/wt/ watch thread

This thread is about the appreciation of horology, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a fine watch, clock, or other timepiece.

>Required Viewing For Ninefag:

>Strap Guide: pastebin.com/SwRysprE

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meranom.com did nothing wrong.

The switch from 14270 to 114270 was an upgrade from the 3000 movement to 3130 and from folded endlinks to solid ones. I think more subtle changes happened gradually, so some later 14270s have no drilled lugs and I think some even had luminova lume and the upgraded clasp and stuff. I haven't been able to find a super detailed list of minor changes over time for Explorers like there are for Submariners, I guess the Explorer is just a lot less popular with collector autists.

Pic is an early 114270. Also worth noting they have a glossy dial unlike the matte dial of the 1016 so I wonder what will happen to that over time. Maybe one day it'll be all crusty and cracked so I can sell it for a gorillion dollars since vintage Rolex collectors are mentally ill.

Glossy dial can't get the tropical effect right?



watches arent technology

Yeah around mid-1997 they switched to the "Swiss" transitional dial with luminova and around the same time they started changing the bracelet around 2000 IIRC.

Also the Explorer has always been a lot less popular than most of their other steel sports watches. Particularly now that everyone wants to wear a wall clock on their wrist, no one wants anything in 36mm. I mean I even see 36mm Rolex Presidents for $10,000, which is astonishing.

computa nokt technnololgies hur hdur

if you're going for something unique, then sure. it looks decent but unlike anything posted here so expect people to shit on it because they don't like change

Just sold this for £150 more than I paid for it after about 4 months.
Feels good, man.

What does the rectangular bit do?

looks cool

look awful

look ok I guess

it holds the chronograph buttons. The original idea was to make it easier to press buttons whilst wearing gloves.

what are the essential nato straps?
i'd like one for every occasion.
also, do i have to worry much about the sizes?

De muertos is good to have in case of funeral.

Get the size that fits your watch, obviously. I'm kind of tempted by those ugly natos, maybe I'll get the flamingo one for laughs.

lol. im not too much a fan of the super colorful ones either, i was more talking about stuff like pic related.

Chinks just engineered a pink bauhaus watch, looks like it's over for Nomos Glashutte, how will they ever recover from this?
And when will TGV make a review of this masterpiece?

that's a perlon strap

oh. thanks!

Just get something that matches your watch. Colors like blue, brown, and grey can go with more variety, but meme colors like red or yellow are also an option. They're cheap, so have fun with it.

I'm salty that the seigaiha one was out of stock when I placed my order, I should have been more patient I guess. I'll probably get that pattern in higher quality though.

How big does the Nomos club wear? How is the build quality on Nomos in general? Would like to see some fit pics because I get the suspicion that while I think they look like a nice casual watch in reality they look ridiculously hipster.

The biggest problem with nomos fit is the lugs - they stick straight out and are very long.

link? actually looks decent

>wrist fedora thread
The metrosexuality is palpable.

is this one good for 65€? i'll be using it with a leather strap (brown or red)

See if you can find pics of it irl, silver on silver might lack visibility.



I've only seen a couple of Tangentes but they're absolutely boring and featureless, the dial is flat and printed with no applied markers, the hands are a nice blue and about the only interesting thing, case and lugs are flat and entirely polished with no details. Also too big but I think there's a smaller size.

Should i cop this lngjines?

doesnt look too bad for me

holy fuk a real live italian. Why can you only buy a 60 euro watch?


Now you see what a certain youtuber and a meme movie could do to the watch gray-market

They wear large because of the big ol white face. And the lugs are quite long like the other user said.

The Metro line has more reasonable lugs.

Also I recommend you stay under 38mm

That looks pretty good. It's a shame Seiko stock photos are always so shit.

s e x y

A very tastefull watch, the design in this is truly more advanced than on the everyday watch you see around so horribly often. A very classy timepiece.

I have been a proud owner of this Seiko chronograph for some time now, I totally love the Alien movies and this timepiece looks like the perfect retro-futuristic watch out there.

Love nato straps, so easy to change them, they add more dimensions to your timepiece.

With the pink colouring and a original bauhaus designing this piece is sure to stand out! I would wear it in a situation where I wanted to absolutely grab the attention in the room. To add to that I feel it would be the perfect conversation piece with other watch enthusiasts too.

Ah, the classic Seiko 5. A beautiful and a classy entry level timepiece in to the beautiful world of mechanical watches. You are sure to fall in love with this piece.

Are Italians rare ?

Only when lightly cooked.

I can spend more, but i need a watch for everyday use and this is a budget solutions, if you have similar budget suggestions i'll be glad to hear them

It's not lightly cooked, it's FUCKING RAW!

>tristano claims that is 1st language is italian
am i the only who likes how tgv speak?
is there a video in which he speaks more than few words in italian?
I don't think he still speaks it very well

>shilling colareb straps
As good italians the store in august is totally closed.


What are some good chinese watch brands?
I want to get myself a watch that looks good, works and costs next to nothing so i can treat it like a cheap whore.



I came

How far could I go with only a diver watch?
Lets say I'll wear it for any occasion, from funerals, to everyday casual life to my friends wedding.

>would people judge me?
>how many watches should I atleast have?

Ideally you'd have a dress watch for formal events, like funerals etc. Beyond that, you can basically wear anything anywhere.

Just posting my DW for shits and giggles

Are you looking for quartz or mechanical?
Pretty much all chink quartz watches have similar movements, ie bottom of the barrel but they keep good time. You're just paying for the case/strap, so the more expensive the brand, the better the overall finish.
You're better off just staying away from chink mechanicals, anything under $100 won't keep time.

The only chink watch worth owning.

Looking for a quartz watch, i just want a cheap shitter that works.

apart from the meme strap I actually like this

tfw my cat just knocked my winder off the desk


tfw you own a cat

wtf delete this

unless you are a chinese person you should be embarrassed to own a timepiece with mandarin on it

Does anybody know the exact piece I need to convert pic related to take cloth/nato style straps? The rubber one isn't as comfortable.


pretty fucking gay familia

>no no no let me explain its good chink shit....

Wait is it good?

>Well no but compared to cheaper chink shit its ok.

Oh .. why did you buy it if you can't even read mandarin?

>t. faggot


You seem upset

worse than weaboo

what a shitter

What, you don't like it?

i own this

Did someone pay money for this or is this a new meme?

You are both mistaken.


not him but i think it looks great

you can't even read the time on it lol oh god i cant stop laughing

this one is uglier but it at least has something resembling numbers on it.

How does your wrist smell right now?

If you can't tell this is 7:31:46 I don't know what to tell you

Hey vintage Seiko user, do you know what the deal is with the 5256-5xxx vanac models? What were they thinking?



Rate my grail watch.

>built ottermode
>square jaw, full head of hair, rugged and hairy in general
>drive Ram 1500
>just moved into really nice house

wow 5 star post my man sick burn

You don't know how to read the time on a watch? I feel sorry for you.

Please work on your aesthetic sensibilities before commenting again.

Real question is how big is your dick.

The KS Vanac family of the 70's is supposed to have very non-traditional, almost experimental designs.

Most are too stuck in the 70's to be worn nowadays, but some designs are almost passable.

These are more like wild concept watches that somehow reached production.

Nice watch but the fact that you feel the urge to bragpost like this on a watch thread on Sup Forums is a sign of weakness.

>needing to know how to read mandarin to be able to tell what time it is on that watch

it really does take a special kind of autism to buy those watches

it really does

I'm anonymous, how the fuck am I bragging?

I'm just giving some context that I think matters when choosing a watch.

>hey bro what's the time?
>uh, ten chings past chong I think

what day is it?

one sec bro let me pull my phone out to convert this character ... fuck i can't even enter it... oh my phone has the date... there you go its the 7th

>needing autism to appreciate a design.
Have you managed to figure out how to read the time on watches that use batons or Roman numerals instead of Arabic numerals yet?

Everyone in these threads is autistic beyond any acceptable levels. The amount of hair splitting nonsense debates you see posted here is proof.

I used to say something agreeing with people and then get into a huge multiple thread long argument about semantics of agreeing with them.. I just shit post now

My local watch repair people hate me and don't want to do any jobs for me anymore because I come to them with requests that they consider a waste of their time or insulting to their skills.

I bring them watches I want new crystals placed on or I would buy new replacement quartz movements for vintage ones that they would have preferred to repair for me and charge me more for.

At least they are getting some money from you rather then no money. Sound like cunts.