Is there anyone who became a full time programmer and regretted it?

Is there anyone who became a full time programmer and regretted it?

any white person who programs in java

That's a cute boy.

its a girl retard

>its a girl retard

In this day and age, we don't fucking know if she isn't an helicopter


>its a girl retard
so, now your assuming her gender???

I'm firefox dev btw. download our browser pls.

you do if you've been on this site for at least few years

Who is this semen deamon?

Exactly. That's me

would suck her dick desu

/u/scarycreature on reddit

she looks like scarlett johansson

Is there anyone who became a full time qt and regretted it?

Yes, you must make the leap to management for it to be worth it. Otherwise it's very possible you will be replaced by somebody willing to work for slave wages.




*hugs you*

>unironically links to containment board for degenerates
You win, that is indeed the right place for all the trap and feet fags

person wanted sauce, they got sauce, stop being a little faggot

I'm thinking of learning Java.


Right now, a few thousand moderate or right-wing Google employees.

If you've been on this site for at least a few years you should know that's a boy.

Fuck off pajeet

No, I'm serious and white.
They told me Java had best salary to job listing ratio


Have some dignity

>I'm firefox dev btw. download our browser pls.

That is sad, but true

Java is a flawed language and it's on it's way out. Once Kotlin ousts it from Android, it'll be in the trash with COBOL as a legacy language for backend systems.

I don't think that's going to happen
What? I'm not going to choose a language that pays badly, am I? Plus OO is in right now

>Plus OO is in right now

> I don't think that's going to happen

Think whatever you want to think lmao

Isn't it? Explain me

>What? I'm not going to choose a language that pays badly, am I?

You'll eventually get well paid for maintaining enterprise Java systems that are a spaghetti mess of poorly thought out and completely unnecessary design patterns.

I can smell the curry from here

A lot of people. The profile looks like this:

Young kid get's into College, a bootcamp or learns to program because he likes computers.

Graduates and finds a job

Discovers he is for the most part working on meaningless projects.

Get depress.

Fine. Which language would you recommend?
I can smell the BO from here

>Discovers he is for the most part working on meaningless projects.

Nowadays he'd be spending most of his time in pointless meetings doing some complete shit like Agile.

>Fine. Which language would you recommend?

It depends which area of the field you want to work in.

Fucking this

Uhh I wanna program interesting stuff

Honestly i'm pretty confident in my ability to spot a man ass.

Decide what you actually want to do before choosing which language to learn.

But Mom told me Java was in

Not me btw, LARPer

Also that's a Z420. Why would a grill be running a Xeon?

Any tips?

Why choose java when c# exists?


Only a triggered Sup Forums unemployed autistic would claim to care that much about corporate policies enough to quit his career

Jerk off to a lot of traps.

Give the man reasons why instead of berating him. Honestly you are acting really smug and self righteous for a user on a Kenyan picture forum

Portability. Why choose c# when c++ exists? Why would anybody support a language developed by Microsoft? It's like supporting dx when Vulkan is around

>I'm firefox dev btw. download our browser pls.
make it non-retarded again and we can talk


Is it still a viable option to learn programming and be a freelancer or will I have to fend off Pajeets who work for 3 bucks an hour? I just want something I can do on my free time, I'm not interested in making a career out of it unless I find a really good offer

What the fuck is up with this anti java meme? Yes it's slow as shit for websites, but it's still a perfectly viable language to learn for business

>What is Xamarin?

Get out summer child

I want to lick her feet


Legacy backend system work is the interesting stuff to do as a programmer though.

I'm starting to, I'm slowly realizing that I have turned my passion into a chore.

I just a student and I already regret it.

Not programming, but managing a team of Java developers. The memes here are true and very real. Pajeets are awful and everywhere.

>Is there anyone who became a full time programmer and regretted it?
I'm still learning and not even that advanced and I must agree, considering the picture you posted and how often I see that sort of thing from all the little gold digging honey's.

>what is .net core

I've recently quit a great paying job because of it requiring constant interactions with pajeet (((((developers))))). It has been the worst experience of my professional careera so far.

why do they never want to learn more and always expect promotions and praise despite doing nothing to deserve it?


Yes, I regret it. Should have become a farmer or a hunter. Or anything else so I could live away from all this technology bullshit. I'm a slave to these fucking machines, I hate it.

Can't deny.

I've worked as Ruby on Rails dev for a few months. This is when suicidal thoughts started.

S(he)'s got a cute butt.


>foot fetish

I'm working that ruby shit for 5 years now, I'm about to pull a Columbine

i'm a white person who programs in java. it's fun and involves a lot of challenging and interesting projects.

there's actually a large amount of white people who use java. there's lots of indians too, but they honestly aren't that bad as long as they don't actually live in india.

i don't see kotlin as a threat. it's fully interoperable with java, and it's made to be easy to pick up for java devs. a kotlin shop would gladly pick up a seasoned java dev because it's literally the same thing with simpler syntax. i'd enjoy the transition.

This. I want to be free, outside, doing my own thing, and by the time I realized it it was too late. Now I have loans to pay off and I regret going to university, I barely learned anything


No, literally everyone loves their job no matter what they do.

What a fucking stupid question.

fuck your SJW browser. Brave all the way.

>ousting anything
>legacy backend when most new medium- large scale backends are still being written in java spring

No. Big corporations will outsource, but small companies will hire local. Get your talk game up and they'll stay with you instead of outsourcing to India.

all of us

>Plus OO is in right now
honestly one of the most pathetic sentences I've seen on g in 10 years


where's the penis

Pls go back

if you dont regret 90% of your decisions in life are even living it

>the current state of Mozzila marketing department

>she looks like scarlett johansson

lol pls