Tfw Threadripper 16c/32t is slower than 10c/20t i9-7900x

>tfw Threadripper 16c/32t is slower than 10c/20t i9-7900x


Did you guys get bamboozled again by WaitMD™?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Using gaymes to benchmark a server CPU
Are Intel shills really this desperate?

really makes you think doesn't it

Five sheckles have been deposited into your Intel account!

Holy shit Pooripper fags on LITERAL SUICIDE WATCH



amd is shit




Linus shilling for intel as always

Sure is mods not giving a shit about this board in here.

68 > 68? What?

>Threadripper's 68 bar is shorter than both of Intel's 68 bars
>the gap between Intel's 67 and 65 bars is smaller than the gap between Intel's 65 bar and Threadripper's 63 bar

What's funny is Doom is heavily optimized for AMD lmaooooo


>posting official intel slides should be deleted by mods


>muh safe space
Interestingly you don't bitch about amd shitposters.

>graph doesnt start at zero
into the trash

>68 lower than 68
holy fuck that damage control!

Look at the yellow bar, DX12 is faster on Intel fucking autist.

they probably trunkated the decimal place, so it was something like the intel rigs were 68.8 while TR was 68.5 or something like that.

>brazilian education

>That meme

Trying to hard aren't we?

>68 is lower than 68 because yellow is smaller then blue
how many levels of damage control are you on right now, intel corporation representative?

DX12 is faster on Intel.


what does the sopa de macaco meme have to do with amd or intel? i don't get it.

Why would the yellow bar affect the blue bar if they're two entirely seperate measurements?

the shill is a macaco

Why are you so gay?

There was a Intel shill who left a .br at the end of a shill link.


Because cocks are objectively superior to vaginas and men are objectively superior to women.

>2fps difference, but the graph is made to exaggerate it


>Haha wow a workstation CPU is beat by a gaymen meme CPU with nuke temperatures in a benchmark that depends on single threaded performance. Pooloos and joos bee tee eff o.
Synthetic benchmarks would have been more accurate, but youre too busy eating monkey soup to notice.

You seem angry.

>68 is smaller than 68 because "dx12 on intel"
ayy lmao, that absolute maximum damage control
tell us, how much exactly is Intel Corporation is paying you to post that?

>63 < 68 for DX12

You're retarded not to see this in OP pic.

buttblasted amdpoojet is trying to force his kikebook meme



Industry insider here
Theres a reason Ryzen and Threadripper have amazing price/performance: AMD cut corners wherever they could. By Q3 2018 35%+ of Ryzen CPUs will be dead. With Vega flopping HARD AMD will not have the resources to honor the warranties. AMD will release no new products in 2018. By 2019 AMD will file for bankruptcy.
Expect shareholders to dump AMD stock as soon as Vega releases. Insiders know this. How? They orchestrated it. After Bulldozer major shareholders and insiders knew AMD wasn't going to survive the decade. Nvidia's AI play is poised to leave AMD in the dust.
Lisa Su's sole purpose at AMD was to give these majority shareholders an easy way to cash out of a dead company. She did exactly that. On Su's first day as CEO, she went to the GPU engineers and told them there was only word that should be in their head: cryptomining. Optimizing their GPUs for mining gave AMD the extra they needed to throw together the biggest tech scam of the 21st century: Ryzen.
Lisa Su is a mastermind, however, after the Federal investigations in 2020, she will never work in tech again.

>68 is smaller than 68 because "blue and yellow are the same" and "intel on dx12"
ayy ayy ayy, i really hope the Intel Corporation Representative in charge of your Online Brand Representation doesnt look at your posts. look at and start DELETing

t. Brian JUSTnich


>measuring cpu performance with fps
what the fuck dude lmao

>game isn't aware of new arch
>drops back to baseline compat

Plebbit brigade trying to force their cancer on Sup Forums.


Fuck off you indonesian nigger.


t. favela monkey


leddit user akuberkala is literally an unfunny indonesian nigger




I like how AMD's bar at 68 is just ever so slightly smaller than Intel's bars at 68.

>le average FPS :^)

It might have something to do with the minimum fps. You'll have to ask that channel though.

>Forcing cancer this hard



This is a meme now.


Not sure if serious
The listed values are rounded to the neareset whole number

What I love memes now.

>Inb4 wait next year!!

I love forced meems nao.

you guys aren't too clever are you

It has been nerfed on graphs?
Whew, (((intel))) fanboys really need to compensate for the smaller penis.

Why isn't threadripper winning?


It's still summer

Even though Threadripper has a lot more cores, the game engine doesn't use them all equally. That's why Intel usually does better in gaming tests; Intel CPUs have better single core performance.

As soon as someone competent can build a game engine that uses more than four cores well, we'll see AMD rising in performance.

Why come amd don't made cpu that can handle current software best?

Have you see this?
Why come she no glue baby back together?

Why are benchmarks only done on horrible games that flop

> 2017
> not using vulkan

This DF video kinda points to something bizarre on modern games:

When the games are heavily stressed, the ryzen CPU wins and hard, when the games are not stressed, the intel CPU wins, which end giving the intel CPUs a bigger max FPS.
Also if you're not using a dual titan X, the GPU will cripple you before you have even the chance of being bottlenecked by the CPU.

Which retard made the graph. They seem to think AMD 68 is less than Intel 68.

Synopsis senpai of what games, and how they were stressed please.

>using gaymes bottlenecked by the GPU to benchmark CPUs
Retard detected.

Probably amd reviewer benchmarking guidelines.

Rise of tomb raider, Crysis 3, Assassin's creed unity, the division..
But it's not your average "benchmark with min max frame rate", but an actual indepth look.
Crysis 3 in particular is hilarious, because there is this scene where Ryzen is faster while showing a lot of grass and explosions and helicopters, but as soon the camera pans out to the characters, the intel starts winning.


>but as soon the camera pans out to the characters, the intel starts winning
Do you mean that intel starts winning as soon as actual gameplay initiates like when player has control of the in game game character?

When the cutscene is showing the other characters up close.
During gameplay Ryzen generally wins as you're looking at the grass and enemies and shit instead of a close up of the other characters of the game.

no its camera is on some thing in the sky and intel has a higher fps, then when the camera pans down and shows a ton of geometry amd is substantially faster

holy shit 7700k is literally 3 times faster than r7 1700! AMD is fucking finished!

Is it like that with every game, or just tomb raider, c3, AC, and what api?

holy shit your brain is literally 3 times faster than the speed of light


Well played, master.

From all the games they tested, only far cry primal always win on intel due being completely shit at multithreading.
But only when the GPU is not being stressed at all, that they accomplish by running a dual titan X.
As soon you stick a 1060, the CPU differences pretty much go away.

>As soon you stick a 1060, the CPU differences pretty much go away.
So with a gpu bottleneck amd cpus are better? By how much?

It's not better or worse.
It's the same shit, because well, it's the GPU bottlenecking the thing, not the CPU.

>It's not better or worse.
It's the same shit, because well, it's the GPU bottlenecking the thing, not the CPU.
Well now I'm lost. What was the link trying to convey?

Just watch the video, it explains better than random anons.

I'll have to later. Right now I can't audio for reasons.

This can simply be attributed to the user putting in an in even decimal points.
Say 67.7fps on ryzen and 68 on Intel.
It would explain the graph.

That being said, when any game gets modern threading, Intel is fucking done.