Well, shit. Guess I'm switching to Gentoo

Well, shit. Guess I'm switching to Gentoo.

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how about we join that channel and troll them

i'll make the logo

Gentoo is not an option

>tfw macos masterrace
sucks to be you cuckboi

This! Sup Forums being Sup Forums. When?

>Sup Forums


et tu, archus?

i can put up with systemdicks or sjwisms, but not both

We shouldnt push women away they are a part of our race we should help all White women in need

>Bitch about people wanting safespaces and equality
>Cry a river when your space is invaded with something you disagree with

Top fucking kek

No, we should join up with our brothers of color to fight the Feminist threat


>Things that will result in your not being able to stay:
>If you make us feel bad about being female, being a minority, or being interested in tech.
>If you make us feel bad about being smart.
>If you make us feel uneasy or “creeped out”. This is both not quantifiable and not negotiable. It is a judgment call and entirely at the discretion of the Op requesting your exit.
>Looking for dating advice. This is not a dating service. This is also not a lonely hearts channel. We like sex and relationships fine. But that's not what we're here for.

good shit

god damn girls are so lame


feminism is a fucking destructive virus, unironically dont give them what they want ATTENTION
these whores want attention and then play the victim to get on power (like always) i can imagine them
>"muh white males doesnt want us on loonix, its time to give them diversity and stupid quotas to destroy everything here and then leave to another fucking white male project"

>women get periods once a month
>Arch breaks once a month


I regret nothing. I'm using gentoo with i3, I'm WOKE af now.

this desu

>macos mastarrace

More like macacos

>being so poor he can't afford Apple computers
>being so dumb he can't into hackintosh


You call people cuckboi but post anime reaction pictures

Where do you think you are?

>haha trolling xd
dont you have anything better to do with your time than waste if on being pathetic?

>>If you make us feel bad about being smart.
what the fug

Oh so it's a circlejerk about m-muh underrepresented
STEM and make-up tutorials. Got it.

how many of the people in that channel were born women?



>Looking for dating advice. This is not a dating service.
Holy shit they are just plain retarded hahaha women are beyond repair, RIP humanity

how many of the people in that channel aren't fat?

Come to SlackWare instead


They even have a CoC shoved up their ass
>Arch Linux is a respectful, inclusive community. Anti-social or offensive behaviour will not be tolerated. Simply put, treat others as you would be treated; respect them and their views, even if you disagree with them. When you do find yourself disagreeing; counter the idea or the argument. Do not engage in ad hominem attacks.


Time to switch to devaun

Where do you think you are?

The "male" space has been invaded so much because of feminist bullcrap - unqualified, unappreciative whores took our tech jobs, our homes and our hobbies. And everywhere where they cause chaos, they syart whinijg about
We've had enough.

Gentoo is a meme you dip

>Simply put, treat others as you would be treated; respect them and their views,
Respect the person, yes. Views, no.
Views do not have feeling and with criticism you'll be stuck believing that the sun goes around the earth.


they want high paying office jobs and know programmers are betas that will do anything for female attention

FYI Gentoo's official mascot is gender confused cow that symbolizes the progressive nature of the distro

A nigerian titanium welding forum

btw there's a fem in manjaro irc you might really like

respect is earned


This is arch

>>If you make us feel uneasy or “creeped out”. This is both not quantifiable and not negotiable. It is a judgment call and entirely at the discretion of the Op requesting your exit.
It was okay until here.

You need to quantify why you are feeling uneasy or creeped out. It will help you improve as a person.

Install Void if you don't want shit like this.
Gentoo is a meme.

Hello newfren, from which site cometh'st'ist you fromth?

dumb frogposter

enjoy working without systemd and waiting for gcc all day long

Tranny pls go


will it be rewritten in Rust?


You're stuck in the 2009, we anons at Sup Forums only troll ourselves now