How can other countries even compete?
How can other countries even compete?
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euro plugs are pretty good , jap plugs and na plugs are retarded
They can't, British plugs are one of the things we should be most proud of
>How can other countries even compete?
A plug that's bigger than the fucking appliance!
ksy, pajeet.
If your plug doesn't look like pic related, you're from a 3rd world shithole. PERIOD!
my foot would disagree
Schuko goes in both ways
A Britbong plug are the only thing that hurts more to step on than legos
Massive and much too clunky
Redundant fuse to cover up the fact that people neglect their houses and/or tenants in the UK
do they come with surge protection?
Holy shit is that even safe? No wonder so many American kids kill themselves by sticking stuff in plug sockets.
Britfag, please!
Euro plugs are best, and others are shit.
It's to keep british people strong.
Not kawaii tho
>Redundant fuse to cover up the fact that people neglect their houses and/or tenants in the UK
It's because there was a big copper shortage in the UK after WW2, funnily enough it ended up being the superior setup.
Stop slutting up our plugs
If a kid is dumb enough to stick something in a fucking plug, he deserves to die. Other countries are just allowing dumb people to thrive by protecting them with shitty "safe" plugs.
>so many American kids kill themselves by sticking stuff in plug sockets.
citation needed, Mohammed.
>If your plug doesn't look like pic related, you're from a 3rd world shithole.
The USA is 2nd world at best
look up schuko , twist and turn as your like , and its a nice and very stable sunk in plug , not like some retard tacked 2 prongs to the end of his cable
they use it in china you stupid YANK HAHAHAHA
>still 5-10+ IQ points below the 1st world on average
keep trying!
Yes, that's the top one
Reminder that all the arab states started using the british design because it was simply so much better
>only brown people use it
Or maybe so they could simply continue using their stuff when moving to bong land.
>what are niggers and spics
Absolutely everything that has negative correlation can be attributed to them from murders, low iq, to STDS and abortion.
>it ended up being the superior setup.
Absolutely did not.
Clunky, less practical and unsightly to boot.
you tell me
oh I was wrong
it's brown people and chinks
How can the US be so stupid?
he's talking shit, everyone knows american power infractructure is too shit to kill a person lul
> Bongs aren't even allowed to own real plugs because they have no rights
bin that knife, Muhammad
you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
these are proper sockets.
British plugs are far more dangerous than any knife
Lost a favourite ass-gerbil to a shitty ring main user?
Why that pin thingy?
It's because yuros are bisexual and want penetrating things to also be penetrated.
module design dude
the pin is ground. With this socket you are basically forced to integrate it into your plug
Yes, this shit is by far the best.
IMO nothing beats the simple and slick looks of the danish sockets and switches
grounding and it stops it falling out and turning your toaster off
also it opens 2 little doors that cover the actual power so kids cant stick their fingers in
Nice way to burn your house down.
You can't connect Intel directly into those
When you have a baby, yo put these until they learn not to put forks in outlets.
>How can other countries even compete?- 47 posts and 12 image replies shown.
it's disgusting. comparison of the same charger with NA and UK plug. UK is fuck-huge for no benefit whatsoever. it's also a lot more expensive.
What kind of nigger tier country doesn't have switches on their power outlets?
>no benefit whatsoever
the plug on the left is a literal death trap, also phone chargers tend to come in a compact folding form now
dis ma nigga
The kind where housefires are an acceptable risk.
American babies are too busy shooting themselves or their parents to get electrocuted.
oh look, Schuko's retarded cousin
>death trap,
oh you fucking idiot. if that were the case, people would be dropping dead every day. guess what, we don't.
at least we don't have to worry about muslims driving our babies over with trucks every day.
no, you just need to worry about your kid being shot at by Emo McEmo face at school
>According to a recent study, 1,300 children in the US aged 17 or younger die because of gunshot wounds each year.
>Handguns and other firearms kill around 19 children each day
I prefer to be able to defend myself. enjoy your descent into a caliphate, cuck. make sure to let those "asians" rape your children. how many were raped again in Rotherham?
>>Handguns and other firearms kill around 19 children each day
jesus fucking christ
imagine the outcry if muslims immigrands killed 19 european kids per day
>I prefer to be able to defend myself
>be user
>be tacticool mall ninja
>carry tricked out AR15 everywhere
>suddenly active shooter situation
>cops are about to be here
>play hero
>shoot active shooter dead
>suddenly I'm the active shooter
>be shot by police
I just care about defending my home and person, you seem to be the one full of fantasy.
I fucking love these plugs and outlet switches.
t. yank immigrant
>be stand my ground tacticool user
>neighbor muslim kid accidentally kicks ball to my lawn
>goes to pick it up
>light his ass up for tresspassing
>I bet he was going to alahu ackbar my porch
I've never seen a euro plug that doesn't have the same kind of insulation
americans have a far higher mass shooting rate than terrorist attack rates across the whole EU
Missing GOAT : Australian
>separate ground pin
>secure hold in socket
>single orientation, can be put in correctly blind
>sturdy af
>flat pins are easy to manufacture
>grounded to ungrounded adapter
Let me guess, a kickstarter idea by some retard who shouldn't be allowed to go near any kind of electric device?
I don't get it
Pray that you never do
I see nothing wrong with this
Little happy plugs, all in a row.
>>death trap,
>oh you fucking idiot. if that were the case, people would be dropping dead every day. guess what, we don't.
How many people ACTUALLY die from something a better plug could have prevented?
In fact I'll bet more people die from stepping on a loose power plug and then slipping and falling on their head, than from anything related to electricity.
>redundancy in failsafes is a bad thing
Thiiiiis omg
the last one isn't legal to put up in new homes, it's doesn't have ground
I actually wonder how many Brits have died trying to replace the fuse while it's plugged in.
>The USA is 2nd world at best
The US wasn't a former communist state though?
That'd be fairly hard as you need to unscrew the plug from the underside to access the fuse.
Anyone who has ever died from sticking a fork in a plug socket, or anyone who ever died from their fingers slipping and making contact with the prongs while it was still half plugged in. Sure it's not like millions of people are dying because of it, but don't act like your plugs aren't worse.
nope there are also thin 2 prong plugs that dont have ground
>sticking a fork in a plug socket
Unless it's a one pronged fork I don't see how it will fit.
But more importantly: touching home electricity doesn't kill you except in very specific circumstances.
>How can other countries even compete?
>look guys our country is the best
>look at how good our country is
>it has
hey mate, we don't have a lot going for us right now. let us have this
>How can other countries even compete?
By having plugs that work in multiple countries. Schuko works as is for the majority of Europe, and Europlug works for ALL of Europe as well as Russia.
I don't even know what country this thread is about or what countries have what things going for them at any given time so sure
Plural of Lego is Lego.
at least I don't have holes in my feet.
>at least we don't have to worry about muslims driving our babies over with trucks every day.
Instead you have to worry about blacks and Hispanics doing the same.
werks fer me
>if that were the case, people would be dropping dead every day. guess what, we don't.
wow your country must be really tiny if people don't drop dead every day
>Sup Forums niggers will compare a split phase 115v outlet to a single phase 230v outlet.
get out
I think because of the flat backs it would be possible to step on one in the dark. Which I imagine could actually puncture your skin.
UK plugs. and despite what Sup Forums likes to say, this nation can't pull itself up from its own bootstraps. but at least i can monitor my own electrical usage