/PTG/ - Private Tracker General - I have your Bitcoin Edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/hrXxMHs9
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.

redpill me on RED vs APL

The fuck is with your OP images?

He likes a shitty death-game story and knows about a total of 3 swear words.

>The freeleech has been ongoing for just 9 days and we've already hit 1500 torrents. That is simply spectacular! We've also grown to 700+ users and you've managed to share among yourselves more than 80TB worth of 1-s and 0-s.

>We've reset the invite count for all users to 11 again. Including all our new community members who joined after we started the freeleech.

>Let's keep it going & may the party never end!

we're weebs now


Three threads! Ah ah aaah!

What site is this?

You mean you're an ironic weeb. Good job.

something's not right with the guy playing black...

Secret-Cinema is trash.

See And it's not trash, it's just barren.

"We" outnumber the non weebs

You're an ironic weeb. Explains why you care about numbers so much.

Shut up. They booted your ass off sesame street 10 years ago.

what makes an ironic weeb different from a regular weeb


they don't watch anime

anime isn't the only criteria that makes you a weeb

Irrelevant when it comes to ironic weebs.

I'm not an ironic weeb though, and would appreciate it if you would stop calling me so

I'm calling ironic weebs by their name.

You don't know my name, asshole.

My name isn't Kyle

I wasn't talking to you, Kyle.

Why do i keep seing danganronpa OP images

We're being raided

ironic weeb thing, don't question it

It's mostly about weeding out plebbit fags who don't like anime or think anime=pedophillia.

I don't even care about private trackers and haver never invested in a seedbox/NAS but I still post in these threads to contribute to anti-normie discussion.

>It's mostly about weeding out people that hate ironic weebs
Yeah. It doesn't make me like your kind any better.


Feel free to leave anytime, famalam.

Sup Forums is an anime imageboard.

Where is the real thread?

this is the real thread, unfortunately

neck yourself

No, you don't get it. You're nothing but a phony. An obnoxious, self-centred, attention-whore as you yourself admit to not even caring about private trackers. You're the problem you're trying to eradicate.

what's wrong with using handbrake apart from the lame presets?

>says the guy shitposting 20 posts just to signal his autistic distaste for anime
>on an anime imageboard.
You're not wanted on anyone's trackers. try Reddit.com/r/trackers instead.

Right here famalam

I will take this over anime lol

I'm literally just responding to what you said. Why aren't you?

Reminder Anime or BTFO

>puts some ugly spic nigger instead
Dude, that has nothing to do with tech. Also, it's against the rules to make 2 of the same threads. Enjoy your ban.


>three /ptg/ threads

do you guys wanna get thrown off of Sup Forums? because this is you get thrown off of Sup Forums?

I guess this is what happens when neons realise there is no viable way to get into the trinity.

>/gg/ - Technology Generals
It needs to happen.

Anime website


Anime thread, best thread.

>/gag/ - Technology & Anime Generals

*gags in disgust*

While we're on this topic, anyone happen to have more pictures like this?

>21 pages of bookmarks on AB
>have to wait for 8 million more yen donations to mass DL

There's chess variants that have pieces called wizards.

>mfw I've donated 6.8+ million to the pool with just 3 months of being a user.
How much have you donated fag?

Just use a public tracker :^)

bullshit, there's no way you accumulated that much yen
cross seeding doesn't give the "snatched" title. makes it hard to know what I already have

no one said anything about this not being an anime website lmao

>because this is you get thrown off of Sup Forums?
Yes, without a doubt?

>bullshit, there's no way you accumulated that much yen

does mam disable for inactivity?

the anti-anime ptg can go back to r/eddit

Doesn't matter, you can't get almost 7 million yen in 3 months on a fresh account unless you dled everything on the site

>the anti-anime ptg can go back to r/eddit?

>To prevent your account from being disabled for inactivity, you must log in on a regular basis. You must also use your account - if you do not, your account will be disabled.

Is playbits held in higher regard than bitgamer?

You can park you account to prevent it being deactivated for a while but it doesn't protect you forever.

>You must also use your account
what does this mean

sage goes in all fields, stupid Dangan-poster.

Is ipt worth?


$20? No.
To have? Sure.

Daily 100s of pictures are being traced.

>Doesn't matter, you can't get almost 7 million yen in 3 months
But you can convert UL to yen.

then you're not really gaining anything, you're just trading

Donating to the FL pool isn't gaining anything either. I keep a healthy 1.0 ratio anything else is just stealing.

Is PixelHD worth getting an invite from?

I don't even need the pool anymore with these recent Yen changes.
I get about 15k a day now, so I can get my own personal FL about once a week if I ever need it..

>personal FL
You're that idiot from the other thread no? Personal FL is a scam.

>he doesn't make 50k yen a day as a fresh new user

>I get about 15k a day now
I strongly suggest suicide

more like
>he watches anime

Unironically I didn't watch a single anime from ab

How is it a scam? What else am I going to waste useless Yen on?

you'll learn one day

You better watch that tone Norman
If you haven't noticed this is weebgen now. your ilk won't be tolerated any longer

I want her to stab me

Imagine being so mad about anime posters you have to pretend to be one?

Hello /ptg/ can you recommend some good anime to PRIVATELY TORRENT?




who says I'm not one?

>lol PTP is not going to die, that announcement was just about a couple of staff leaving
>less than 2 days later PTP ded
How much buffer did you lose?

It's self-evident

Absolutely pointless.

>he only believes in one dimensional communication

I don't think that's what it is

so why is this general a thing if you fags dont let anyone in?

Anyone is aloud to post here.