Another great video from Linus!
Another great video from Linus!
Maybe. But for a long while now, LTT would better be posted to a /youtube/ board or something. It's entertainment which just happens to involve technology.
this tbqhbbq
good channel dont forget to rate comment and subscribe, use the amazon link and sign up for tunnelbear with offer code linus
Why is anyone watching linus, you shouldn't be here stop posting his stupid videos and his horrible ugly face and unbearable voice. Hearing his voice actually makes me angry like I want to punch someone. I only like Luke because he has a sort of genuine vibe even if he only talks about the latest gaming mice
>authentic canadian experience: destroying seals
Linus complaining about spending 400 bucks onto this after those Red cameras.
I'd fuck his wife.
>something they use to make money vs a gimmick product that may have not worked
Is wife is ugly as shit, her sister though... She makes my testicles burst. Literally, I want to murder her husband.
Linus is realizing he can't complete with the BBC aka our guy nigga tech.
Who's her sister?
You'd think he'd have to go thru Linus before making purchases like that on the company dime. Shits probably scripted.
No he just farms us for video ideas to keep the ad revenue flowing. Kinda like pewdiepie farms /gif/. Also he shills himself here alot. LINUS PLEASE LEAVE THIS PLACE AND NEVER COME BACK.
I'd honestly say any video is either technology with a focus on entertainment or entertainment with a focus on technology.
It works though.
Is Tunnelbear actually good?
Having to remember all of my work's VPN passwords gets annoying since they change it every fortnight
>Red cameras
>$138,000 USD for two shit cameras
This is why I block ads. They can all go fuck themselves. They dont deserve the time we waste on ads or the money they make off of it.
>>something they use to make money
it's not like they could achieve the exact same results with a $10,000 4K camera
The colour grading on their videos is shit. A $130,000 camera isn't going to help that
Linus Shill Tips is
80% 20% Whether he should be posted on Sup Forums is debatable.
It is a fact however that:
- He leans more towards entertainment than being educational (even if it is 9gag level entertainment for retarded people).
- His reviews are geared mostly towards gamers and 13-year-olds rather than actual tech enthusiasts.
- He doesn't actually know much about tech beyond the level an average gamer knows.
- He is mainly a marketer and brand shill, rather than a tech(nician) or a tech hobbyist.
A tech hobbyist is interested in much more than just the narrow gaming tech field.
A Sup Forums related Youtuber should at least be involved in actual projects and wikis or reverse engineering and repair,
tangible and defined involvement like Wendell for instance.
That is to say: His reviews of hardware are shallow and scratch the surface, and the same goes for software,
because that is his maximum capacity and any more would end up with him looking stupid with every word (and he already has instances of speaking stupidity on the shallow level of hardware discussion).
I believe that banning LTT from Sup Forums would increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to the board's main topic: Technology.
I also believe that moving LTT to Sup Forums would also increase Sup Forums's general quality pertaining to video gaming since getting a bit educated on how gaming hardware works would reduce stupid GPU/CPU wars threads.
He married a Johj.
Never trust a man who married a Johj.
Every time he does a sponsorship video, he downplays problems and basically lies for money to underage people on YouTube;
often contradicting things he previously said in the past (like the CPU temperatures shit).
I guess you could say that's the point of sponsorship, but still, the man makes a living by lying to kids about tech which translates to kids making hefty mistakes spurred by a shill. He's human trash.
LinusShillTips isn't Sup Forums. It's .
He is a dumb label reader.
He doesn't know even basic physics, math, or coding.
He doesn't have, and never had, a legit tech job.
He doesn't have any tech related degree/diploma/course certification.
His Linkedin is full of management bullshit, swimming instructor, and boyscout.
Yet in spite of all of this he acts as if he knows anything, and as if he represents the tech collective.
He is a fucking marketer. His hardware reviews are about as informative as reading the fucking PDF.
The average Joe is more likely to get fucked over by listening to his idiocy.
His "humor" is 9gag level.
He is so fucking tech illiterate that he had to employ a special writer for his TechQuickie channel because he's too stupid himself.
The same faggot who tried to push a spiritual book as a solution for Carpal Tunnel or something.
His group is a marketing group, not a tech group.
He had to Internet beg for money in order to move to an office, which he managed to get ripped off on because he is a dumb faggot (admits it).
A fucking hotel cleaner in Las Vegas who gets paid on average $2400-$2700 a month can sooner or later afford what Linus has to beg for on the Internet, or beg to the manufacturers and labels.
He depends on his wife's BJ income, and she looks like those roach monsters from Terra Formars (pic related).
He pays his faggot employees minimum wage [admitted in the WAN show discussion between him and Luke], his ad revenue has halved in the meantime, and YT revenue is shit in the first place.
If you want computer case angles and proper feature description with objective reviews, you watch those faggots HardwareCanucks, who even go as far as reviewing fucking dust filters.
If you want to post on-topic Sup Forums related YouTubers, you post people who actually have tech jobs, tech education, and practical application; like Wendell from TekShitdictate, or Louis Rossman for board repair and reading blueprints.
Fuck off to .
He is prosumer trash that appeals to the same audience as CSI: Cyber. They're both packed with about the same amount of useful information.
He couldn't make his Cisco router work. He couldn't make his pfSense router work. He couldn't build a 1u server so "1u servers are teh sux". He clipped parts off his 2u server to get components to fit. He tried to build a NAS. He did that terrible 10Gbe LAN implementation. And He tried to water cool his house with hilarious results.
He is as amateur as they come but he's too stupid to see it. His viewers are ignorant fools if they take him seriously. Good on him for fleecing them but anyone who follows his bullshit is dumber than Linus. I've only ever seen part of one of his videos and I thought it was an April fool's day show until someone pointed out they were all like that. I've gotten wind of all his other fuckups second hand.
If someone advertises in his show I won't buy their product. I'm assuming it doesn't work and they have to pay someone to shill to the ignorant masses.
His show looks like a high school project that didn't work and he's always trying to figure it out at the last minute while the judges are watching.
His wife looks like a Japanese urban legend monster. I know she's probably Korean or Viet but she looks like something out of Japanese lore that greets you on the street after dark and eats your skin if you don't tell her where her dead daughter is buried.
Linus can theoretically be a shill of everything Sup Forums loves, and Sup Forums will still rightfully hate him because mutual agreements on certain products don't magically invalidate that he is a dumb faggot shill who should be posted on the dedicated containment gaymer board for tech retards instead of Sup Forums.
How does he have time to make all these videos and work on the linux kernel?
or at least, goes on plebbit and looks at screenshots of Sup Forums
Gamers can be tech enthusiasts, if anything they're the ones driving home desktop level hardware innovation with their constant demand for better stuff. Radeon pro epyc server fags need not apply in this market segment. You can tell satisfied Intel users and /mkg/ to go to Sup Forums, but they won't. Gaming hardware is here to stay on Sup Forums, get over it. Linus might be borderline retarded but for every motherboard he kills that totally isnt his fault (sarchasm), he's also done some diy stuff like fixing dead mice and 3d printing.
>real Sup Forums tubers should be reverse engineers
Nice no true scotsman, these are all shit reasons to hate Linus, sounds like you're just one of those autistic daily go back to Sup Forums posters
He's just a shitty eceleb shill who literally admitted he does clickbait and stupid thumbnails for views. He called one of his own thumbnails "cancer". LTT is just a mass production of low quality videos, even if they are tech related.
>Gamers can be tech enthusiasts
And they have a containment board.
>if anything they're the ones driving home desktop level hardware innovation
They aren't. Computer hardware is driven on its own via subsidies from all segments of the world, gaymers are not special, they are a small part of it. Advancement is its own purpose in the computer sector, and gayming isn't the main driver.
>You can tell satisfied Intel users and /mkg/ to go to Sup Forums
No, i tell gaymers to go to Sup Forums, and channels whose target audiences are underage to not be posted on Sup Forums since inviting a target group against a global rule is contrary the rule.
>Gaming hardware is here to stay on Sup Forums, get over it.
It isn't. Delete Sup Forums and maybe you can argue that then, but a containment board is a containment board with a purpose.
>he's also done some diy stuff like fixing dead mice and 3d printing.
Others did it for him, he never did anything by himself and doesn't know shit.
>Nice no true scotsman
It isn't though. Being involved in tech programs and tech creation/development/maintenance doesn't equate reverse engineering, but it does equate the main purpose of this board when advertising shitty channels, and LTT doesn't belong.
>He's just a shitty eceleb shill who literally admitted he does clickbait and stupid thumbnails for views.
And with this you just admitted that he doesn't belong on Sup Forums but on Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Kek he leaked his steam account in this video:
>Gamers can be tech enthusiasts, if anything they're the ones driving home desktop level hardware innovation with their constant demand for better stuff.
1. The most monetarily powerful 2 tech companies on this planet who lead in selling and subsidizing computers have nothing to do with gaming, and in fact build their wealth despite and completely ignoring gaming.
One of them barely constitutes 20% of the global user market and is 1st place.
2. All governments in the world have safety packages and subsidy programs to keep the leading computer R&D companies running in case of emergencies as a unified UN agreement in spite of any political/cultural/religious strife.
3. The engineering and science sectors down to even biological engineering where spending 500 million dollars to reverse engineer a single strain of virus/bacteria and its organic makeup is seen as chump change, subsidy the need for computer advancement relentlessly for various programs that keep infrastructure and human health and development running and advancing.
4. Gaming barely constitutes 20% of computer sales as businesses are the biggest buyers due to strict amortization laws in all countries that demand constant cycling and write-offs.
Yet despite all of this you are ignorant and deluded enough to claim that the gaming industry is a significant driver in computer advancement despite over 95% of the financial makeup of the gaming industry being constituted of capital reserves for the company itself which doesn't flow out, land value, marketing for their own products, and development of software primarily, with almost no money trickling back into hardware development.
Such stupidity is why LTT should be banned since it attracts and creates stupidity.
Sadly he didn't got to play a 3D game on the pippin, to show it's TRUE POWER of its software rendering in 62Mhz CPU:
When he sets account to private
Linus is a glorified project manager with a huge budget to make click bait tech videos for 10 tweens that don't know what an i7 is. Seriously look up his meet up videos. It's mostly kids.
I'm not trying to shit of him for finding a niche, but he's not a very good youtuber if your looking for professionalism, maturity, of experience.
He isn't even a YouTuber if you want to learn some basic technology.
This is an example of someone who actually is a Sup Forums channel compared to LTT who is a Sup Forums channel:
>huge budget
of he didn't go full retard and buy that $100k camea, I would have thought they actually have a small budget because literally every single video has parts that are given to them by manufactures
where is his triple GTX™ Titan™ build sponsored by Intel®, Nvidia®, MSI®, and Corsair® xD???
Linus actually makes stuff people will watch and it's informative yet entertaining
It's misinforming and appeals to 9gag you mean.
I can't say I rremembe this console, and I was really into gaming then as a little shit
so expensive and it can't even compare to alternatives such as ps1 not even cd32 and crap. N64 and dreamcast were both still around the corner I think
It's not misinforming
Linus is basically the Steve Jobs of the PC with his innovative ideas like whole room watercooling and 7 gamers one PC
and, uh, lots of people here like him so it's not just 9gag (if they even know him)
think it was a Japan only thing
That doesn't exactly mean their budget is small. They get a lot of sponsors from different manufacturer's to have their product showcased in their videos
it sounded like it, strange given it was apple even, but you had other consoles that were restricted there too, so people ordered it from there
Here people wouldn't exactly go buy apple stuff, if it was atari or some other bran they would
That's pretty poor bait. I disapprove.
Imagine being so assblasted that you save these copypastas and post them every single time you see a thread involving Linus.
Insulting the messenger doesn't invalidate the message underage shill.
Ive been here far longer than you
You can act like you've been here for as long as you want, the message still stands while you are so assblasted you can only insult the messenger and nothing else.
You seem to think that I watch Linus's channel and am shilling for him when I did none of those things. I'm just pointing out how retarded you are.
You seem to think insulting the messenger makes the message go away.
It doesn't, it only makes you look too stupid to recognize how little influence you have.
tech nigger reads specs
which "tech" youtubers AREN'T box readers these days?