Internet Addiction

I am fuckin seriously addicted to the Internet and League of Legend. The more I am trying to stop, the more I am spending time on it.
What do, guys?

If u gave that photo to mom in past would she have the kid?

I don't about my mom, but these guys keep them breeding.

>keep breeding them


That's gay

What are you avoiding doing by spending so much time on the internet?

Cleaning floors, making exercises... everything

>playing video gaymez
Just come to terms that you are a degenerate.

It looks like one of these falmer creatures you find on skyrim.

They have 2 kids with no brains, a retard and a normal kid.

get rid of computer or get a life if you care so much

Dont know what to tell you.
I was addicted to games, over 12 hours every day.
I quit games and my addiction switched to Sup Forums 12 hours a day every day.
I quit Sup Forums and wound up spending the same amount of time on youtube
I ran out of stuff to watch on youtube and now Im back here.
Im just glad I get my highs from entertainment and not drugs

This. Video games are the work of the devil.

drugs are ok

You're only trying to stop because the desperate attention leeches in your life told you to stop or the insecure kids on Sup Forums desperate to put someone down told you to.

Have fun and live your life. Do whatever you enjoy till you die

After the first kid they were told that there's a 25% chance of each kid they produce having no brain. They chose to have more kids and eventually produced another brainless kid. They probably knew the kid was brainless even in the womb but chose to not abort.

Back to Sup Forums

what is this creature? American?

get a jot at riot
you'll get paid for playing that shit game

>Do whatever you enjoy till you die
you will die faster if you live like an hedonistic degenerate and try to avoid your resposibilities.. but you already know that

Life is not a competition to see who can live the longest.

>Life is not a competition to see who can live the longest.
yeah, its a competition on who can have most offspring (and you'll loose that competition too if you abandon your responsibilities)

No they are not

To anyone wondering, that thing does has a brain, just a little deformed one.
Having no brain and having a tiny deformed one are different things since the deformed one let that thing move his head, eyes, mouth, at random times and also perform complex actions such as swallowing or crying, which requires work on his vocal cords and lacrimal apparatus, this too at random times without any sort of conscience behind it.
Also with no brain that thing would of died in less than 10 months.