Other urls found in this thread:
>CNN takes a thing they don't like and twists it so it sounds worse
>it ends up even better
of course cnn would intentionally misrepresent the argument in the paper
Another classic CNN fake news moment.
>how do we get rid of this fake news stigma
>let's blatantly misrepresent everything not in line with the political leanings we're known for
Meanwhile Tim Cuck is replacing most workers with extremely mentally transgender sub humans and sucks cocks all day long.
Go jewgle.
CNN is LITERALLY TMZ w/ politics. why do you keep taking the bait?
the ABSOLUTE state of clinton news network
commie news network strikes again
Satan, telling it like it is.
thank you, satan-kun
So, what was actually said. I'm not searching for this story, as it'll undoubtedly generate some money for CNN.
First of all, it was a *female* employee, first of all, and, secondly, she asked for a day or two off, not sure we'll just have to see, probably no more than two days, which is completely reasonable, because her Midol wasn't working. Thirdly, to call her request a "manifesto" is a bit much.
This is the woman who wrote the CNN article.
What do you think, Sup Forums?
So they give menstrual medication to trannys now?
Or you meaning a male (female)
Thanks. I see how this can be regarded as a manifesto. But CCN is trying to give pretense to the original issue with it.
Do jews care more about diversity or feminism?
That is all.
Looks like an alright person. So whats the problem?
Stop with this garbage meme it's not funny and you sound like a retard
I suspect benis
Bazinga urself asap.
A, the classic feels vs reals argument
I wonder who will win this time
what if moot....no it couldnt be..
captain planet
I'm conflicted. On the one hand, you're right. But on the other hand, you're a fucking retard anime poster.
It's really surprising how even seemingly intelligent people seem to be completely unable to exercise reading comprehension abilities when it comes to this "manifesto."
I mean, the author goes so far as to say that he thinks racial and gender diversity are valuable, and should be a goal of Google's. He carefully avoids making inaccurately broad absolute statements about women, and instead talks about averages.
The whole essay, which is bizarrely framed as an angry screed, is written in a measured and rational tone, and advances no outrageous hypotheses. He relies on well established scientific facts.
But nonetheless, people are shaking with rage and feel "threatened," and saying he hates diversity.
They're claiming that he stated that women can't be engineers, that he's demeaning female coworkers, and that what he's said is completely nonsensical and scientifically unsubstantiated. Many of them want to see him fired, and/or have expressed a desire to punish him with violence.
It's a strange thing to behold.
feminism brainwashed them 2bh
or google hired cnn to write a slander piece to fire him easily
Stop rape shaming you misoganist.
Feminism enables diversity which enables the jews to approach their final goal so which do you think.
Never has a post been so damn right.
While not everything is properly sourced and I don't necessarily find every argument he puts forward particularly convincing, this is overwhelmingly a well-thought-out collection of musings on the ramifications of political bias at the level of the leadership of a large company. This is a viewpoint Google employees (and employees of most large American companies in general) almost never hear and probably should hear more of. The fact that this calm, rational, and even scientifically defensible point of view haa been met with knee-jerk outrage rather than civil discourse speaks volumes about the audience he is trying to reach here.
That is part of the point he was trying to make about anyone outside the echo chamber is being silenced. Him getting reprimanded for this document would only further prove him right. He was obviously trying to play it as safe as possible, but unfortunately, any opinion or fact that suggests or provides a reason for women not being as capable (on average) than men in certain tasks is sacrilege to SJWs, any will be met with a blind rage.
I would have thought The Atlantic would have higher standards than to misrepresent his essay so brazenly
>internal meme network
So that's why they hired Moot.
>His company doesn't have a meme network on their intranet
Why would you even bother coming in to work in the morning?
citation needed
>Meanwhile Tim Cuck sucks cocks all day long
It would be news if he wasn't sucking cock at some point of his day
>It's a strange thing to behold.
The main thing I'm seeing from the coverage of this is that all the headlines say "anti-diversity", and then the articles seem to clarify that what it's really against is Google's diversity programs.
The author is saying that Google shouldn't create programs that are exclusively for underrepresented groups, because that's illegal discrimination. He offers that they should instead strive to make the organization a more welcoming place for the groups of people they hope to attract. He also brings up that setting quotas is bad, because it tends to encourage the illegal discrimination types of increasing diversity.
Looks like a bitch
The author could have made the point about Googles harmful diversity programs without starting about how men and women are different and bunch of other things. That sucked all the attention and wasn't even well argued since it had no citations. In real life everyone does decisions without scientific backing, decisions based heuristics and intuition get you pretty far, but when you are writing something like this and participate in a debate you need citations.
i've looked and can't find the official memo. Only Gizmodo comes up as they source and they even admit redacting sources.
it´s because all those tech websites need clickbaits.
based af tbqwertyh
It's like he said he was jewish in Nazi Germany
What if journalists were just retarded, and not maliciously biased?
It's obvious they believe what they say, if you listen to podcasts and debates where they defend the most retarded arguments as if they were insightful and clever.
>be Sup Forums-tard
>read ebul nazi manifesto
>it's really fucking reasonable, like a breath of fresh air from SJW shit and Sup Forums-tardedness
Whelp, at least these retards are cannibalizing each other.
>Meme network
It's a run if the mill memegen. It existed before moot. Moot had never made a meme at Google.
I haven't looked at the leaks but I heard the gizmodo one removed all the hyperlinks so more sources are gone. Unless it was leaked again. Even then he says a lot of things with zero sources to back them up.
t. Googler
What's the difference?
Think about employment practices- it doesn't matter if they're genuinely stupid or not, someone has made the conscious choice to hire someone with that viewpoint, genuine or otherwise.
There's a selection process, only those that actually believe that bullshit get hired, and then they live in a doublethink world where confirmation bias is just a way of life to them.
And it so happens that their bosses are jewish. This doesn't actually matter too much- it's more than this kind of liberal doublethink is better for advertisers and so makes more money. It's not about 'cultural marxism', it's about maximising profit, at any and all costs. When there's a common ground that everyone can let cows graze, the view of these bosses is to get their cows to eat all the grass to make the most money.
The author was pretty damn rational, practically bending over backwards to be polite and accepting of these rabid zealots. They even offered a neat solution for the Silicon Valley bubble, and it was pair programming. Of course the SJW crowd hated this as well.
would save the white race from extinction with/10
it's moot guys.
No it isn't. They already leaked his name and liberals are already sending him death threats
Everytime I start to see the lunacy on the right some lefties manage to make themselves look like complete buffoons. This document is as reasonable as it gets.
A liberal death threat is like a little kid throwing stones at a tank. These people can't get outside their college campuses and cafeterias.
This would be the optimal time to reveal that you were Jewish, and they actively sent death threats against a jew for expressing his opinion.
Depends on who we're talking about. There are very clear minded people with agendas, then people that are so pathologically altruistic they think they help when they hurt the most.
You're right, it makes little difference in practice.
>And it so happens that their bosses are jewish. This doesn't actually matter too much- it's more than this kind of liberal doublethink is better for advertisers and so makes more money. It's not about 'cultural marxism', it's about maximising profit, at any and all costs. When there's a common ground that everyone can let cows graze, the view of these bosses is to get their cows to eat all the grass to make the most money.
Media corp CEOs are agents of _________, they aren't string-pullers. Read pic related book. The author knows the Men he talks about (but never names them, since he's actually legit). He explains how the world works from working for the Men he talks about.
I wish Sup Forums would read it. It would confirm a lot of what they believe, dispel a lot of myths, but they'd shit their pants at how much worse things are than they think.
The lunacy on the right is literally nothing compared to the left. The left is the very definition and embodiment of mental illness at this point. It's pretty horrifying.
Looks a lot like Chomsky's 'Manufacturing Consent'
Remember how the Obama admin actively tried to hide the shooter's statements where he pledged allegiance to ISIS?
Remember how immediately the news was trying to say it wasn't Islam?
Newfag get out
It's actually kind of strange since the US warmongers need some kind of animosity towards muslims to justify the crusades for oil. US and Israeli boots in the middle east are important to bully the countries in the region into letting their oil reserves be privatised and the wealth generated kept away from the people who live and work in those countries.
So they're doing exactly what he said they do? Jesus.
that's not what it said at all. CNN is a fucking disgrage.
Remember the clockboy incident?
Remember how absurd the entire thing was, how obviously fake his clock was?
They do the exact same thing in Europe now. They're trying to pacify the native populations and quell the growing fear as massive populations of Muslim immigrants poor in. WW III is going to be a bloody mess fought in every major city in the developed world.
Can't wait for Stalingrad 2.0: Every fucking city in europe edition.
The disaster coming is going to be huge. Europeans fight like lions.
I thought it was a she.
Jew here.
It all depends on which is easier to fit into our agenda at the time. typically diversity, simply because it is more versatile for manipulation, but feminism REALLY works well on the females and beta males, which gives us an easy 68% coverage off the bat, but it also makes alpha males our main enemy, which leads to problems until we get more betas on board. Religion is a huge thing for us to mess with though, which can impact both, I mean, come on, how do you think we have conviced so many people that Islam shit is GOOD for females, despite the fact that the rules state they will be cast down even further into society. Again, females are VERY impressionable and are WAY easier to get going into a mob mentality. The females control the betas and, well, you get the picture.
Unfortunately you need alphas to fight for israel, so your plan is actually uncoordinated as fuck and actually has nothing to do with cultural marxism and is actually about maximising ad revenue.
The author said he believes the reason there are not many women working in down-and-dirty tech positions at Google is that women tend to naturally have a higher affinity to work with people (and lower affinity to work with mere Things) than men, on average. He provided links to studies supporting this fact (a fact that is blatantly obvious to everyone with experience being a human being), which the media have of course omitted.
The author then went on to say that, rather than artificially shoring up numbers of female employees by hiring (unsuitable) random applicants based on their gender, Google should try to attract more female applicants by making the workplace more attractive to women by fostering cooperation between employees. He provided examples of ways to do this.
Of course, none of the people having a meltdown about this "Nazi manifesto that says women are subhuman" have actually read it.
The democrats didn't want to bring up the terms "Islam" or "Muslim" because they were hoping for those votes as they painted Trump and the right as a racist bigoted strawman. That's just politics though, the bodies weren't even cold yet and they were pushing for gun control as well.
a ssrf issue in one of google's services exposed that they have an internal minecraft server too
Would you be willing to link a pdf of this? I can't seem to find it online without going through a paywall.
wouldnt happen to have a pdf of that would you?
trying to find it now and cant
>Hoping for 20% of 1% of the population to vote for you
They do know that exclusivity isn't a great political strategy, right?
I think its more a case of "we cant bring this up because it could lead to islamophobia, lets try and hide it"
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
it's all fun and games until these deranged fuckers burn down his house with him inside
He's a right wing nazi. It's ok to punch nazis.
It would make sense if this was a real thing. All you have to do is look at the rape and gang rape rates in Sweden to see that Muslim populations are literal cancer. There are many more examples other than that in Europe-- that is just one example. Many people don't want to admit it. The truth hurts, but so does suicide bombing, acid attacks, etc.
I didn't say it was real, just that liberals are super concerned with saying anything against islam
can you keep this in Sup Forums? it's not interesting, funny or tech related.
Except written from personal experience, not academic ruminations. His credentials can be independently verified, as can his attendance of United States International University (USIU). And if you read the book, it speaks for itself. Some things can't be faked.
It's an obscure (sales-wise) book. Looked for a PDF months ago, didn't find any so I bought the Kindle version.
hide the thread if you don't like it pajeet
GTFO libtard, the fake dream is collapsing, beautiful
Chomsky aims to use examples as much as possible to back up his views. He's better in south American stuff because that's what he spent most of his time on, but there's a lot of clash there between that and the media, since media reporting of the US's interventions in south America basically show how much nonsense the US media system is.
Actually forgot to mention there's a sample of the preface and chapter 1 on his website, just no full PDF.
You can get an idea of the contents for yourself.
I love how two of their managers completely failed to address any of the points the engineer made. If they can't even field good counter arguments, why are they even being paid?
Political commissars aren't paid to make good arguments.