There are

There are
>no good linux distros
>a couple decent distros
>a lot of shitty distros

why don't all the developers just put their heads together and make a single distro that is good?

it would be the biggest clusterfuck of all times

You mean C++?


>no good distros
Depends on what you want.
Ubuntu and Fedora are very good for users who don't want complication. CentOS is THE server OS. Kali Linux is good for 1337 haxxors (I personally use it for cracking WPA2). Arch and Gentoo are good for users who want more power and control over their system. Debian is just Ubuntu with less bloat. All the OSes I just listed all blow Windows out of the park (besides Kali, which again is just handy for doing haxor bullshit).
It's called the free market. That's like saying all telecom companies should merge and provide one service.

Why don't you devote some of your thead killing time to putting together a linux that works for you?

I hope that's not a codeword for "full stack" cucks

arch / gentoo for sysads or massive hobbyists
ubuntu / fedora / manjaro for typical users
alpine / kali / etc. for securitards

meanwhile there's BSDistros that come with better security and is not a clusterfuck unlike most unix imitation projects ever.
linux is just as terrible as windows nowadays.

None of those programs you listed can accurately run .exe's without use of a VM.

if one of your hobbies happens to be video games, you are stuck on Windows.

Who the fuck doesn't Dual-Boot Windows/Linux anyway, why even bring it up.

Dumb rock eating nigger, Wine works perfectly for almost everything if you're not a brainlet.

i don't have a reaction image powerful enough to convey the laughter i am experiencing.

Everyone wants to do the fun part.


Linux is just a kernel.

>Debian is just Ubuntu with less bloat.
Do kids nowadays really don't know Ubuntu is derived from Debian?

Tell me one game/program that doesn't work with wine

literally anything that ends with .exe

Lol, when was the last time you used wine? 2002? I haven't had a single program not work with wine. You can even run steam in wine and have access to your entire library

>running steam on wine
but Steam's on linux. Jeez, and you called ME the dumb nigger.



I checked winedb at it looks like compatibility greatly improved, even shit like gta 5 seems to be working fine

dude shitposting here. Yeah I'm impressed. I'm still not totally convinced, but a lot more interested.

Last time I used Wine I don't think any modern games were compatible.

>arch for sysads

most steam games are on windows, dumb nigger

Because there is no universal definition of "the good Linux distro"

It exists.

It's called gNewSense.

Good bait retard. Was playing Warcraft III recently without problems. Wine staging has a config for Overwatch. Most Steam and GOG games for Linux are just .exes with wine wrappers. Try again sweaty.

There can never be a single-anything that is objectively good for all purposes. Some operating systems do things better than others, just like software in general.

Beat me to it.

>ubunut is good for beginners meme

>no good Linux distros

Linux stands for freedom of choice.
>having the choice is bad