
Python is the best programming language and there's nothing you can do about it

> muh C / Lisp / Haskel / Rust

Python has best of those worlds an none of the drawbacks. Prove me wrong.


>unorganized pseudo-OO crap
>forced indentation because BAWW WE WANNA FORCE PEOPLE TO ORGANIZE and everything breaks because you remove one goddamn whitespace character
>newline as line breaks like fucking BASIC
>ass-backwards coding ideas
"It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to python: as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration. "
- "How do we tell truths that might hurt?", 2017 edition, originally by Edsger Dijkstra

Python can't into performance.

Unless you write in C and call from Python.

or how Fortran is 100x faster than Python for math operations
last i checked Python doesnt have the option to impliment things needed for growing HPC needs

>british "comedy"

sorry no, forth is the best language and theres nothing you can do about it

there are no paid forth devs. there are plenty of python devs on Sup Forums who make $150k/yr

Yet Python has really caught on among scientists. Explain that?


You cant code a retractable usable cybertronic rocket with pythons

Nigga you must not understand how HPCs and Python work

That and R is most of my job

I tried writing a clone of Chips Challenge in python with tkinter.

It didn't work, 25% CPU usage minumum. Even when barely doing anything.

>write shitty code
>it's python's fault!
ok lad

Try it then, I dare you.

to be fair tkinter is a super shitty library
there are alternatives

Yeah, I mainly tried it for the novelty. I gave up though.

Junior data scientist here. I know good bit of R, is it worth it for me to get into Python as well?

>Explain that?

Scientists don't give a fuck about programming, software principles, it's all a distraction from time they'd rather spend thinking about science.

If a scientist can either:

Spend 5 minutes writing a program
Spend 15 minutes waiting for said program to run while doing calculations on the back of an envelope about supernovae and drinking coffee


Spend 30 minutes writing a program
Spend 3 minutes waiting for said program to run because they painstakingly implemented it in epic insta-fast C and microoptimised the hell out of it.

You can see why they'd rather take the first option. I don't blame them since my degree is in science and to be honest I'd rather not be a programmer anyway.

>Python is the best programming language
Python is a scripting language

if only there was some way to use that fortran code from python

Python is too slow

> Mentions Lisp
> Doesn't show how to do Lisp Macros in Python

>Python major
>300k starting
>any job I want

with open('/path/to/some/file/you/want/to/read') as file_1, \
open('/path/to/some/file/being/written', 'w') as file_2:
This won't run, despite it looking like perfectly valid python.
Go ahead and tell me why you think it won't.
(Hint: It's not a visible error)

And that's why it's a bad language.

python is easy as fuark do it

its the space and youre a cuck

>its the space
Which one?

3rd line, 3 spaces instead of 4.

Nope. That's indented in with 4 spaces.

I was going to reply to him.

Because it's easy as fuck. My old ass professor can use it even.

Horrible packaging + virtualenv.
That's fucking bullshit. I don't need to do that in Node.js or Java.


For the people here that can't tell what's wrong with this: there is a space AFTER the backslash on the first line, which prevents "line continuation" part of the parsing grammar from being invoked.

It's a bit extreme to say that this one wart makes it a bad language--it's just part of the language's C heritage.

no thanks.
the lack of type safety is horrid

>>forced indentation because BAWW WE WANNA FORCE PEOPLE TO ORGANIZE and everything breaks because you remove one goddamn whitespace character
OMG this

Python is slow, and it is designed to be slow, because it is a language meant to write programs fast, not to run fast.
So, in cases where you need a program to be done fast, not a program to be fast, you python, otherwise you C, preferably with some library that check bounds for you, like the safe C library.


>Le ____ is trhe BEST pogramming language !!1!

They're all shit you fucking reddit faggot

>150k year
>a lot


Julia exists