A or B?
Quick survey, pls participate
I vote C as well.
I'm trying to learn it but too retarded to comprehend all those shortcuts. Are there any tutorials that's not right in the face?
Yes, vimtutor comes bundled with vim (basically an interactive text file), but you're clearly too retarded to find that out for yourself.
B if I'm chained to windows or working in a group with a windows user. Otherwise vim
VScode could have been godlike but retards at microsoft used electron, fucking pieces of shit.
B is way too heavy, i want a text/code editor not an ide
not for daily use
pretty good for stuff like git
bullet to the head
Visual C++ Express 2010 if Windows for old Windows system (XP,Vista, 7)
Emac for everything else including modern Winshit
But actually it's pretty fast, you know? It's not as slow as Atom, it's well written.
>its the patrician choice
I would rather kill myself instead of using any of those.
>comparing a text editor to a 16GB-RAM-REQUIRED ide
>installing everything
Never got comfortable with Sublime. Was initially very sceptical about Visual Studio Code, but surprisingly it works for me for just about everything.
visual studio all the way
Can recommend the book in pic related
that being said, everything is better than Atom
What's with all the memes? Esc and :wq is "write and quit", esc and :q! is "quit right now".
fuck B
and i donĀ“t like C desu
>3 commands to quit a fucking piece of software
all right
>being this stupid
Why are you here?
>literally pajeets
lmao vim haters btfo
A, easy enough to find keys for it
funny you, cause i don't use these webdev """programming"""(scripting) languages yet vim is still shit
Insecure much, or just ignorant? Nowhere does it state that VIM isn't shit. Graph only shows that web devs seems to worse at using it (whether it's shit or not).
Because correlation directly translates into causation. Us hardcore C programmers, amirite?
cause school forces me to use it
>Because correlation directly translates into causation.
of course it does
A until B lets you move that retarded side bar to the bottom
fucking useless on portrait monitor
it's pretty comfy after some extensions
A (sometimes C)
fuck vim, use nano
>proprietary vs proprietary
A for Atom
>A for Atom
B for Botnet
keked so hard ty user
I prefer VSCode but sometimes it reaches 14GB of RAM usage, surely there's something wrong with it.
any way to make syntax highlighting for python not shit for multiline strings?
autoindentation to not fuck up when pasting stuff?
searching to be less awkward for long files (it is hard to see "search wrapped" sometimes)
other things in vanilla nano that can be fixed with some options?
I already did
alias nano="nano -wE -T 2"
#w for nowrap, holy shit
#E for spaces, two spaces per tab
I discovered alt+shift+3 for line numbers, amazing discovery.
how get sublime license
>paying for a text editor to have a UI with animation effects
>using an entire web browser as a text editor
Stop being a pussy.
>B for Botnet
O for Open-source
How is atom a botnet again?
A all the way
[spoiler]but b isn't that bad, i just don't like some things about it[/spoiler]
compared to atom, it's pretty fast, but sublime is still way faster. i don't know if it's cognitive bias or something but vscode feels slower for some reason
Are you guys retarded? VSCode is a fork of Atom.
and how the fuck am i insecure for saying that i don't use these languages who are popular amongst users who can't exit vim?
Just because some stupid hipsters can't exit vim properly doesn't mean that vim is popular amongst real developers
It's not a bug, it's a feature. Unused RAM is wasted RAM, you know.
>Turned off the animations
Jokes on you
I prefer B because it doesn't nag you every few saves to purchase a license. This is a problem for me, because I'm a compulsive saver.
Personally, I prefer Kate. It's fast, much faster than VS Code, and doesn't nag you for a license like Sublime does. And it has all the basic features I need without having to install a million plugins like I would with vim.
>he doesn't use the NSA license key
user, what are you doing with your life?
Here you go:
What do you know, you learn something new every day. Thanks, user.
Fyi, there's a sublime plugin that suppressed the purchase notice, though you probably have to be a jew to actually use that shit
you're welcome
it works for months now, the guys at sublime 100% know of this key but they probably don't disable it because NSA's employers still use it most likely
No it isn't retard.
>using a command line editor in a graphical environment
Used to use Sublime but nowadays VS Code has all the features I like from ST and more, plus pretty much the only notable speed difference is that it has a slightly longer startup time, which hardly matters when I keep the editor open all day long.
sublime beats all GUI text editors when it comes to opening/closing files
>logo perfectly resembles userbase
You fucking idiot
spacemacs is better.
Use the right tool for the job. Visual studio is good for any c# or c++ project. Sublime is good for editing various files, I usually use it for xml. I use emacs for clojure development and intellij for java.
How about option D?
This is the only option, with Vi and Emacs evil-mode being possible alternatives.
>using web browser to write code
Why not?
We had one of these, like, around million times. Answer is known. Pic related
interesting how old is this?
vs code seem to have more and more support from Sup Forums these days compare to atom
January this year
This must be overrated meme...
There is no way that people are that stupid.
When you run VIM it says on welcome screen how to exit it.
Would be funny though, if VIM devs added that hint because people were struggling to exit it...
VSCode is also web based.
One true IDE for one true language :^)
It's really comfy IDE, but I like
emacs -nw
with python support more. :^)
B, and Im trying to learn to use Emacs
How about