His operating system of choice doesn't come with the best image viewer

>his operating system of choice doesn't come with the best image viewer
How will wintards and linuxfags ever recover?

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?


Btw this was recorded without a third party tool, quicktime is able to record the entire desktop or a small region, however, the video of course had to be edited to fit Sup Forums's file size limit.


Isn't he gay?

I like being able to install a program for any weird little thing I want to do. I am able to fiddle with any other OS to make it what I want anyway

>best image viewer
the things Sup Forums cares about in their operating system

Al least use foobar2k wintard.

>Implying you cant do this in MS paint

>Die Fledermaus
Good taste.

Enjoy sticking to OpenGL 4.2 for the rest of your life and having poor GPU performance due to Apple's homemade drivers for AMD cards being worse than opensource RadeonSI on Linux,

fuck thats cool!

gotta learn how to hackintosh

>implying you can't use a package manager on macOS
>implying you can't rice macOS
I laff

>implying you can resize in MSpaint without losing a shitload of quality
>implying you can draw lines this good in MSpaint
> GPU performance due to Apple's homemade drivers for AMD cards being worse than opensource RadeonSI on Linux
yeah you don't know shit lol

kek, we Metal 2 now, inbred

Preview cant go through an entire folder of images unless you select every image yourself.

Inferior to Vulkan and limits amount of apps and games ported to MacOS. And dont tell me there is a wrapper - I know there is but it isnt fully compatible.

OpenGL ain't obsolete friendo, it remains one of the most used graphics libraries due to the sheer difficulty of developing vulkan applications. In fact, judging by some of the horrible shit I've seen, I can almost guarantee that in a few years when amateur devs start using vulkan over OpenGL shit will actually get slower and more buggy because they don't know what the fuck they're doing.

DoA meme trash, fuck off, shill

Paint3D is actually really good now. What you are showing isn't even on the level of paint.net.

>shit will actually get slower and more buggy because they don't know what the fuck they're doing
Just like you don't know what you're talking about.

Doesnt any image editor, even Gimp can do that? fuck it, even paint can do it
this board is fucking dead
Sage this fucking obvious bait thread

If Vulkan is DoA then Metal is also because the userbase is even smaller...

Gimp is a piece of shit, nice bait though retard.
Also, we're talking about image viewers, not image editors, preview just so happens to have editing features.

metal is apple though, so it will be relevant as long as apple remains relevant, Vulkan will be forgotten in like a year

>nice bait though retard
Here take a (You) and fuck off with your bait thread

My OS of choice does come with Quick Look though

Tim Cook, a man whose sexuality is irrelevant.

Vulkan is here to stay. It is supported on Windows, Linux, BSD, Android and Nintendo Switch. For the Switch it is the only graphics API also.

>buying a mac to get to that point

>can't even view your own shill post from your fagOS



I watch WebMs on OS X regularly

Oh that's fucking cute, trying to talk down to me.
Only on the internet.

>quicktime is able to record the entire desktop or a small region

>implying I use safari
even if I did you can actually open webms on safari the only difference is that they will open on another tab/window and you will require a plugin
say that to my face not online and see what happens

Wallpaper pls

If you're going to allow non-stock software what is the point of the thread?

Preview, an OS X-only image and PDF viewer

I use Windows because it has all my software

>Tim Cook, a man whose sexuality is irrelevant.
Precisely but he uses it to push homosexuality on other people. Have you seen the recent apple ads with gays?

mactoddler BTFO

>Have you seen the recent ads

>not using keyboard shortcuts
>apple user
Checks out.

I miss steve. He might of also been a faggot but at least he didn't push his sick demented fetish on children.


>Piece of shit

he has like 3 kids. he fucked famous women. he was always with some new girl every week when apple was taking off.
you're a retard if you think he was gay.

I dunno man I nurse that claimed to administers aids tests said that pic related is most likely legit.

Maybe he pretended to be straight just so the company didn't fall apart like it's doing now.

go find that on wikileaks website. you won't because it's fake. and you're a low IQ retard for believing troll shit.

That's what I thought at first but the pancreatic cancer symptoms seem to fit that he god gay'd.

I dunno maybe I'm just too paranoid. But if I'm I'm right at least steve hid his abhorrent fetish from the world and shielded his family and apple from harm.

Watching someone use an apple product reminds me of someone assembling ikea furniture in a small apartment with the supplied ikea tools.

Windows is like someone building with all sears craftsman tools and the product has to have some diamond plate for some reason.

LInux is like someone with old and some new and salvaged material all over the place and the end product looks like mad max.

>be a macfag
>watch chinese porn all day
>be retarded
>be op

Winamp 2.95 with FLAC plugin is god-tier. I hate how foobar insists on making a playlist every time you want to play a song or album.

>having gay people in commercials is forcing your sexuality on others
Seems like you're the one forcing his sexuality on others.

b l u e
p i l l

I don't give a shit if he's gay and wants others to be gay, my problem is with the scummy business practices of the company, I like the products, after all it's all tech, but I think Apple is shit.

By being able to use keyboard combinations, your handled that shit like a amputee anin

OP has down syndrom, stop shitposting

wait so you say that the default image viewer in osx is a bloated piece of shit? wow who would have expected that


FastStone Capture has picture editing, recording, and multiple screen capture methods,
so I don't know what you're on about OP.

You are talking from a position of ignorance.

>non native image viewer
kek, so does photoshop, moron, but it doesn't come preinistalled

tim benis

>image viewer
>edits images
What did he mean by this?


Photoshop takes up lots of resources while FastStone is a small and efficient program,
so your comparison doesn't make sense.
Of course, you would know that if you didn't speak from a position of ignorance.
Also freedom of choice is bad now?
That's why you are called ignorant constantly in your life i guess.

Oh ye looking through dropdown menus all fucking day, by far the best image viewer

>needs to replace his image viewer with 3rd party shitware since his OS has shit programs
we were romainz n shet

why the fuck would i need an image viewer

all of the commnads OP used had keyboard shortcuts (you can see them next to the dropdown menus), he did that so you could see what he was doing more easily

Just like you need to replace iTunes in order to use something that's rationally coded and performance friendly with proper featuresets.
Apple has its own extremely shitty software that requires better substitutes.

nope, iTunes is good on macOS, definitely not like windows media shitter

you're unbelievably slow at doing things
that was extremely frustrating to watch

>FLAC plugin
What does it do?

iTunes is far from good, it's horribly coded,
lacks many features that leading 3rd party music player developers created and support,
lacks proper customizability and i'm not talking ricing, and has constraints with regard to file movement. It's podcast/radio feature is also horrible and needs to be scrapped and re-written.

Thx m8

i use it for playing music and music management, not for podcasts since im not a subhuman winfaggot

op has downs

What you use it for is irrelevant to the low standard iTunes finds itself in compared to constantly advancing 3rd party competition.
Hell, you mentioned Photoshop, you already admitted you require 3rd party software on your computer, including Windblows Office if you have a job and are not supported by your parents.

>constantly advancing 3rd party competition
Like what? Me mentioning photoshop was to ridicule you, winfaggot. For all you know, i dont use 3rd party software.

>Like what?

Hell, even your default browser on MacOS is among the worst browsers on the market lacking support for the most basic of things.
Even if you are using Apple for Internet Browsing, you can't stick to the default without being laughed at.

back to re--it, winfaggot

If that's all the argument you have, then i guess we settled this discussion with you even using a browser that manages to be worse than IE when it was holding the whole industry back.

Decodes FLAC obviously, as vanilla Winamp 2.x has no support for current free audio codecs out of the box, except for a buggy Vorbis plugin.

Safari is the best desktop browser actually

>doesn't even properly support webm out of the box

>using a format that jewgle intends to control with no specs except "the format is the spec"

>bawwww Google is to blame for Safari devs being incompetent

>safari is bad because it doesn't support my shit meme format

If i did use shortcuts:
1- non-mac users wouldn't see what is actually going on
2- the video would have a better bitrate in the first place since it would last around 20 seconds less thus allowing me to upload a better webm.

>safari is good because it lacks features

>safari isn't good because it lacks a non-standard meme format


>safari is good because it lacks features

he's slow at moving the mouse

>safari isn't good because it lacks a non-standard meme format

>safari is good because it has the philosophy of IE with even less features

Safari is fine, it's fast, supports major add-ons that most people use on chrome and firefox like ublock and tampermonkey etc... the fact that it doesn't support webm oob is just a minor detail that doesn't matter at all because, like everyone already mentioned, you just have to download a plug-in.

Too bad it's made by gays else I'd use it desu.