Why aren't you using CMDer Sup Forums? It blows windows shell out of the water, and includes git and ssh as well.
>muh leenoox terminal
>muh unix development
Why aren't you using CMDer Sup Forums? It blows windows shell out of the water, and includes git and ssh as well.
>muh leenoox terminal
>muh unix development
I can't code so I have no use for it. It's the same reason whyi disabled notepad, programs with too much text and too little icons/pictures scare me.
Didn't they make Powershell to suit as a not-terrible terminal? How'd that turn out?
I like mintty or wsltty more
Don't worry, lot of other stupid people like you are afraid of reading too.
Is this any better than cywin or bash for windows?
>awk fatal could not open file (Permission denied)
So this is the power of Linux on Wangblows
Powerkek is worse than standard cmd shell
text select now is better, and that is basically it
Imagine Visual Basic as a shell.
Powershell is a shell, not a terminal, retard. I though Linux users were supposed to know these things. I guess I was wrong. Go back to the Arch wiki to learn the difference.
Does it have tabs?
I often ask my self
what really happened to 4dos?
It's so many years ago, but I can sorta still remember it
Thanks for correcting me, I'm not actually a Linux user though, I'm not sure why you assumed that.
What's the difference then between a shell and a terminal?
what you think about company who can't make terminal n 30 years?
Because linux is unironically the superior OS
well, I still rememeber first builds of gentoo programmed on punchboards.
you must be a new friend here then - everyone on Sup Forums uses gentoo unless they are leddit tier pajeets
>using botnet preview
ITT windcucks trying to get leenoox functionality.
what, faggots, finally realised that gaymes not everything in your life? But still too stubborn to make a switch and admit that you were failing at life?
I'm confused
what the fuck is this ableist shit
>20 years later windows still has no decent defalut terminal
it rly makes you thin
>proprietary software
here's how it works:
>most people are stupid
>stupid people approve stupid things
>stupid things get popular
>stupid people think popular things are good
>stupid people complain that they cant have stupid things on systems made for the intelligent
btw, enjoy ur botnet
is xyplorer any good?
Office Online works on Linux without issue.
Cause I use mobaxterm and the local terminal for it is cygwin
time to get a little familiar with English user..
it's a slightly different use of the word and is pronounced differently too.
nice damage control
This explains Apple.
yeah it's the best i've used.
anything from ranger to totalcommander (and its kids) i've tried, they aren't as good imo.
XYplorer just has a FUCK ton of features and is very poweruser heavy.
>these are the mongloids you post with on Sup Forums
feels bad, man
wsl is available in release versions
Stallman pls go
Can you control devices and the OS on your Winshit with special filesystems like in linux (devfs, procfs, sysfs)?
>(((Industry Leading)))
Can I just say that MS Office is the most overrated software suite in existence? It's not terrible or anything, it's just that the vast majority of their paying customers don't even need to be paying what they pay, when most of their work is basic word processing, simple spreadsheets without macros and simple PowerPoint slides, all of which is easily done on LibreOffice, just as good, without a paywall or DRM.
I get that MS Office has more features, but for the vast majority of people, those features aren't ever used. So they're paying for something they don't even use, when LibreOffice is WAY MORE than adequate for their needs.
MS Office, maybe although I still think it's the best.
Outlook and Excel are a MUST if you're in corporate. At the places i've worked, those two were the core of work that was done by the people in IB and no good alternatives exist for them. (no not thunderbird or some shitty excel clone)
A terminal is the software that is an emulation of 60's-70's tech where only basic shit like text can be viewed (sometimes you can do crazy shit outside of just text, but those are not the norm). A shell is *how* you interact with the computer inside the terminal; different shells have different conventions and syntaxes, but they are largely similar.
Not in stable.
They made support in next release for usb/serial ports/mounting storage/maybe more.
What do you mean "next release"? I thought Windows 10 is rolling release.
What are the advantages
Yeah, no. Next release. Fall creator update.
But I use LTS Ubuntu.
Checkmate, atheist. :^)
>>muh leenoox terminal
>>muh unix development
So your goal is to make your shitty excuse of a shell as versatile as unix shell but at the same time shit on it?
Or is it yet another MUH GAYMES thread?
Or just get a less shitty hobby than muh computers.
nice i found it on the pirate place :^)
I did hence i no longer bother with shitshow that is linux
muh computers includes muh videogames as well
i use powershell as a general purpose replacement for cmd, if i need to use ssh or git i use bash
Steam brought the game back to linux
Why would you use a shitty themed up, with a slow startup ConEmu instead of the real thing?
I use conemu because I got used to it.
Microsoft too
Because Hyper is better.
Version 6.2? Im using 6.1 rn, any benefit?