2.53% of desktops now run Linux

>2.53% of desktops now run Linux

I think I'm beginning to understand why Apple and Microsoft are becoming a bit nervous.

Is 2017, dare I say, the year of the Linux desktop?

What's Win64?
Was that a time traveler?

Nah, once it's around 5% market share that's when they start to get nervous. At that point it'd be as visible as macOS and will create a snowball effect where more and more become aware of Linux.

Windows market share increased far more than Linux did, it's just Mac that's losing market share.

Nobody uses ME anymore

Fuck that faggot shit. I tossed it. Let it die.

why would people still use the worst iteration of windows?

You actually used it? Why?

Just imagine, linux could have 50% of the market within 5 years if it were put on every new laptop sold

People don't buy that many new computers anymore.

nobody buys laptops anymore grandpa (unless you mean macbook).

>Windows XP: 6.10%
>Linux: 2.53%

yeah I'm sure Microsoft is pissing their pants with fear right now.

64bit windows

most of these laptops would get returned.

>give windows 10 away for free
>it's still unpopular
anyways, more people use linux than windows 8, weird
it's strange how there's so much windows and they never have anti trust problems

>pissing their pants with fear
>a bit nervous in the OP

you just failed at both reading and comprehension, retard

Those should all be included in the categories like Windows 7 etc. already.

Did you miss the Windows 8.1 part?

Yep, you're retarded.
Your first and last (You). Kill yourself, trash.

average user doesn't need anything besides a browser and maybe a simple program to edit images. it makes sense for linux to be used by most people. although i'm not sure if this will bring any good for us who already use linux. maybe better video drivers but i doubt it. they could just remain windows oriented, as the gamur audience continues to suck microsoft's dick

Average user needs to able to work with it, which sadly is mostly tied to MS Office.

bullshit, libreoffice is functional. it's just a matter of many legacy documents that need to be converted

there's also google docs. and aren't the newer ms office versions online?

Hence all the FUD like this thread.

Nah, make it look like windows and nobody would even notice

Even MS Office may fuck up opening documents made in a different versions,docx is just that shit.
Libreoffice is not acceptable if you need to save those documents in a way and make sure that they won't be fucked up the next time someone with MS Office opens them.

>and Microsoft

So happy I use .odt and not that cancerous crap.

While better than docx it's just not the industry standard.

>when your shitty fruit OS is so garbage people switch to linux and windows


The site isn't accurate.

ChromeOS exists for this reason. It's also based on Gentoo Linux.

WPS Office exists. There's no "industry standard" for documents and spreadsheets. It makes more sense for businesses to use open document formats. In fact most companies and colleges use Libre Office and just export documents into docx if needed.

That doesn't mean that people switched OS, it's possible the non-faggot OSes just grew more.

make me reply
here's your (You)
sad story

Where's freebsd?

>use windows (7) for gaming and use apps that are windows only
>use macOS for general purposes
>use Linux (Ubuntu since I don't know which distro to use) for building things from source

>In fact most companies and colleges use Libre Office and just export documents into docx if needed.
Not in my country.

Windows 10 uptake would have been embarrassingly low if Microsoft hadn't forced the update on normies with Win 7/8 that didn't know how to stop it from happening.

That font looks sharp. What font is that?

Ubuntu desktop is dead, there is nothing to be nervous.

yes, it got killed by manjaro because ubuntu can't get their head out of their ass

Did Manjaro put nine-inch nails into Ubuntu's coffin?

no, it made ubuntu stick their head deeper in their ass

also, i see what you did there

the logo thing and all...

its not possible to use it because it crashes to a bsod if you move the mouse

Probably refers to Windows XP 64 bit. I ran the beta, it was terrible because you basically had no drivers.

That's just a reflection of the state of the Linux community overall

Never got the idea why all the autists are so eager about the year of the linux desktop, all the autists would lose their bragging rights about being technology snobs and that's the very same reason why it will never happen in the first place. There seems to be an ongoing consensus of keeping open software subpar enough to not be usable by anyone who actually needs to get shit done

what! only one point of difference between mac and Linux?
We fucking got this! we only need a medium chink phone manufacturer to install ubuntu phone and we rekt those moderthuckers

>MS Office.
lol? nobody uses Office anymore.

Hey! This is no place for facts.
Emotionally held opinions, yes.

>run linux
>kvm firewalled cracked windows and mac os
top lels

Thats a funny way to spell "best"

according to whom

>2.5% is considered an accomplishment for linuxtards

Seriously this is pathetic

Normies don't install the OS themselves. How popular are Linux preinstalled hardware including Chromebook?

Last year it was at 2%.

so it was like linux?

You're thinking of MacOS

> more people use Mac
> almost double that use winxp
Jesus Christ I didn't think Linux was that dead

Linux won't become popular until there will be a distro which doesn't require any typing to terminal whatsoever. And I think no one wants retards in the tech Linux community. The requirement to be familiar with CLI and absence of gaymes on Linux cuts out retard normies from our cosy tech world.

linux has some impressive driver support.
Most people just forget to check the nonfree box in the installer.

That's Ubuntu, ZorinOS, Mint... and as if terminal is something scary, just copy paste shit you think you need.

>only 20 million people out of 1 billion use linux
Wow, it's fucking nothing

So pretty much Solus or Ubuntu then?

I did not come to have these feels.

Shit story , shit os tan