Previous thread: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
thanks. this is what I get when I open vi. can you blame anyone for getting confused?
Jose Gonzalez
It's because vi is on most distros just a symlink to vim, so it calls the same program.
Cooper James
How do I cope with the existence of systemd /fglt/?
I've gone through all the other stages of grief already (denial, anger, bargaining, and depression) but my autism just won't let me move on to acceptance.
How do you do it?
Blake Hill
Have you tried systemctl poweroff and turning it back on again?
Camden Ramirez
> Linux is about choice.
If I could only have one thing this year, it would be to eliminate that meme from the collective consciousness. It is a disease. It strangles the mind and ensures you can never change anything ever because someone somewhere has OCD'd their environment exactly how they like it and how dare you change it on them you're so mean and next time I have friends over for Buffy night you're not invited mom he's sitting on my side again.
As a consumer, yes, you have lots of choices in which Linux you use. This does not mean Linux is in any sense _about_ choice, any more than because there are so many kinds of cars you can buy that cars are about choice.
The complaints up-thread about juju and pulse are entirely valid, but the solution is not to try to deliver two things at once. If you try to deliver both at once you have to also deliver a way of switching between the two. Now you have three moving parts instead of one, which means the failure rate has gone up by a factor of _six_ (three parts, and three interactions). We have essentially already posited that we have insufficient developer effort to have 100%-complete features at ship time, so asking them to take on six times the failure rate when they're already overburdened is just madness. Alternatively, we could say that we're integrating features too rapidly, but you do that at the expense of goal 1, to be the showcase for the latest and greatest in free software.
Hudson Morales
Christian Nguyen
I just dream about installing Void or Gentoo some day and pretend I'm not running software developed by Satan himself. But I never get to installing another distro, because Fedora is too comfy to leave. Any advice on how to make yourself switch? Surely some distro-hopper can share the secret?
John Hill
It's not just a touchy feely philosophy user.
The idea behind it is actually a rock solid concept to improve development. Look at this shit, pic related.
Pulseaudio (and also systemd, this type of software development seems to be Poetterings calling card) is nothing more than sweeping everything under the rug. There is nothing elegant about these solutions, and in fact sweeping it under the rug just prevents real solutions from ever being able to come into the light.
Logan Foster
Jeremiah Roberts
I have coreutils, grub, bash, findutils, screen, finger, grep.... What's missing? I want as much GNU on my computer as I can get. The fucking freedom is so fucking intense!!!
James Lee
John Robinson
Joseph Parker
What's the comfiest distro?
Xavier Davis
Linux Mint. It's chock full of GNU.
Kevin Jenkins
Windows since Vista does basically same thing though. Direct hardware access for audio is painfully inflexible and unnecessary from a latency standpoint.
James Brown
probably Ubuntu, or Mint. Also Arch Linux is popular amongst masochists.
Jack Watson
post interesting pics
Adam Hill
define comfy. i'd say gentoo and arch due to how light they are and how well they work on my computer
Jordan Powell
Well it's all fine and good to create an option that ties things together like that.
But I really think the reason people hate the software he produces is because the way it's done it results in us basically _depending_ on it.
It's like having a big mess lying on your floor and it's no one persons fault. But instead of working together to clean it up or just letting individuals pick up the pieces they need and use them, or creating his software that sort of organizes everything on the floor a little bit but is still completely optional he just goes ahead and does it all for us, wraps everything up into this big ol' shitball and anyone who needs individual pieces now has to plug into this giant ball of shit and that's just how we're going to be doing things for the next 20yrs because he gets so much support for some reason.
Landon Kelly
What is this friendly faggotry? Why not the manly and angry gnu lunix thread? Grrrrr!!!
Michael Jenkins
/maglt/? I like it.
Andrew Ortiz
/malt/ sounds better
Samuel Butler
It does.
Someone should make it. I got a lot of problems with you people, and on /malt/ you're gonna hear about it
Elijah Rodriguez
Gavin Robinson
are repositories cross compatible between distros?
Been trying to remove plasma-desktop and now i get this when i try to boot. Tried systemctl default and systemctl reboot, problem persists. What do? No. Depends on the distro (lubuntu is compatible with xubuntu and such)
Angel Hughes
Did your mother have any children that were NOT born retarded?
Linux is about choice. We're here. We choose. Get used to it, asshole.
Lincoln Jenkins
Shut the fuck up linux losers, I could kick all your neckbeard asses and I'm like 17 so fuck you. Linux doesn't even have video games, what a pathetic joke.
Justin Ross
Try journalctl -xb and see what is throwing the error.
Sebastian Rogers
You have to be retarded to use linux
Asher Diaz
gr8 b8 m8 oh w8 it ain’t
Jaxson Baker
David Rodriguez
Easton Reed
That's just a meme, that never happens.
Easton Brooks
Banned* Damn keyboard
Yes it does mods are gods
Luis Foster
Because he tackles a lot of fiddly things nobody else wants to be arsed with. There's nothing stopping anyone from making a pulse clone, but the niche is toy audio by definition. Jack exists for real work.
Systemd, same difference. Nobody really NEEDS it except for enterprise, but all the other whore distros smelled where the money was going. I'm still disappointed in Debian.
Jack Martinez
...GNU/Linux losers...
Asher Walker
I just upgraded to Devuan Ascii and my font rendering got a massive boost. I no longer have a single reason to complain about anything non-ubuntu. Very very nice
Andrew Parker
Wha should i look for? Theres shitloads of text
Evan Williams
i got banned for saying the "im 12 and what is this meme"
Ethan Martin
I'm pretty sure the reason they do that is to be on the safe site legally. Although I'm sure they'd appeal it pretty quickly.
Joseph Clark
Something that is red
Gavin Adams
What are some cool terminal commands?
James Baker
they do it as a joke thats not funny. ie vp banned me for 7 days for saying im 11 (illogical ban time)
On January 18th, 2011, a 1337 h4x0r posted the administrator details to the database of a school in Rhode Island. Many lulz resulted from this, with school lunch prices set to 9000, 1 credit needed to graduate, all black kids expelled for stabbing, and a "special alert" sent to all parents containing the Stallman GNU/Linux copypasta, among many other edits. Basically, the entire database was anally raped. The thread resulted in half of Sup Forums being banned and once again proved that Sup Forums is the best board on Sup Forums.
Jacob Rodriguez
I did it.
I finally did it, GNU-senpai. After being indecisive for 6 years, I finally confessed my love to my childhood distribution of Linux that my father introduced me to so many years ago, but to which I hadn't been able mustering the courage to admit my true feelings, because things seemed comfortable the way they were: me observing Linux from afar, always dreaming of what could be if it were me with Linux, but never committing, because the prospect of a new relationship with Linux seemed uncertain and I didn't want to lose this image of the cool, perfectly efficient, capable, trustworthy, dependable and nice operating system I treasured in my heart since I was young. But now I've done it, by installing a Linux distribution and formatting my Windows installation.
This new interface feeling is scary, dealing with the command line is something entirely new to me, but the more I spend my daily life in this way, I feel certain that Linux will continue to make me happy.
Kevin Perez
so proud of you guys.
William Diaz
ur welcome
David Rogers
Wait, that was the wrong image.
Brody Collins
Can anyone help me with this ? I posted it just when the thread died.
Owen Foster
avoids needing sudo, safer when less users
John Butler
>having a root acount
Christopher Nguyen
>having a unlocked bootloader
Michael Murphy
Letting a little thing like that stop you. sudo -s su root
James Miller
getting a segmentation fault on rtorrent. logs aren't really helping
Zachary Smith
is there anywhere i can get a tux keycap to replace the windows one? preferably a clear/rbg compatible one
>trying to look intelligent >posting cuckle botnet link
Luis Nelson
>none backlight compatible why do you think im asking here, you snide shit
Elijah Butler
>implying other search engines are worth anything
Isaac Rodriguez
>complaining about google >using Google captcha
Carson White
>suck my cock dudes
Logan Powell
Fedora debian or something else? ive used gnu linux enough to know the basics but im looking for an everyday os, might possibly dual boot windows 8
Jaxson Cooper
ohayo Sup Forums-san, I noticed that sometimes people post unrelated but interesting images along with their questions. can someone dump some of these pics? tia
Isaac Scott
Justin Diaz
Colton Gonzalez
Jaxson Garcia
>Ubuntu with Gnome >want to disable touchpad >go to settings >go to "Mouse & Touchpad" >has no touchpad sethtings >there are no touchpad settings anywhere ( ._.)
Colton Ortiz
At least 16.
Nolan Foster
induction is impossible
Kayden Martinez
Dylan Russell
it's not impossible it's just not guaranteed to be correct
You would have to make a lot of assumptions based on just an image. And even then your answer would vary depending what you infer from the image. Does it have 4 side or 3 sides? How many dimensions? Is the inside hollow or filled? ad infinitum.
Kevin Davis
William Garcia
When you have pictures without file extention, some a jpg and some png, how do you rename them correctly?