In america, ISPs and mobile providers can pay for exclusive rights to be the only one allowed in any given city

>In america, ISPs and mobile providers can pay for exclusive rights to be the only one allowed in any given city
>libertarians and ancaps will defend this because muh free unregulated market

Other urls found in this thread:

>commie like to use shitty provider backed by government

>free unregulated market
>Government enforces to use one service kicking out other companies
Are you idiot or what?


OMG, they are actually defending it! : D

>It's not tyranny when a private corporation does it

>companies can abuse the legislative power of a corrupt government to keep others from reaching fair competition by law instead of giving better products or dominating the market with shear convinience
>libertarians would prevent the government from being able to enact these monopolies
>this is bad

Defending what?
>Government REGULATES market to enforce monopoly on one service
>Free unregulated market
American education as is

Does what, idiot? It's enforced by state. They're paying state for right on monopoly

It's enforced because it's paid for, such a practice should be illegal. But then again, ancaps and lolbergs sperg out at the thought of any kind off regulation, even ones that would help them.

In libertarian society you physically can't pay gov for monopoly because in libertarian state government does not have instruments to manipulate economy and market, in ancap society there is no government at all

>States pay ISPs millions of dollars to invest in infrastructure

>They literally just take the money and do fuck all but raise prices and stifle competition and pay future politicians to continue their monopoly

>There are people who still think America represents anything even remotely close to a free market

They wouldn't need to pay off because they would be an unchallengable monopoly. It would be completely impossible to compete in a libertarian or ancap society.

So instead you buy all the competition out or collude with the other suppliers. So much better.

If the cables instead were commonly owned this wouldn't be a problem. You can still have private corporations supplying the internet if you really want, the most important part is making sure noone can have a monopoly on the physical cables.

Monopolies doesn't survive in free market for tons of reasons. Read Adam Smith please. Are you 14yo who discovered libertarianism?

> internet neutrality is the thing that created ISP monopolies in the first place, because content-specific providers are not allowed to exist
> we could have DVD-quality netflix in early 2000s, but we didn't because of that

>He actually thinks companies would be more competitive and innovative if there was no regulations stopping them from showing even more corporate nepotism and market segmentation.



Yet monopolies be them natural or created have been around just as long.

Monopolies is mostly created with "help" of government. Do you think that there are fucking elfs in anti-monopoly committee? Do you think that gov are not lobbying companies interests?

And how do you think you stop that? Make a law against that? Oh wait, that would be regulation and we cannot allow that.

it's the same here in australia

In libertarian society government simply does not have instruments to manipulate markets.

Nothing stopping a company from sabotaging or making secret deals to enforce monopoly. You're delusional if you think that america went full libertarian the average joe will be able to afford startup capital to realistically compete with the big ISPs

>tfw socialist libertarian
>tfw all this is physically hurting me
Why do I have to want for a government that has never and will never exist?

The government has to specifically grant companies the right to dig and lay down lines to prevent a huge clusterfuck. There's no way around that.

Well actually there is. The government could just own the lines and sell access.

>He actually thinks companies would be more competitive and innovative
I didn't say that, nigger

There is nothing wrong with natural monopolies and local monopolies.

>He actually thinks that government has created a fucking thing.

And like clockwork the lolberg supports only 1 ISP per city as long as it's local only.

I've never used the word before but Americans seem to be getting 'cucked' in the ISP issues. Be it prices or surveillance or no neutrality shit.

>The government could just own the lines and sell access.
Barring roads, have you ever used a government-made anything? Because aside from the road system, it's basically 100% shit, and a lot of the roads are falling to pieces too.

Because you're naive enough to believe humans will ever put their own selfishness aside to serve the needs of the common good.

Someone's always going to come out ahead and everybody else is always going to do anything they can to be that guy. Been that way for literally the entirety of human history, not stopping any time soon.

Where did I say the government made anything? Their job isn't to "make" anything it's just to stop companies from raping us even more than they do now.

Now if you want to argue about how well they do that job we can but the point is we'd be in even deeper shit without the (mostly theatrical) regulations that are in place, even if they aren't always honored.

>Implying the GOP isn't purposefully gutting and letting local infrastructure rot so they can further their end goal of privatizing literally everything.

So do you try to tell me that if there's town in middle of nowhere with population of 500 people it will be served by 100500 ISP companies?

> Because you're naive enough to believe humans will ever put their own selfishness aside
People in the government are not aliens or robots as well.

>Raping us
Throw out your computer ok? It is created by company, commie. Why do you buy computer and let yourself be raped?

its not just the americucks getting dicked by isps because it also applies to australia here too

Postal service handles service in rural areas when no private company would, they also basically serve as the backend for several private companies.

Medicare and medicaid, old people and people who are simply incapable of receiving insurance. I'm sure these people would disagree with you on that.

>Anyone who disagrees with you is a communist
Be sure to bend over just a little further since you love being fucked so much

Lol, so having criticisms about corporate lobbying and the fact that the only thing stopping them from completely demolishing what tiny fraction of freedom actually remains in our markets is a thin layer of government regulation means I'm not allowed to use things created by corporations?

The weight of your extra chromosomes could create orbit.

Go back to Sup Forums, homo, nobody gives a shit about your bootlicking ass here.

Well, it's you who like getting fucked by government and love when state are stealing your income, not me. Companies do not steal from me nothing - I'm paying them and getting myself nice goods. And when I'm paying government I'm getting cops that don't give a shit about your education, money thrown to welfare niggers, incompetent burecrauts and other shit

Just for redpilling you. There is English subtitles so you can watch it

>Corporate lobbying
You're either really dumb or just 14yo leftist

I bet you think it being illegal to dump factory waste into our rivers or you can't force children to work in dangerous jobs for long hours with little pay is evil communism as well.

>This funny "ancap" memes that kid read in some funny page on Facebook
Just stop it

It's what ancaps actually do believe

>exclusive rights
Only pick one.

Duh, stupid. In a free market those companies wouldn't be able to turn a profit.

You think people would buy products from a company that commits atrocities and has sub-human working conditions?

Don't be ridiculous.

You can't simply thrown shit from factory to river because land near the river is owned by people and you're actually cause pollution on their property.
And you can't fucking "enforce" someone to work somewhere because it's crime.

And if you're talking about just children working somewhere - their parents most likely don't allow them to work on dangerous jobs + you're losing reputation on market by doing things like that

Strata is understandable. It's a fucking desert in the middle of nowhere

1) I don't give a shit about niggers and poos
2) In poostan and China it's really not that bad.


>Sup Forumsdancer opinions disregarded

Let me know how high school goes.

>he thinks the corprations would give a shit about who lives on the land they are polluting
>he thinks that without a state body there could actually be some way to stop them from doing it
>he thinks that living as the children of poor peasants who have no opportunities or mobility doesn't count as being "forced"
>he thinks the parents would even have a choice
>he actually believes in "losing reputation" (le ethical capitalism"

everyone take a good look at how hopelessy naive the average ancap is. they are literally the retarded yin to the full communism retarded yang. the only places that even resemble anarcho capitalism are third world shitholes like somalia and other parts of rural africa

>their parents most likely don't allow them to work on dangerous jobs + you're losing reputation on market by doing things like that
We can easily disprove that because before child labor laws were a thing children did work, with their parents even allowing it. I think the parents may not have necessarily wanted them to work but if they were dirt poor having their older children working and bringing money to the table was a requirement then. Children were often used for jobs that required small people or small hands which often meant working in confined spaces with poor ventilation and otherwise poor working conditions. They were also not paid well, but a lot of people really weren't paid well until a federal minimum wage was implemented.

Oh my God, kid. Do you know what is private investigation companies?

If parents allow this it's okay and there's nothing wrong with that.

Government enforced monopoly doesn't exist, it's like these retards who think net neutrality will destroy innovation.

>He thinks that government is nanny who is 100% GUD and want to help you and really give a shit about you
So you're really 14yo leftist?

Except of course the children do not have a choice in the matter, the parent is their guardian so what the parent says goes. The problem is children are citizens and deserve to have the same rights to life and liberty. The government basically said if children are to be subservient to parents in every other way parents are not allowed to abuse their position to take advantage of them for money making reasons.


sure sign of being completely ass-annihilated. projecting much? i'm guessing you are 18 tops.

in anarcho capitalism if you are not in the tippy tippy top 10% or so then you are worth less than your own organs. what are you going to pay your "private investigation company" with when you make just enough to stay alive day-by-day? you think google corp couldn't just double it to tell them to fuck off? and what are they going to do when the google corp drone army can just obliterate your house from the sky and you collect water in rain barrels?

>What is Brewers Retail
>What is East India Company

i know you think you are hot shit sitting behind your computer monitor with your assault rifle or whatever but the state is literally the only thing standing in the way of your entire neighbourhood getting napalmed and you getting herded into a work-camp

Yet again this 14yo dreamworld where everyone is GUD WORKERS POOR LIVEN IN SLUMS and there is BAD STUPED COMPANIES FUCKING BAD RICH.
Kid, world is not black and white, it's not binary

So what is case of napalming neighborhood?


once again with the age accusations.

>random capital letters strawman quotes with typos

i think you are lost, you might get along better on /r/the_donald, they're more about your speed



>world is not black and white, it's not binary

and yet the ancaps are in favour of completely abolishing the state because it is 100% bad and not having it is 100% good. that sounds familiar

corps want your land and know there is fuck all you can do about it with your pea-shooter collection. you could be worth a few months of hard labour before you get sick and then get killed and harvested for bio materials

>You lost I win
Okay, okay as you say, kid. Now go to Bernie rally and other shit. You can also give some money to rapefugees
So in communist wonderland corps are destroying markets and people who can buy goods they produce? Nice knowledge of economics.

Oh, I almost forgotten. Companies are BAD STUPED CAPETALIST and they will simply destroy their clients just because they're EVIL BAD

>You lost I win


>something about bernie

never brought up bernie. i guess you're just throwing random shit at the wall to see if it sticks


lol what are you even talking about?

>So in communist wonderland corps are destroying markets and people who can buy goods they produce? Nice knowledge of economics.

well if the land you occupy is worth more than the pennies you can afford after your 10hr workday you put back in, yeah. and with the world population creeping over 7 billion and automation taking over most manual labour, hate to break it to ya bud but angry right-wing squatters really aren't even worth being kept alive to a corporation unrestricted by any enforceable ethical code.

Right? Why would a company be retarded enough to knowingly kill its own customers?

Why would a libertarian defend that? I don't get it.
Do you have an example of one defending monopoly like that or are you just talking shit?

You're meming but that's exactly what's happening.

So in commie wonderland companies will make goods and resources from thin air? It seems like profit will come from thin air too, because there are no consumers(in Wonderland they're KILLED BY BAD CAPETALIST).

How come houseowners don't own the cables that run through their houses?
It's literally their property.

Districts should own the cables and have right to switch the whole place to any ISP they like.

Smoking are killing do you know that, kid?

How about the internet, retard.

>commie wonderland

i'm still not sure why you think i'm a communist because i oppose anarcho capitalism. to quote yourself:

"Kid, world is not black and white, it's not binary"

the rest of your post hinges on me being a communist which simply isn't true, i just recognize the hellscape that is inevitable in the case of unrestricted human greed and power accumulation.

All innovation comes from the public sector, because things like education and rnd are inherently socialist concepts.
Retard ancaps literally can't refute this.

Companies aren't really good or bad, they just do what makes the most sense for their bottom line. The problem is the incentives are usually working for the bad thing or at least against the good thing. The government should act as a counterweight, to incentivize good things or at least discourage bad things.

If not boom of e-commerce in 90's and .com bubble Internet will still be some network for universities
Please answer my question and stop whining. Where profit will come if STUPID BED copitalist killed all consumers?

>being forced to 'choose' from a single isp

Yes, you're right, but kids here thinking that companies are some Boogeyman who want to kill all the consumers for no reason.

if the world was run on anarcho capitalism then we would be stuck using the lowest-quality cheapest-produced junk tools so that we would have to continue replacing them (for money) forever

this is why atlas shrugged was a retarded book. rearden steel was literally the worst possible business decision for hank rearden to make if he wanted to maximize his profit. but ayn rand was a career academic who never understood economics at all so she just wrote him as this noble captialist knight-in-shining armour who has become the self-image for retarded ancaps and libertarians who are too stupid to think more than 1 day ahead

>implying one extremity is better than the other

Need balance between corporations and government. I guess these days the problem is just deciding which you want to control your state/nation.

I think local and state governments own the lines in their districts they just enter into a contract with a company that is in charge of maintaining the lines and laying new lines down. If a govt allows in a new company they may break the contract which opens them up to legal problems

>Some network for universities
It was founded by the department of defense for use in research and development. If anything, the internet would be MORE objectively useful without those things because it wouldn't have been tainted by vapid commercialism.

>Where profit will come if STUPID BED copitalist killed all consumers?

The key is to not kill all your consumers and make sure your product is enticing or necessary enough to ignore the risk, see tobacco, alcohol, pharma, agriculture.

Welcome to corporatism, the shittiest form of capitalism where the government and major companies are sucking each other's cock and abusing people to stay in power.

Good thing America isn't libertarian. And retard citizens and (((patriots))) are actually fighting to keep it that way. EU, even though it is corrupted, has better approaches and drains money from monopolies.

>what is Microsoft

> Internet will still be some network for universities
That would be a good thing, retard.

Capitslists only capitalize (lol) on public sector innovations, they're nothing but parasites.

Anyway, you have to be a 100% retard mongoloid to be right wing and support capitalism.
>spergs out about refugees
>doesn't realize importing cheap workforce for le infinite growth meme is a capitalist incentive
Capitalism is non-discriminatory, devoid of culture, ethics or morals. Corporations will import a billion pajeets to replace your white nuclear family wonderland, if it gives them profit.


>What is enterprise market
>What is consumer grade product
>What is cheaper manufacturing
Deep economics knowledge as usual. Also, you forget that we will not use anything because companies will kill us

>answer my question

what question? where does profit come from in communism? it doesn't and communism is stupid. hence why i'm not a communist. therefore it's irrelevant.

it's not like "STUPID BED copitalist" would just start committing genocide all over the world at once, but once again it is you using your own black-and-white interpretation of all ideas in front of you and failing to think logically about it. the truth is you are not as an individual very valuable and would be in a very real risk of being simply exterminated to make room for assets that are more valuable if there was no ethical code to protect you.

>stop whining

holy moly you really are worked up about this aren't you? sorry to jimmy up your jangles so bad

Reminder that laissez-faire is the communism of capitalism.

>dude lmao just default to my quasi-religion when faced with any societal dilemma even though it's completely unworkable in any group of people larger than a few hundred
>if you advocate literally any other solution to literally any other problem you're a devil and eat babies

>What is IBM
>What is 100% lost markets of home consoles and mobile devices by MS
No it would be really bad thing. Absolutely no content and userbase
So they will kill everyone or not?

I can protect myself, I've got a gun

when someone claims to have a solution that solves all the problems at once and only requires a single sentence of explanation, it's probably not a good solution.

>Bad thing
>No content or userbase

Oh dear god, how could we have come this far if we didn't have social media and korean basket weaving boards and videos of cats farting?

So tons of ancap books are solution in one sentence?

>So they will kill everyone or not?

if you're not worth it, then they'll kill you. or displace you into an environment where you can't survive. quite likely actually because you are educated and have a sense of self worth. your house could house a dozen imported third-worlders who will work for a lot less than you and won't try to get guns, and they have a lot bigger guns than you do.

>I can protect myself, I've got a gun

lol. it's not 1776 anymore

Yes, we would. No one will give shit about Internet except 3.5 geeks

You can protect yourself with gun, it's not that hard.

This is a democracy based problem. Not even an ancap but dont blame the free market for a failure on behalf of the voters. We need to start fucking up the politicians who do this shit and the others will learn quick.

This is a problems of lazy people and would be worse with a collectivist economy. See Venezuela.

The nature of capitalism is that it REQUIRES a certain percentage of hobos, poor, middle class, rich and uber-wealthy.

No matter how rich a society gets under capitalism there will never be a situation where 100% of the population has every necessity fulfilled and can live their lives. If that happened, the economy would die because there'd no longer be a consumer class and no workforce.
It's imperative for capitalists to maintain that consumer-worker class by all means necessary. Whether by importing poor people or keeping people on a certain economic level.
It's nothing but a system of redistribution of wealth upwards, a mechanism of extortion and slavery.

And most importantly, there is ONE thing under capitalism that you can't buy, and that is your own time. No matter if you're poor or middle class, you WILL be waging for the majority of your time. And your expenses will proportionally stay the same for maxium extortion potential. Cheap products for poor people, expensive products for wealthy people, in the end both work the same hours and spend the same % of their income. And that creates a side effect where under capitalism innovation is impossible. Innovation is an aristocratic concept. All the renaissance era polymath geniuses weren't superhuman, they just didn't have to wage, and could explore and research their fields freely.

So what's wrong with hobos and rich people?

And yeah it's a lot better in socialism where everyone is poor hobos, and you all are equally miserable like in good old USSR