Why aren’t you buying solar eclipse glasses Sup Forums?

Explain yourselves
Hard mode: Buy them from a reputable source eclipse.aas.org/resources/solar-filters
Protip: do it

I'm not murrican. We already had a good eclipse 18 years ago

cant you view it through a pin hole

already got pairs for the whole family :^)

Not the same. Can't see the corona.

already done. i just don't want to put up with 1 million caliniggers coming here.

They hand them out for free at our local science museum.

Lot of great remote areas to see it in Wyoming.

>shilling for solar glasses

>wanting to permanently damage your eyes

>drive 60 miles to view
>drive 800 miles to view
speaks for itself. maybe someone will change the signs so the caliniggers end up there :^)

>>wanting to permanently damage your eyes


because I got some for free

Why is everyone mentioning caliniggers? Im from Cali and i am not leaving work to see a full eclipse i can watch on the internet

>Charleston SC
>Right in path of total eclipse
>Every hotel in the city has been booked for months
>And that's a lot of fucking hotels
>Same week that college kids will be moving into the dorms and coming back to school
>mfw trying to go anywhere is going to be a clusterfuck for a week

sc have good roads? oregon doesn't, and some of them on a normal day are at 105% capacity. we will literally be shut down. i'm expecting a state of emergency any day now.

I bought mine already. Don't expect anything too special. They just allow you to look at the sun without burning a hole in your retinas.

Because my gf did it for me

Closed source

>sc have good roads?

Fuck no. It's already a hellish experience using either of the major roads from Charleston to other places any time near rush hour, and it's not helped by there always, without fucking fail, being an accident that shuts down at least one out of three lanes.

Charleston itself is even worse, with all of the flooding constantly fucking up the roads, many of which are too small for the number of cars they try to squeeze onto them.


Just make a hole in a paper sheet with a toothpick

What the fuck? Why is this a thing?

poorfags. when will they ever learn :^)

subhumans gtfo

I've always felt I was unprepared for solar eclipse related situations. Thanks, user.