This is the woman who wrote the article

This is the woman who wrote the article.

What do you think Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

Context, maybe?

oh yeah that article. that was great.
< Google says

It was meant for , I didn't want to make a new thread.

fuck how do i edit my post???

"she" has bigger forearms than me.

what about her? don't like what she wrote? who cares?

Uh... good job! Keep up the great work! I'm proud of you!

>single-handedly lighting Sup Forums's and Sup Forums's collective rectums on fire

delete system32

Get the white man away from Jewgle!

This is great news. Now no white males will be hired there, leading it into the dust.

this isn't reddit

done. just in time to finish installing gentoo. thanks!

haven't you been keeping up with this? she is one of us. the person against her article is a tubby sjw -- she's probably jealous of this lady's hotness.

Holy shit, you're a weak little bitch.

anime website, low IQ retard.

frogposting website, low IQ retard.

I do not believe you. I do not.

anime website, dumb frog poster

What the problem? She wrote an article.

It's okay, no one expects Sup Forums to know how to use a computer.

what's the most rotten bait you've ever taken, fish-tan? did it get you sick?