Hello Sup Forums, I am the son of a great lord, which means I am to torrent all I want without repercussion...

Hello Sup Forums, I am the son of a great lord, which means I am to torrent all I want without repercussion, I just got the new Samsung galaxy, so what are some essential things I should download and mood my phone with.

LineageOS without Google apps.

proceed to torrent. no one cares about what you download.

Basically all I am doing ri get now is downloading free music, don't know much, but feel like I am wasting a huge opportunity

As long as you are downloading music that's already free I see no problems.

If you are the son of a great lord, why pirate at all?

He's downloading free music. That's not pirating.

Lol I mean I am downloading music illegally

underage b&

>obtaining certain combinations of 1's and 0's is illegal

I mean I am downloading music illegally= which makes it free music.

Free as in beer.

Yes, there are a LOT of configurations with '0' and '1' that are illegal. Some will get you fined, some will get you jailed and others will get you killed.

Nope, that doesn't make the music 'free'. you just skipped the transaction. You are now in possession of stolen goods.

Anyway I want an ultra leet phone, what should I do

>obtaining certain digitized arrays of audio samples is illegal

>even ordering data your self in some combinations is illegal.


enjoy cops at door fag0t

why is the CNN here?

illegal implies someone is affected by certain actions

who is harmed when someone obtains digital audio samples off the internet?

Following script will output all illegal content up to 16 MB in existence when ran for long enough:

while true; do dd if=/dev/random of=$(mktemp) count=$((RANDOM%(2**24))); done

The rightful owners who are not compensated for you using their work.

but they are compensated in non monetary ways such as brand recognition and fame if their product is worth anything, and for an industry that glorifies drugs, violence and sexual immorality, I don't think they have a right to complain about anyone "stealing" anything