Hey Sup Forums, why are you not using best distro?

Hey Sup Forums, why are you not using best distro?
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because my taskbar and window title bars kept disappearing. even though it was probably cinnashit's fault i'm still blaming it on debian. fuck u.

I'm actually using debian but I want to switch to something more 'free' and cutting-edge

Fun fact: Debian is fully free.

Nope that would be Arch but Debian comes second

Nice joke, keep 'em comin'

because im using openPEPE tumbleweed

lol, I mean, free to choose what you install, and how, by compiling sources.. without package managers

Because though the Debian project has made great strides I still do not find them inclusive enough of female and trans developers. If they were just a bit more progressive maybe I'd give it a shot


I was about to call you retarded, but I feel bad using that word as a pejorative against people with actual mental disabilities. I hope your state care provider is good. :(

Debian can actually do that with wiki.debian.org/apt-src but you can always install gentoo

I use a patched version. It's called Ubuntu.


Keep dreaming, user.


debian8_x64 netinst(deselect all, only core packages):
apt install xorg slim xfwm4 xfdesktop4 xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-panel xfce4-power-manager terminator firefox-esr pulseaudio pavucontrol wicd-curses thunar thunar-volman thunar-archive-plugin xarchiver zip unzip rar unrar p7zip-full bzip2 gcc make dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential sudo htop vim gvfs-backends ssh samba udisks2 scrot filezilla xpdf gdebi libaio1 lib32z1 firmware-realtek firmware-atheros firmware-iwlwifi git-all gmrun faenza-icon-theme conky-all ristretto transmission gufw clementine menulibre sshfs medit murrine-themes xfwm4-themes alien ppp fonts-freefont-ttf fonts-liberation fonts-roboto fonts-droid qt4-qtconfig redshift gparted xfce4-weather-plugin rdesktop ssh redshift libreoffice

/dev/sda2 17G 4.8G 11G 31% /

reboot. customize. done.

because it's a botnet.
there is a reason why Ian Murdoch "shot him self"

their stability model is basically stability by really old packages and yet I still encounter big problems when I try it. also I've had dpkg fuck up so many times

I use Ubuntu and even I wouldn't call it patched. Things like PPAs make it kind of retarded

>Ubuntu has experienced an internal error
>an internal error

Ubuntu is an unstable mess.

Smart way to choose a distro, Einstein.

around apt never relax, tried to install 2gb of shit on a recent full-upgrade

debian is still the best distro though