Google's Wifi Password
i'm telling mom
It's not connected to the internal network.
Googler detected
It's not connected to the internal network. It's a generic hotspot. For internal access you still need to enter your VPN credentials.
I'm a programmer for Snapchat. All these shuttles are run by the same contracting company. The wifi on them comes from a generic Verizon hotspot.
>I'm a programmer for Snapchat.
Are you feeling the squeeze?
What do you code?
No the job is a joke. I spend most of the day browsing Sup Forums. My average rate of writing code is 20 lines a day and I still get excellent performance reviews.
stupid servant goy.
snapchat is laggy buggy shit that constantly needs to be reinstalled, why is this?
are they hiring?
how do I get this job?
Yes but you either have to be a minority or a H1-B willing to take half the normal pay.
is that why snapchat is such a buggy pos?
>using Snapchat
im a minority
when can i start :^)
Stop browsing Sup Forums at work and actually fix your bloated, laggy, battery hog app.
Because android sucks
What's the yearly salary?
It's better than mactoddler shit
Google's own iOS apps are better than their Android counterparts. Android apps are objectively worse
Hence Google's intent to replace Android with Fucksya OS.
Says 120k, which doesn't seem bad
>muh rent