As soon as my RAM usage goes past 14GB my OS automatically closes Firefox saying it needs to close it for more memory...

As soon as my RAM usage goes past 14GB my OS automatically closes Firefox saying it needs to close it for more memory even though I have 16GB of RAM. How do I fix this problem because I still have 2GB of RAM to use left and I find it very annoying when it does this.

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Its my photoshop work, also yes firefox can use so much ram if you load up loads of videos like in the sfw board. Other programs also crash as well when I hit the 14GB RAM mark too

For stability reasons wendose avoids going above 90% of ram usage. There must be a way to bypass this but then you'll go full bsod mode

Never heard of this before, I'm pretty sure people using windows 7 can go over 90% ram usage, if theres not enough RAM the OS should just be using the storage for replacement of the RAM and not cause any problems but a slow down in programs

you could try setting up a pagefile to cache something during the high memory use.
and what windows does with ram is retarded, once you run something hitting the upper 80%s of RAM the rest of the OS will start getting choppy as fuck

on 10 I can get to 99% ram usage, and yeah it just stores stuff in a pagefile

I just don't get the RAM usage in Windows.
>70% used with just Firefox and Chrome opened
>Stuff in Task manager doesn't add up to 70%
>eventually get same as OP when launching a game or something

Buy more RAM.

Please refrain from posting on Sup Forums ever again, thank you!

The problem is I can't use more than 14GB of RAM retard. Where did my other 2GB go?

More RAM solves this issue.

Phone posting in bed, but I remember that there is a registry key to change to chose the amount of ram windows reserves

How the fuck are you using 14GB RAM?

please post that cute girl in the bottom right

>winshit problems

your pagefile is too small or disabled


Donno what this is trying to say

My MPH-HC player uses 3GB of RAM, Photoshop while doing filtering can use more than 7GB, and sfw gif boards with over 200 webms loaded will make you use over 16GB of RAM plus background serivices and OS.

It's hard to measure memory in a way which is accurate or meaningful. An in-depth understanding of how paging and virtual memory work in your operating system is required. Furthermore, even if we had a well-defined way of displaying memory usage and you would understand it, I think that it’s not helpful to repeatedly monitor your memory usage. One reason for that is that I have not run out of memory in the last few years. Memory has become so cheap that even in my 4 year old notebook, I have 8 GiB of RAM. Another reason is that your operating system will do the right thing anyway: Either you have not enough RAM for your workload, but you need to do it anyway, then your operating system will swap. Or you don’t have enough RAM and you want to restrict your workload so that it fits, then the operating system will kill the process using too much RAM and you can act accordingly.
TL;DR: Enable the pagefile you stupid dumb fuck.

Linux has the same issue too, blame retarded dev that allocate far more memory than whay they are actually using. Make it 100mb-8gb so it is only "used" when this shit happens.

Why the fuck would you load 200 webms? An easier solution to your problem is to simply change your fucking browsing habits instead of modding things around or getting more RAM. A normal person would just watch one video at a time.

A single thread can contain over 200 webms, go look at the ylyl threads on there. It auto loads on a single thread. Also loading them means I won't need to wait for the video to buffer once I want to play them

Normal people don't auto load 200 videos at once

op is small or disabled

Is it fine if I set it to thhe maximum I can? Like 250GB which is my SSD size


DO NOT PAGE TO SSD! You'll kill it.

Why would it kill my ssd?

Yep that's fine!

How do you have this problem? I've been using Windows for literally over 20 years, and never once has running out of RAM caused an application to be closed unless the application itself crashes because it was poorly programmed.

Don't blame the OS for something it doesn't do.

Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori
Non Non Biyori

Unless your SSD is 64GB and already 10 years old, swapping to it is not going to kill it any noticeably faster than regular usage.

Plus, you bought a storage device to use it. Just use it. You sound like those cheap plebs who shut off their engine at stop lights to save a couple of drops of gas. Just use it and stop wasting your life on something that matters so little.

No, just don't really. 10gb is more than enough for those situation, keep most of your SSD for your files use instead.

Bullshit, there will be very few actual writes to the pagefile in OP case, things like chrome will wear your SSD far more than some not used pagefile.

He disabled the page file entirely.

So? Then you get an "Out of memory" error, not randomly closing applications.

that's because programs on your PC are using 16GB of RAM and not 14GB

Look at 'commit' memory and not how much RAM is being used

Read about VM, paging, what page faults are, how virtual memory is allocated. Programs can allocate more virtual memory than physically is available. 101 basics kid...

You ran out of commit due to no pagefile. I'm surprised you made it to 14GB.