Why is this still the best GUI editor?

Why is this still the best GUI editor?

Runs on C++ and not memescript.
Also breddy gud community package support.

It's slow as Atom once you load a couple packages though.

>letting people write modules in Python was a mistake

I guess if you use poorly written ones, but I've never had it run that slow. Also Atom crashes anytime I try to do regex find and replace stuff.

1) fast and light
2) sane defaults out of the box
3) easy to customize and script
4) will go open source when the author quits

no Electron, no Atom, no hipster bullshit ShitScript memes.

JavaScript faster than python. sad but true

> 4) will go open source when the author quits

*fap fap fap*

it's not slow

Eh, I replace it with vs code

> vs code
All the MicroShaft stigma with all the bloat of electron.

The only people I've ever met who use sublime are legitimately autistic.
It's a sperg text editor for spergs.

lol yeah, as if it's more autistic than emacs
you're not fooling anyone

Visual Studio Code is much better in many ways.

It is, but lets pretend it's not.

Vim > everything else


you can't even middle mouse select

Bullshit. I'm running almost 20 and it's still as snappy as when I installed it.

>unironically using a proprietary text editor

That's why he said GUI not CLI


Objectively garbage. No text editor should run as heavy and slow as it does, not to mention the half assed, Microsoft as fuck UI.

Using 10x the amount of system resources doesn't make it better...

Fuck off stallman

>best GUI editor
Qt Designer

If you're talking about GUI text editors then Sublime is a good choice.

Gee really which one did you think I was talking about

>heavy and slow

>I will speak and write like a fucking idiot because fuck everyone, they know what I mean
Keep it up, champ.

A text editor should not need 200 MiB of RAM for an empty buffer

I tried switching to vscode but sublime was just too comfy to get around in

20MB for an 18 file project


> text editor
Choose one.

You're thinking of Atom. I've tried both and VS Code runs surprisingly faster for being made on the same framework.

>4) Will go open source when the author quits
Is this confirmed?


Sublime Text is best text editor, because it starts faster. Visual Studio Code is best code editor, because it's much easier to build into a light-weight IDE.

source for 4? is it going to happen any time soon?

you haven't heard about gvim