cutscene with the black van. That's when it blue screened.

Nah, I was gonna wipe the hard drive.

does anyone know what these things are used for?

It's a backplane module. In a system using these your processor/memory would be on a different PCB and would connect to that one in order to get access to expansion ports.

>Diversified Technology
>Split Backplane
This looks like it either belonged to a server or some very custom hardware.

Welp... I've unplugged, replugged, reseated, swapped, etc... cannot get this board to fire up.

Going to attempt a reflow. Preheating the oven now while I remove the board.

Cooking complete. 7 minutes @ 375. Letting it cool down now.

is that to get rid of humidity or something?

no cheap way to reflow, I did that a lot of HP laptops back in the vista days, the dv series that had really bad cooling on the gpus

No. It's common on older boards for the solder to get weak and break. "Reflowing" briefly melts the solder in the hopes of making the connection solid again.

>K-6 2 on a SiS chipset

I am so sorry.
K-6 2 had external L2 caches, and budget mobo manufacturers (which this one is, otherwise why use SiS) liked to omit the cache entirely to save money.

I'm getting flashbacks to playing Deus Ex at 16 fps.

I hear ya user. I just remember being 14 and saving up birthday/chore money to buy myself a new 'modern' computer. It was a barebones K6-2 450 with this exact motherboard and case, and 64 MB RAM. I think it cost me like $400 at the time.

None ever sell.

Yes they do. I sell shit all the time. The retards who want $400 for a pentium 2? No, those don't sell.

Fucking neo-Sup Forums loves this shit for some reason.

Literary useless Wintel crap that has no significant value. Even for a gaming machine, unless you are literally a 16 year old hipster wannabe. Then good luck getting those 50 bucks for it.

No, the system itself sits on the middle occupying the ISA and PCI slots. Allowing other cards to connect to the main card that has the actual "computer" on it.


Oh look, it's you again.

Did the one corner literary sit without anything holding it in the air?
Did you actually move it out without letting it cool down INSIDE the oven, together with the oven?


i have never seen yellowed PCI slots what the fuck

>he doesn't know about the "literary" Sup Forums meme
Who? You mean the guy in the other thread that at least had some other shit in it instead of just early 2000's Wintel? The guy who wanted more 8-bits?
No, that's not me. That thread was somewhat enjoyable, this here is pure cringe.

Heat-abused GPUs tend to have delamination problems inside the package rather than cold or cracked joints at the PCB level. Baking them can work for a while but the "fix" eventually fails as thermal expansion works things apart again.

t. made some good cash on craigslist catering to the reball fad

It's too even to be discoloration and they were probably yellow to begin with. Colored PCI slots are a thing.

This literary depends though on so many things.
I've done my own laptop that worked over a year afterwards until I sold it.

>t. made some good cash on craigslist catering to the reball fad
I bought broken GPUs that where on sale for cheap (5€, 10€ etc) and if they worked I sold them for twenty fold profits usually, depending on the card. Most worked and those what didn't, didn't matter much in the big scale.

Meh I had about 60% luck with the baking the board with a dime on the GPU fixing it. One of them is still working to this day in fact.

Confirmed for same fag.

>no way more people then one can think I'm a fucking idiot
I asked who anyways, did you mean that user? I have no fucking idea what you're talking about in the first place.

>not even a forced meme
>exactly the same writing style
>offhandedly tries to compliment himself

Oh there's cringe all right.

Hot damn boys it actually worked!!

You're a fucking loser who's never owned a real computer.
Nothing cringier than some Apple humping fuckwit whinging about "wintel" when the only real competition these computers had were translucent-cased pieces of shit.

Wouldn't you get cancer from baking it in your oven? What if it contaminates food that you put in there in the future?

What's ChipAwayVirus

You do know that I know for a fact that you're confusing me with someone else, while you're trying to play detective and are so certain about that.

It's _literary_ hilarious for me.

Calm down, no need to get all defensive because you heard this "old" shit in "cool" and try this hard to fit in now.

It's an old virus protection for BIOS chips. IIRC it was implemented because of the CIH virus that literally burned out a shitload of computers back in the late 90s.

Cancer from what exactly? the oven doesn't gwt hot enough for solder to flow off the board, that would be counterproductive.

also people do shit like bake powercoat paint and clays in their ovens all the time and don't get sick (presumably)

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>try this hard to fit in
says the babby trying to appear cool by coming into a thread he doesn't like and complaining about it


Now I gotta figure out wtf to do with it. Definitely a Win98SE load but only interfaces are AT and Serial. I've got an AT keyboard, will really have to dig for a serial mouse though. ZERO usb ports on this pig.

>he thinks he can differentiate between people on a imageboard just because the way the write
Pretty much retarded to even try without years of practice, specially on a ENFL person.

>says the babby trying to appear cool by coming into a thread he doesn't like and complaining about it
the sign said /retro/ tho

it's probably fast enough to play around with the unofficial services packs that add functionality from win2k to it.

>guaranteed replies.jpg
Floppy emulators are pretty cool idea. Wouldn't keep it in a system permanently, but it has it's uses.

Writing actual floppies and using them is cool too though.

Where some people get these prices, I have no idea

fug i had a computer with that case, wish i could remember what model/brand it was.

Everyone had this case dude ;)

>i paid x 20 years ago so its obviously worth y
>omg!!!!!!! y r u trying 2 scam me, i sad 50 not 10 u ass

it's probably OP
but lets face it, there's more retards then just him

>AT-only year 2000 K6-2

What, really? Surely there's at least a header on the board somewhere for a ps/2 bracket.

>the sign said /retro/ tho

gb2/vr/. Nobody specified a cutoff date.
You sound like that permanently assmad shitter who constantly called everyone else kids every time he was wrong about something.


There's nothing odd about it. GeForce 2 MX 400 was still being sold when GeForce 3 weren't in store alongside GeForce 4 series.

>gb2/vr/. Nobody specified a cutoff date.
But that's autistic user.

>You sound like that permanently assmad shitter who constantly called everyone else kids every time he was wrong about something.
But those people are usually right, kiddo.

It is you. You still mad about them Goteks?

I already said I'm not the user from the other thread.

I just said they are pretty neat

>gb2/vr/. Nobody specified a cutoff date.
only proves the point that this thread is underage

>nobody would ever lie to try to cover their tracks

Yeah u still mad.

See You sound pretty darn stupid right now.

>You sound like that permanently assmad shitter who constantly called everyone else kids every time he was wrong about something.
>says the babby trying to appear cool by coming into a thread he doesn't like and complaining about it
okay I'm confused now, who's assmad?

>Cancer from what exactly?

I just ignore this asshat. He shits up every retro thread that doesn't fit his definition of retro. He's a petulant child demanding attention.

>He shits up every retro thread that doesn't fit his definition of retro. He's a petulant child demanding attention.
I didn't post even once in the thread that was full of the "slow" and "fast" autism. I also didn't post the "mad about no 8-bits" posts in a another thread.
So yeah. Sorry for making you rage like this just because I posted my opinion ONCE.

Seems plainly obvious.

Oh okay, the /trying to fit in guy/ was

You could get offgassing from things like the plastics, solder mask or uncleaned flux residue that can settle on the surfaces in your oven, but I don't know about cancer from that.

Well further examination did reveal a USB header, so now I need to see if I have a bracket.

Is it odd that I want one of those machines running seti@home on my desk. Not so much that's it doing meaningful work anymore, now that GPU acceleration has taken that project over, but sort of as desk art, and a bit for the nostalgia running that back in the early 2000s when it first launched.

Got this other day, Dimension L800CXE from 2001. Used to have one just like her back in the day (still got the original cds/box they all came in to). Rooted around my parts bin and lol and behold found my old Iomega zip 100,CD-RW drive, and 3DFX voodoo 3 2000 that I used in her back in the day. (Pulled all three before I sold the original L800cxe long ago). So prob next weekend I'll install all the components and fit her out with a nic and 56k modem (modem is just for old times sake, all I had back then)

Dude, you got a Dell!

Does it have a ps/2 footprint or unused through holes anywhere near the AT socket? I had an early socket5 board like that and wiring up a ps/2 connector to it actually worked.