If you want help: >Assemble parts list pcpartpicker.com/ >State the budget for your build (and country if not USA) >List games/software you use often, as well as your monitor resolution + refresh rate >Clarify your goal for build improvements: lower price or improved specs? How to assemble a PC, select components & more (outdated) wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Build_a_PC
CPUs: No Ryzen unless discounted, they have bad single-threaded performance and have hardcoded bugs at the moment. >G4560 - poverty-tier builds >i5 7640X - Budget builds (i7 7740X - Best for gaming >i9 7900X - Best for gaming and productivity
GPUs: Coin miners have driven price up and stock down, waiting to buy a GPU might be wiser >Integrated CPU Graphics - Desktop stuff and very light games >GTX 1050(Ti) - Lower end budget cards, drop settings on newer games, RX560 beaten by both >RX570 - 1080p@60~hz maxed, running most maxed older games at 100~Hz >RX580 and GTX1060 6GB - 1080p@80hz maxed, 1440p@60hz at lower settings; RX580 better in newer games >GTX 1070 - 1080p@130hz /1440p@60hz at high >GTX 1080 - 1080p@144hz / 1440p@60hz maxed, 4k@60hz in a few games; Probably the highest end card you need for 1080p/1440p >GTX 1080Ti - 1440p@144hz and 4k@60hz maxed/high in many games >Vega soon.
RAM: >Check your Mobo QVL before buying any RAM >Ryzen CPUs benefits a lot from high speed RAM
General: ALWAYS LOOK AT PRODUCT REVIEWS! Always consider an SSD. Try buying a large SSD for what you'd pay for your SSD+HDD combined, and add a HDD later NVMe SSDs aren't for a faster OS boot, they're for productivity/scratch disk/VMs. NVMe and M.2 are not the same thing, M.2 is a form factor. The Ryzen lineup comes with surprisingly good stock coolers. consider using them over any
Bought one a couple days ago, thinking of replacing the fan with a Noctua F12 and seeing what that can do for my CPU temps
Hunter Smith
The subject is memory Of course GPU is 99-100%, but If there was a clearly bottleneck shit there wouldn't be benefit from higher memory clock, 'cuz gpu is fucking things up you could say memory who is bottle-necking performance, but my questions regarding sub 60 remains
Sebastian Carter
In what scenario will a CPU bottleneck occur sub 60 FPS?
Aiden Cooper
What are the ram with the best compatibility with Ryzen.
Levi Anderson
It's more of a motherboard thing, check for the motherboard QVL.
If you had read the OP, you would know that is specifically says that if you want help, your gonna have to atleast start a part list yourself you massive waste of space.
Sebastian Price
this is my first build, looking to spend a little less, and the main purpose of my machine is to edit videos and maybe play a few games here and there. ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/2sMgM8
Jaxson Scott
>a few games are you trying to max 120 fps
Daniel Garcia
what can a 4690k oc to 4.3ghz be equivalent to today? a stock 6600k maybe?
Jacob Ward
If you're looking to edit / render videos, a Ryzen 1600 would be a better choice. Get a b350 mobo with that, and add an HDD to your build. You can also drop the Hyper Evo, Ryzens come with amazing stock coolers. Try to spend a little less on the case, and drop to a 1070 / 1060 (6GB IF YOU'RE GONNA GET A 1060!) if you don't play too many resource intensive games.
Brandon King
you can bump that PSU down to 750 without worry, unless there's a whole bunch of other bells and whistles you're adding on but aren't listed
put the savings into a better heat sink, 212 EVO won't be enough for that CPU
Joshua Thompson
i really dont know what im doing. i just picked what looked like a good video card. im tired of editing videos slowly its irritating. what video card would you recommend thats not overkill that could take 2 monitors or a ultra wide?
If your monitors are both standard HD at 60 Hz, you can probably drop from a GTX 1080 to a GTX 1070; if not, keep the 1080
Look into a Ryzen 5 1600/1600X for your processor though, it'll probably do everything you want it to do for MUCH cheaper than that Intel you've picked out
Logan Rogers
so this will be my nas/esxi server any suggestions? first upgrade will be another 16 gigs of ram pcpartpicker.com/list/Tw7jr7
Connor Perry
How does this look? pcpartpicker.com/list/ddqrbj The budget is pretty much maxed already in this (I know the 1080 is out of stock right now, I know how much it adds to my build), I've got a 1920x1080 monitor 144hz, I want to be able to play Overwatch, CS, Rust, Ark on high FPS medium settings.I was wondering if there was any improvements I could make without impacting the budget too much.
Oliver Gomez
>finish building glorious new pc >look for screws for case wall >one of them is missing
Juan Torres
I got a core i3 3210. If I get a core i5 2500, will I get a noticeable increase in performance? I only want to upgrade the cpu.
Isaac Anderson
Might as well throw everything out now desu
Carson Gutierrez
>paying for windows >paying more than $100 for 16gb dirt ram >paying more than $60 for mid atx case
William Peterson
Not him but where the fuck can I buy 16 gigs of DDR4 ram for less than $100?
Henry Sanders
you can't, atleast not for higher frequency dimms
Chase Adams
I have a problem. I'm building my first PC and I just mounted everything. I followed all the guides step by step, and I even toke precautions to avoid static electricity damaging components. And when i connected everything, the monitor won't recognize signal, and I connected it to my GPU dvi port using a vga adapter for the monitor. I also tried using an HDMI, and connecting the a VGA to the motherboard instead. Also the computer restart itself like ever 20 seconds or so. Also GPU cooler stop working, but I don't know if that is normal because it shut down itself if it isn't being used. I think the problem is that the CPU overheats because the thermal paste that came pre-applied in the CPU cooler is shit and I live in Spain with 40 Celsius degrees as room temperature. I just bought thermal paste, I'm waiting for Amazon to deliver. I bought these pieces es.pcpartpicker.com/guide/tXNnTW/entry-level-gaming-build.
Joshua Davis
Daniel Miller
Move somewhere not so hot
Oliver Mitchell
>want to buy temporary replacement GPU for my 5770 >turns out no new cards cna be used because the mainboard does not have an UEFI bios
Gotta endure until Zen2 then
Sebastian Ramirez
What do you want to see, when you hover over a PSU for some extra info?
The one on the right is what I am planning right now.
Primary usage will be gaming with a side of content creation, workstation, 3D modelling, video and photo editing stuff to a lesser degree.
Also i have a nvidia gpu so freesync doesnt really matter to me as i dont plan on upgrading for a long time
Ryder Ortiz
>OEM Yes please!
>PCIe I don't really care. I know it will have enough
>Efficiency At higher ratings, efficiency at lower liadings is a big differentiating factor, so maybe also something about that
Luke Gomez
There is no fresh place in my home, the basement is like 30 Celsius too.
Sebastian Green
>At higher ratings, efficiency at lower liadings is a big differentiating factor That sort of data is not going to be easily available, as not all PSUs are reviewed by the same people, and not all reviewers do low-power testing.
Nathan Edwards
Just bought one of those for my nephew last week. Top-tier reviews.
Ayden Hughes
please tell me where i can find 16gb ddr4 for under 100 in EU all knowing one
Ryan Brown
~7 year old design, and still an excellent choice.
Owen Adams
msi gtx 770 2gb for $50 usd good? i dont plan on playing anything other than csgo with it on an old rig from 2008
Kevin Sullivan
considering the 1151 pentiums are all 70+ dollars i would go ryzen 1200 even for normies (autistic Sup Forums normies) mom builds can still be the 3930 for facebook gaming and netflix streaming
Good for $50. Better than a 1050 Ti, not as good as a 1060 3GB.
Nathan Lewis
Wait what A 1050 ti is better than a 680/770
Jonathan Baker
More feedback on this, please.
Benjamin Wood
Yes, it will boost performance in pretty much everything, since you're doubling the core count and the cores are just as strong. If you're gaymen the gains wont be too huge unless you're playing recent titles, but will still be very significant.
Also be aware than in going from Ivy Bridge to Sandy Bridge you'll lose things like SATA3, USB3 and all the other stuff the newer chipset features.
Nathaniel Campbell
The 770 sits between the 1050 Ti and 1060 3GB.
Christopher Harris
I have the same Asus in a smaller variant and it's a very nice monitor.. I'm not worried about color accuracy though so I cannot comment on that but if you value it then the LG may be worth the extra cash ror that and the freesync tax could still work if you sell it in a future upgrade.
Adam Green
About to make the leap from 32 to 64 bit. Any tips?
Christopher Perez
>Corsair Air 240 looks great >Can't fit 1080 Ti and NH-D15 in
Thermaltake Core V21 it is then.
Hunter Johnson
nothing uses more than 300-400watts under load and thats when benchmarking the CPU and GPU individually at the same time
just get the cheapest a 400 watt EVGA
Mason Morgan
I'm not a super duper expert on recent AMD cards, but recent Nvidia offerings have had no analog out what so ever, so that explains why using a DVI to VGA converter is displaying nothing.
Anyway, your restarting issue sounds like it isn't related to the GPU, which is probably a bad sign. Unless you're retarded and applied it wrong, there's absolutely no way the CPU can overheat at idle just because your ambient is 40C. It could be anything from a dead CPU, to dead RAM, to a dead motherboard or even a PSU maybe.
Assuming you weren't an idiot and bought multiple dimms of RAM, try it with just one stick (try both), and try it in each in different motherboard slots and see what happens.
Did you install it in a case yet or is it just a test run on a cardboard box?
Ian Wright
Carson Adams
Good luck running a 1080Ti and 7900X on 400W.
Even if you aren't going for a balls to the walls system, I still wouldn't fancy running a 1600X and Vega 56 on a 400W PSU, it might work, but holy fuck are you cutting it close. Besides, the industry is moving away from super low power consumption shit anyway, as seen by AMD introducing a 350W single GPU card, and Intel getting BTFO by Ryzen meaning their next line of processors will likely use another 50% more power, given they are basically going to be Kaby lake with an additional two cores.
A 500W or more PSU is barely more expensive, and will be quieter under load. There's a reason most manufacturers start their lines with a PSU around 500w. If I was building a Vega 64 + 8700K system in 6 months time I'd sure as shit want a 600W PSU minimum.
Nicholas Garcia
okay so its a bit under 500 once you add the ram and mobo
Okay Sup Forums I've got a r9 280x powered with a 2 x molex to pci-e 8 pin and I'm planning to use either a 2 x sata to pci-e 6 pin or a single sata to power the 6 pin, should I be fine using just the single sata?
Henry Wilson
Can't you use more more molex connectors? I assume it's a super old PSU doesn't just have PCIe connectors? Some PSU's might not like putting out such a high amount of power to their sata connectors, given they were only intended for 10w HDD's.
Personally I'd spend the $50 on a new PSU and not have to worry about dying of smoke inhalation in my sleep.
Andrew Phillips
Sadly, both my available molex connectors are taken up by the 8 pin, would a single molex more be able to support a 6 pin in the first place?
Nathaniel Lee
That looks really good. I don't think any other information would be readily available.
To you refer to PSU test sites like jonnyguru? Even with the same OEM quality may differ drastically between product series. To give direct feedback over that may be helpful, but it might only be available for a fraction of PSUs at all and it would be a bitch to manually put the data in I guess.
Owen Anderson
Yes, you can convert a 6pin PCIe to 8pin PCIe without issue in most cases, so if you have to run some stupid janky setup of adapters that would be the way to do it. Do the molex connectors you've got come on their own as each separate cable, or are they daisy chained from the PSU like pic related?
What is the make and model of the PSU? Have you considered perhaps the reason it doesn't have enough power cables is because it wasn't meant to feed a high end GPU?
Brayden Gray
It's a 550w Chinese something, but yes both molex connectors are daisy chained, with a sata and a floppy daisy chained to the same cable, while the second cable has two satas daisy chained to each other. I think I might be able to get away with it just for a few weeks until I can afford a proper power supply, hopefully.
Jackson Mitchell
>It's a 550w Chinese something Just seriously throw it in the bin and buy it reputable. If it says it's 550w it really means it's (((550w))), it has the chance of damaging your expensive components and/or catching fire. Buy something 500W+ from EVGA, Seasonic or Silverstone with an 80PLUS rating and you'll be golden. It isn't worth the risk for like $50.
Kayden Rogers
What PSU exactly? "Chinese something" varies from well made superflower PSUs to "chinglong will blow your shit up if you try to use more than a third of what its rated for". Do not build adapter contraptions without knowing for certain that the PSU can handle it. Do not use unknown, possibly shitty PSUs at all with expensive hardware.
Jaxon Murphy
>CPUs: >No Ryzen unless discounted, they have bad single-threaded performance and have hardcoded bugs at the moment. >>G4560 - poverty-tier builds >>i5 7640X - Budget builds (>i7 7740X - Best for gaming >>i9 7900X - Best for gaming and productivity
Thanks for the free advertisement goy
Christopher King
It means it's Jewish?
Matthew Long
I made a video, but I cannot into webm so I don't know how to make one without sound
A 1400 should suffice. I'd suggest getting a modular PSU if this is your first build, you can find some for about 40 / 20ish more than your current one.
Tyler Adams
good bait in the op. Anyway, ausfag here, no set budget, just checking with you guys that I'm not getting memed on any of my part choices. Also, anyone got any experience building in the 570x? I like the aesthetic but I'm not great at cable management. Is it going to give me a migraine?
I mean, the 570x is a meme in itself but if you'd like to get a look at the cable management PCPartPicker made a cable management timelapse video. youtube.com/watch?v=homWKqi_gXU Other than that, it looks good. No HDD?
Jackson Wood
I think I found the problem. The pre-applied thermal paste that came with the CPU cooler is shit. Pic related, I'm pretty sure that the computer reset itself because the CPU overheat a lot with that shitty thermal paste that probably do nothing.
Wyatt White
just get like arctic or other decent thermalpaste
Jayden Green
I bought a Noctua NT-H1, I'm waiting for Amazon to deliver it
Joseph Turner
>streaming You'll want 6+ cores pal, a 1600 isn't that much more expensive anyway when you consider the mobo and RAM are going to cost you as much.
Kayden Hernandez
That won't change anything, the thermal paste that comes pre applied with the stock cooler is more than enough to cool the CPU properly during idle.
Adrian Myers
You aren't going to be hitting 105C before the system even POSTs you shitter, and even if it did it would just throttle, not shut down.
Cooper Richardson
Lisa Su makes my dick ryzen.
Aiden Campbell
I'm gonna rebuild the PC again too, if it still doesn't work, I'm probably gonna change the parts since it has warranty.
Camden Murphy
Cooper Myers
Why aren't there high end mATX boards?
Nicholas Smith
Jonnyguru is the best, and TPU does surprisingly good PSU reviews.
Nathaniel Smith
So AMD said that AM4 will be supported for Zen+ and Zen2 (I think that's what they are calling them). Is it the same for the TR4 socket? Like, will a ThreadRipper refresh and ThreadRipper refresh refresh work so I can just swap out the CPU and keep the motherboard? Because TR4 mitherboards are expensive as fuck.