Do you ever get frustrated with boomers and their inability to EVER fucking know what they are doing with technology...

Do you ever get frustrated with boomers and their inability to EVER fucking know what they are doing with technology, even after screwing around with it for years and years.

My dad and my aunts and uncles are STILL asking me shit like "which one bigger? megabytes or kilobytes?" or "how do I download this program into my phone" or "how do I free up space on my phone" (when their phone already has 90% of the storage space free).

God damnit.... just fucking GET WITH IT. God damn. They have all been messing with this shit since the early 2000s when they all had desktop PCs. Then they moved to flip phones and laptops, and now to smart phones. And all this time never learned a damned thing. They still.... STILL cannot use their tech any better than I could after my first fucking WEEK with a computer when I was a teenager (I'm not that young either).


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where do I subscribe to your blog

all I see is a button that says report


Yea, I gave up.
Im like the lord now, I only help those who help themselves.

I think it's just your family that's fucked up, OP. Must be genetics.

To quote Sifl and Olly, cavemen are like your parents, technology confuses them into submission.

>Im like the lord now
No you aren't
You still exist

i assume it's just a thing people do as an excuse to try and socially engage others. kinda like small talk, us autists think it's a fucking waste of time but everyone else can't seem to get enough

i give them benefit of the doubt that they're not all as ignorant or incapable as some of their questions would let on

I don't mind if they ask me for help. What gets me is asking me about something I've shown them about a hundred times before.

That or stuff like "I want to do something but a window keeps popping up! Is my computer broken?". And it's like a "Save changes?" or "Printer is disconnected" popup.

Like, just read what it says and think about it for a second instead of coming for my help.

Which one is bigger, mega or kilo? This should be known since high school, it doesn't apply only to computers

>high school
Try elementary.


People doesnt know the difference between kilo and mega. You are american arent you?

Idk my dad is pretty old and he is extremely tech literate. He just refurbished a couple of 2009 iMacs with new hardware and installed macOS on them i was impressed

cause you're getting dumber and dumber from 30yo on

that's the button I used desu

They believe technology is so far out of their depth that they don't even attempt to turn on there brains when confronted with it. Only assume it is all too much for themselves too take on and relegate the task to others.
You'd expect them to know the difference between kilo and mega, but they'd never bridge the gap or correlation between the two because they already turned there brain off.

is this Sup Forums death ?
time to kms then

>Are Mac users smarter?

wubalubadubdub! Upboatted!

My mother's been using computers for about 25 years and she's still clueless.

for hating rick and morty so much you guys sure do know a lot about it

> "I really like Microsoft. Which computer is the Microsoft computer, I want to buy that one."
> Tell them that Microsoft doesn't make laptops beyond the Microsoft Surface Book, which is well outside their budget and not available in the country
> "Okay."

10 minutes later

> "I don't see any Microsoft laptops. I really like Bill Gates and we use his computers at work, I only really want a Microsoft laptop."

never happened

No he doesn't.

Thank god for iPads.

Windows applications are built for 1991 where you can't just autosave the file and undo data because the user may not have a floppy inserted right now.

I always this this emoticon looks like a snowman

>if I give my wifi password to my neighbor they can get on my computer then right?
>but if I share my wifi they'll be able to access things on my computer?
>but they could see my stuff if they are on my wifi?
>like they would see what I am doing on my computer?


Well, they're not completely wrong being paranoid about that stuff. If we are to assume that the said neighbor has malicious intent, being in the same LAN does make it easier to break into someone's computer.

>always curse non-stop at machine i am currently fixing when i help someone
>old people and parents stop asking me for trivial shit because they are uncomfortable

There, piss easy. Now charge them 50 bucks for a fresh windows install like a big boy or keep cryin' about how horrible your life is for presenting you with an easy way to make money and earn gratitude from others.

It's obviously the left. Opening your ass is hard enough without giving up the support of your back legs.

Every 10 days I have to teach my mom how to send pictures using whats app, I already have a script...

You bitch, but legal wording is bullshit for a reason.
Say it one way, it's fine and legal. Say it another way, and it's a felony.

Why would boomers know SI prefixes? Especially American ones.

>helping someone who can't be older than 50 find USB drives

>how do i use this usb thing
you just plug it into an open USB port on the computer
>yeah do i put files on it?
well you remember floppy disks right?
it's precisely the same thing.
>so can i put pictures on this?
>and movies?
>what about my emails?
>okay so my computer has 8 giggabits does that mean I need an 8 giggabit usb?
What? No. You get the size you need for the amount you want to store. Like a cassette tape.
>oh so can i put music on this?
yes, anything can be put on it.
>okay what's the difference between Sandisk and PNY?
they are slightly different but do the exact same thing
>[20 whole seconds of contemplative silence]
>okay thank you

this is a mild example, but anyone who is living today cannot claim to have been born in a time when computers did not exist or affect their life. The US Census was first tabulated by machine in 1910, which had significant impact on the way the government dealt with representation and appropriations. Every life in America today benefited from this technological breakthrough.

What bugs me is when people are so afraid of "breaking" the computer they don't know how to do anything with it other than their daily routine. Like, how do you think everyone else learned to fix them? Pick up a For Dummies book if you're so afraid of the computer machine and get tinkering.

>Why would boomers know SI prefixes? Especially American ones.
I can see that some Americans might not know them, but here in the real world they're all over the place so it's pretty much impossible NOT to know at least the commonly used ones like kilo.

It becomes significantly harder to learn new things as you get older. I think you can't comprehend just how foreign it all is to them.

That makes sense, but I'm British and here we still use a weird mixture of metric and imperial, most boomers I know have a poor understanding of metric because you can still get by just fine only understanding imperial. Even though we adopted metric a long time ago it took a while for education to fully adopt it (late 80s, iirc)

>like they would see what I am doing on my computer?

But they can, user. They can see which web sites you visit, regardless of encryption.

that's true in a sense but most older people take that for granted and literally do not try to learn anything new -- if it doesn't work like the old thing they don't want it.

they made you your bitch. think about it you're their little computer bitch. Now

trips of truth.


>(late 80s, iirc)

bit earlier I think - I'm 43 and it was always metric in school

>get paid to basically spread simple knowledge
that's a weird definition of bitch

They just want to converse with you, you autist.

Amerifats don't understand the metric system that the rest of the world uses

With some of the people I've had to deal with, it seems the rest of the world doesn't understand it either.

for some strange reason, it never occurs to them to dick around with the computer before trying to use it for something

One day it'll happen to you like all old people


Trying to comprehend how someone is fucking up installing something only to eventually realize that they're trying to click on the tutorial for the installation software that pops up in their browser rather than run the installer is aggravating.

someone can actually do each of those on your network if they wanted to

Helping normies with basic computer literacy is the easiest money I've ever made. Before I settled on a flat rate, I told people to pay whatever they thought my help was worth, and once I had an older woman give me $50 in cash for moving her compose email window into the center of the screen where she could see it.
Don't complain about people who think computer literacy is specialized knowledge, just get some people skills and fucking profit.

because they learned on card machines where one wrong card fucked everything and they are basically traumatized

no he is the king of the milfs

hows he got it coming out his ears? Wtf

I'm lucky in that regard because my da has been using computers since the olden days of the Commodore 64. Though he's not an enthusiast anymore and hasn't adapted quite as well to Windows 7 as he did to earlier systems.
My mom doesn't ever install anything.
My grandpa didn't either.

So my tech support is only needed in serious cases.


Though, if my aunt had a computer... well, let's hope that never happens

Not really. I knew an MD who used to administer his own Windows network and website.

>tfw someone let Chester near the ZEUS 720

he is ascended

I really dunno. I've been using GNU plus Linux for so long I don't remember that Microsoft stuff. Have you tried the google?

>mom was a webmaster for years, maintained a state bar association website
>asked me on multiple occasions how to install Netflix on the PS3

I know web dev isn't real programming and all that, but still.

>I only help those who help themselves

i'm triggered

>be me
>taking programming logics class at uni
>chinese professor
>can't understand a damn thing he says
>makes us use his shitty logics language he hacked together himself
>try to download his shit software
>"ehwatcha disa vedo tu eenstar"
>video is shit
>go to TA for help
>"i only help those who help themselves"
>"i've tried mr TA sir, i really have, nobody else knows how to do this shit either"
>"too bad lil man"
>over half of class fails
>i have to retake this shitty class next semester

>pay out the ass for education
>don't get help when you need
Fucking hell

What you shouldve done is get a bunch of kids from the class to vouch for you, and tell the admin or headmaster that you can't understand the dude.

just report him , he'll loose his job at that drop rate