What went wrong?

What went wrong?


we leaving them alone

Why did you give up so easily on the colonies tbqf?

Capitalist pigs sabotaging them.

we could have killed all indigenous


Worry about your unemployed youth, literal commies running around and Cataloniafags, Manolo.

>what went wrong

Socialism. A cancer that will most likely never be vanquished out of South America.

>Socialism. A cancer that will most likely never be vanquished out of South America.
Why not?

They just have to include economic lessons at the schools xD


Now that would be asking too much.

And we're better off because of that.

top laff

not real socialism



Basically, an undemocratic opposition supported by the upper classes with ties to the USA doing their best to boycott the economy and set the streets on fire to make the government fall. They are still mad because Chávez lifted millions out of abject poverty and oppression.
And of course, falling oil prices.

Went wrong.

>Isn't this the definition of Socialism

Leaving Gran Colombia

because we have infinite source of poor people feeding populism, the natives

and populism appears wherever there is poor peole

I wish we were a colony
pls comeback

No creo que ninguna de las 2 partes ganase nada volviendo a esa época

Preferiría una especie de "Commonwealth" o Estructura de cooperación. Pero NO el modelo colonial.

Bolívar was just having a laugh, it was banter pls come back

You should be part of a Second Great Colombia with Colombia and Venezuela. After that you invade Panama and get it back

you can be our colony, you owe us a lot of money time to pay back with slavery


this actually. American blockades and sabotages, same with Cuba.

Seria interesante.
Vengan a colonizarlos con qts españolas.
Deja que se vayan Madurro y Correa y tendremos La Gran Colombia otra vez
We could paid you by buying your cheap electronics and clothes :). I bought my phone in Panma for example. It cost me half the price it would here

sell your freedom as a human being to me and i can give you a free phone for the work you'll be doing

"Referéndum Vinculante Sobre Organización Territorial de las Naciones Hispánicas

1- ¿Desea que su nación forme parte de una unión con los demás países hispanos?

2- En caso positivo, ¿qué estructura prefiere?
2.a Estructura macronacional (Estilo Unión Europea)
2.b Confederación de naciones
2.c Unión en una única nación"

I got no freedom to sell you

La estructura macronacional

Who will be the Pinochet that saves Venezuela?

Daleee chicanitoooos posteeen """"""""Flaaamaaaaaa"" SIII SEE MUEREN PORR HACERLOO NO MIENTAN AJAJJAJA

1. si
2.a. macronacional

Maduro, deja de usar proxys!!

As much as I hate spics id really love to see south america get its shit together aand even become one huge state. Except brazil, they do their own thing.

DESU i would love a clear explanation about what really happened because all i hear is closer to propaganda rather to true information.

It's all true.
I can hear the screams every day.

b. Confederacion de naciones.

Socialism is the worker's control of their workplaces