Help me ditch iTunes

>no smartphone, will never get one
>been using iTunes 10 since 2012
>have iPod Classic and like the way I can organize my music with it
>been doing this for 12 years now
>but iTunes is so shitty for Win7
>want to switch to Foobar or Clementine but afraid it won't have the petty features I like

Can either of those programs do these things?
grid view of artists with album arts, album view by "sort album" id3 tags, mini-player with album art, building playlists to work on iPod Classic

>inb4 extreme autism

Other urls found in this thread:


I dont want that gay-ass Linux shit

Why are you on this board.

>implying I'm the only one using Win7 on Sup Forums

>doesn't ever want a smartphone
Okay, maybe you're really privacy minded

>doesn't want to use linux
>using windows
>>>>not extreme autism

Yes, you are. You just shill and shitpost it everywhere.

He has autism for not wanting to use linux?

Then go stick with itunes forever. You deserve it

hahaha! XD
LOL if u use a windows u suck penis CANT EVEN PRIVATES X)))

fuck off retard

Is this what agony looks like?

Jesus fucking Christ, user calm yourself you turbotard.

Just use spotify then or download shit off youtube


back to Sup Forums buddy

>say in first post I have iPod
>"use spotify"
>obviously have extreme tism
>"rip songs from youtube"

Spotify can sync iPods.


Thanks for your suggestion, user, but that's not what I'm looking for.

You could Rockbox the iPod and not need a special program to sync it

Foobar might have some plugins that implement all or most of those features, not sure about Clementine... I'm pretty sure Musicbee has all of them out of the box.