
Why more people are not using this?

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because it crashes if you right click the wrong section, from my experience.

It crashes a lot because of bugs in the autocomplete plugin, but I just restart it, takes just a couple of minutes. Quite annoying, but I don't know how to fix it besides disabling the autocomplete plugin.

Is there some "just like code::blocks but without crashing" IDE? I don't want to relearn stuff.

just use eclipse like the rest of us

> t. pajeet

yeah right.
try something from JetBrains like CLion or IntelliJ OP

>paying for an ide that can't even do remote debugging

write and compile in notepad++, or write and compile in visual studio. depends what language you're writing for, and what system you're targetting, and etc etc.

just avoid shitty IDE's, they hold you back longer than they should, trying to figure out what you did wrong, being nothing, the program is just shit.

if tinfoil use linux and clang or something.

I'm afraid it might be too heavy for my cheap laptop (HP Compaq). I think I'll have to try it out for the lack of other suggestions.
I don't have money.
I don't need remote debugging.
I'm on Linux. I've tried the nano + makefiles + terminal workflow but it proved to be too inefficient for me, personally.

>Sublime text 3
If you don't mind editing a few lines in .sublime-build files.
If don't mind a performance downgrade compared to above.
If you build it from source yourself and disable all telemetry.
Eh, maybe? I wasn't really impressed by it.

Why care about telemetry? I've got nothing to hide, except my source code, which I think would be illegal for Microsoft to actually use, right?

So far NetBeans and VSCode seem like the most serious ones, since I've heard Sublime and Atom are more like text editors with a lot of plugins that can make them IDE-like, while the former are actual IDEs.

>I've got nothing to hide

I'm not familiar with that meme.

Anyway, I've reconsidered my statement and I would like to restate it this way: I do not have anything to hide from corporations and the government, provided that they do not share it with the public. I do have stuff to hide from the public.

I really like it. I still have strongly negative feelings about what working with C++ on windows was like 10 years ago though. Basically have to pay microsoft to not have a shit experience. If you have to use windows and you don't want to pay anything just to work with C++ I think this is the easiest way.

I'm on Linux.

Do you mean that there's something better for Linux that's not available on Windows? I doubt it.

linux only lacks on games and audio, there is no better dev environment than linux since you can customize the hell out of it, and download as quickly as "apt get [thing]"

Source code can't be secured with a copyright so no way in hell. Hence why encapsulation exists

It's always been better to develop C++ on linux. Not that long ago if you were doing it on windows you were either out of your mind or paying for VS. It's just that it's so good to have something to recommend to noobs who are almost always on windows other than having to go "google something called cygwin. Good luck cunt."
I mainly use emacs myself.

MinGW (which I use for porting my proprietary apps) has it's own widely unknown IDE:

Have you tried it?

Poo in the loo pajeet

>not familiar with this meme
>pro-corp / govt
drink that koolaid, drink it good.

as for protecting your source, encrypt, vault 7 got leaked, why do you think they would give the slightest fuck about your code?

you trollin me brah? That just lists codeblocks

Sorry, wrong link.

I googled mingw ide and put first link without checking it. Turns out it was the second.

Wish I knew about that when I was 14, or knew how to pirate VS

Because the only good thing it has going for it is its cross platform

Shit, I'll probably have to build a nightly. Then I'll have to learn wxwidgets. Then I will have to see if there's any people using codeblocks *AND* C. Then I'll have to start a C code completion plugin project (because it's understandable C++ plugin crashes because of just what a monstrocity the language is). Then hopefully, one day we will have a C11 code-completion plugin and Code::Blocks will take over the Linux world.

no... man no...

I actually used this for a while, before I got Clion.
Ugh what a fucking trainwreck
It fucking sucks. I was to try getting visual studio to work in wine tbqh. There are so many shitty IDEs for nix, this is one of them

Good luck mate
I'll use that shit if it was a little bit more stable

I can't find a pirate bay link for CLion for Linux.

never had this happen

Just download the trial, cut it's internet access and get a 30 day trial.
remove the trial keyfile when it's over and get another trial

you just need the license server and download the application from their site. I haven't installed the newest version here though, I'm actually in the middle of it, changing distro again lol

2nd year IT pajeet reporting in
We use turboC++ for C++ programming and notepad+cmd for Java. At least that's the case in univ, I don't know about the actual industry

I wish you luck on your quest since there is worryingly growing use of CLion which is proprietary subscriptionware. Emacs bindings for cursor movement pl0x.

>takes just a couple minutes
that you find that acceptable is truly disturbing

because qt creator is better in every way

>Subscriptions starting at $295/month
Sounds like a wise choice.

either use vim or emacs

its free

did you not see what is on the right side of that?

Who here Kdevelop?

Just installed Microsoft Visual Code. Seems nice, but more of an editor than an IDE. The plugins (which you install in one-click) may change that.

It seems to be open-source and free, not that I care much about it.


QtCreator doesn't have this problem

why are you assuming that your government and the corporations won´t get your data to the public be it through leaks or through them wanting to make certain things public?


>through leaks
My data is going to drown with all other uninteresting personal shit nobody cares about
>through them wanting to make certain things public
They will never target me individually, I'm too irrelevant

>I'm too irrelevant
That's like your opinion man.

but you just said that you have things to hide from the public so you gotta decide either you have something to hide or it´s uninteresting data that is just gonna drown
and you may be irrelevant right now but that might as well change and what about your friends? your family? are you all irrelevant people? is there noone that would suffer if people found out that you are posting on an chinese cartoon website?

>but you just said that you have things to hide from the public
more like from my immediate family and friends. I don't want them to know what porn I watch, what political opinions I have and other deeply-personal stuff. And none off them would go through gigabytes of leak dumps to get that information.
>you may be irrelevant right now but that might as well change
lol, one can stay dreaming
>what about your friends? your family? are you all irrelevant people?
No one makes more than $40k yearly (Eastern Europe), so yeah, we're nobodies, a wet spot.
>is there noone that would suffer if people found out that you are posting on an chinese cartoon website?
Job interviewers, maybe. Then again, I doubt they will go through leak dumps for every employee they hire.

I really don't see the worth in putting all the efforts from hiding such little things that have absolutely ZERO value unless bundled with data of thousands of other people.

Sorry for the blogpost.

Just wanted to say that I don't think privacy is worth the effort. At least for me.

the thing about privacy is that it's never worth the effort until one day it might be very worth the effort. caring about privacy day to day, in my mind at least, isn't about having a dire need for privacy, but about carving out a space in the information ecosystem for privacy that other people might need

look at, say, whatsapp or other messaging apps. a lot of those apps were designed with security and privacy in mind in countries where privacy is a non-concern. however, because those apps exist, they've been used by people in dangerous situations like oppressive regimes to spread information to other people or to journalists

>that other people might need

>>that other people might need
Or, you know, a productive member of the society.


Crashes on me randomly. Seems buggy asf.

Apparently the onls working versions are nightlies.
At this point, fuck it, there is CodeLite, QtCreator and other more functional C++ IDEs.

Clion is much better.

If you can't afford it, then holy fuck must the things you write have zero value. I mean, if you neither have a job nor contribute to open source projects which would allow you to get it for free...

its free with .edu email. you arent NEET right? :^)

Really? They accept .edu mail even from Eastern European shitholes like Lithuania?

Holy shit, looks like my university isn't completely worthless (besides teaching C# and using literally EVERY microsoft product (Windows 10, Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Docs)

The project templates don't work, you have to select "console application" always

Apparently this is a bug (though I've never seen it)