Once you upgrade your waste system to a colostomy bag and catheter...

Once you upgrade your waste system to a colostomy bag and catheter, there is no longer any need to waste your precious time and energy traveling to the lavatory to expel waste.

Pic semi-related (exception is that the optimal discharge point is some proper waste receptacle rather than a bag).

Other urls found in this thread:


>shitting in a bag

Astronauts do it.

>need to waste your precious time and energy traveling to the lavatory to expel waste.
India doesn't have this problem.

how do you pull out the tube?

They use diapers actually. . .

No they don't

relax bros, I'm just...shitposting.

You don't. This is your life now.

The round thing is a balloon, it deflates when you need to remove it.

1. As you said, you need to travel to a lavatory to empty that bag.
2. You need to frequently change the catheter with care because infections and disgusting things which come with.

>not having another tube going from the colostomy bag pointed towards the ground
>not emptying it while walking down the street
OP's first point stands

>have a seat built which is both a comfy gaming chair and a toilet
>insert foley catheter into penis
>be fed through iv TPN
>never have to leave seat again

could there be anything more comfy?

Most people who know how to operate a catheter can avoid infections and other problems.

>Unironically wanting to put plastic through your dick.
No fuckin way.

where is his benis?

thats a femenine ((vagina))
or so i've heard

This is clearly the future. Where can I order one?

It has to do with hygiene and time optimization.


>It has to do with hygiene and time optimization.
It is fuckin unhygienic to put some plastic shit through your dick.
And I can urinate everywhere without it so what?



omg is that circle clitoris ???

this is my fetish

Might want to get a used one or share with a friend.