Who wins?

Who wins?

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Neither if you're not a brainlet

Both hipster millennial shit.

Completely different technologies:

Node is only one single part of the equation, that's why it's called MEAN stack and not NODE stack.

Rails is a stand-alone MVC framework which does literally everything for you. You can even avoid JavaScript in 90% of all cases.

Basically it's cool to learn both.

Rails is the stereotypical MVC thing, if you understand how it works, other MVC frameworks will be pretty easy for you to understand, i.e. changing to Django is not a big problem.

Node is very funky with it's non-blocking I/O, the modularity of JS (i.e. adding some nice flavour of the month Js libraries) and of course it's always good to have decent JS skills.

RAM Manufacturers


From a beginner's point o view, i.e. knowlegde of C/assembler, but only hardcode for actual machines.

What would you recommend to build a simple interactive webapp with ?
From you argumentation, i would guess ruby, as i "decent JS skills in general" don't seem to have much of value for me.

Rails you fucking retard.

>I write all MY websites in pure HTML!

Fuck off hipster.



One is a framework, the other one a platform. Are you retarded OP?

Java + Spring Boot

This wins: gitgud.io/chiru.no/chiru.no/

what is this?

it's the thing it says it is

Both suck but rails is dead and node is still alive. Npm will likey be around for a long time

a flac internet radio stream? im not thinking clearly been vaping too much weed

it's the greatest web 2.0 site written without any frameworks


Use spring

>developer time
Saved when you don't have to migrate from a garbage stack because you pussied out of your ambition, hired the wrong people, and thought you'd never have to scale up

Building the following:
asapm asclock asmon astime wmmenu fsviewer wmacpi wmacpiload-ac wmacpimon wmapm wmapmload wmappl wmbatteries wmbattery wmbiff wmbinclock wmbio wmblob wmbluecpu wmbutton wmcalc wmCalClock wmcalendar wmcdplay wmcliphist wmclock wmclockmon wmcoincoin wmcp wmcpu wmcpuload wmcube wmdf wmdiskmon wmdl wmdots wmdrawer wmfire wmfishtime wmforkplop wmfortune wmfrog wmfsm wmget wmgrabimage wmgtemp wmhdplop wmifinfo wmifs wminet wmitime wmix wmjsql wmlaptop wmlife wmload wmlongrun wmmaiload wmmand wmMatrix wmmemfree wmmemload wmmemmon wmmenu wmmisc wmmixer wmmldonkey wmmon wmmon+smp wmMoonClock wmmp wmmp3 wmmsg wmnd wmnet wmnetselect wmpager wmpasman wmpeople wmpiki wmpinboard wmping wmpop3 wmpop3lb wmpower wmppp wmrack wmrecord wmsmixer wmSMPmon wmsound wmSpaceWeather wmstickynotes wmSun wmsvencd wmswallow wmsysmon wmsystemtray wmsystray wmtime wmtimer wmtop wmtz wmudmount wmupmon wmwave wmweather wmweather+ wmwifi wmwork wmxkb wmXName wmxres wmlpq

Some of this is really old and probably won't make it to the repo.

not him, node you fucktard. ruby is dying and will be a niche language in 10 years

I would learn Rails.

It's simple, fun and does a lot of things for you (which is good as beginner) out of the box..
