Why don't Sup Forums start a free (as in libre) CPU company to battle Intel and AMD's dominance?

Why don't Sup Forums start a free (as in libre) CPU company to battle Intel and AMD's dominance?

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No capital, hardware engineers and marketing.

i'll do the logo

We need a logo and a mascot.

i want to sniff haruhi's butte

I'll be the mascot. I look like pic related.

>working for free
Good luck with that weeb.

Make sure that at least of them are a racist meme.

intel owns x86

He said free as in free beer, not without price.

Of course it won't be for free. People will donate moneys to support the free hardware movement.

Logo challenger appears

I'll be the ideas guy. I suggest we make a CPU that is twice as fast as the strongest Threadripper with 50W TDP for $500.
Don't forget to pay me for my idea.

i'll fork the idea

This. We need join the Open POWER group

>Not the manko


We should invite her

I could have sworn AMD invented x86

you're stupid


No that was x64

Generic version of Pentium 2 or SuperH is possible for free.

IBM invented x86

Free as in free beer?

Why do we need x84 when we can invent a non-corporate, liberty architecture?

>just x86 with expanded register sizes and memory buses

Im a far better ideas guy
Our CPU should actually be supercomputer grade, actually stronger, and be $3 so I can afford it
get to work team

Freedom. No valid patent after 20 years.

contemporary supercomputers dont utilize exceptionally powerful processors. their strength is in large arrays of computer clusters.

What if we make 32nm Pentium 2s and glue them together

Modernized 4GHz 68k please

>Sup Forums doing anything productive ever

XP revival boom?. It lacks SSE2 and NX bit, so not useful for recent Windows.

Linux would work fine, so Android would as well. If it was cheap enough, the chinks would be all over it for crappy Android TV boxes.


putting windows on it kinda ruins the point of a free cpu user

Why is Haruhi so perfect?

no thanks it would smell like fisshe

Actually, we could just use FPGAs and design CPUs using HDLs.

Someone start a GitHub and design the logo and also do the whole project while I go to big boy work because I'm a hardware engineer with too much other shit to do

Yeah. Any distro built for i686 like this would be fine.


That's gonna be fucking expensive

I'd do it. Anyone know anything about the Tomasulo algorithm?

Just needs to be open source, my boy. I was suggesting it for prototyping, but if we wanna be baller, let's get some fat FPGAs

Nobody said anything about price

so when does the patent expire?

until Intel stops renewing it.

It should be free within the last century.

Intel is going bankrupt soon so that's good news for us.

The x86 already did. The problem is patents for extensions to x86 which are necessary to run any modern code (no modern code will run on bare x86) are stil valid,

Haruhi was 20000000 years ago just kill me

Wait, wasn't that the idea of xeon phi?

Just wait for RISC-V.

Sup Forumson Kike as Phi competitor when

>doesn't show anything
>not even face
Wtf, how am I supposed to fap to this.

Why reinvent the wheel (and certainly fuck it up) ?



You're supposed to admire it, not fap to it.

U also gotta be a boy(female)

>Not fapping to everything you admire
Sup Forums proven to be gay once more

> fap for tits or face

>step 1 : get x86 license
>step 2 : i dont think you will get this far

I'll develop the logo for the idea
The idea's logo will be in Ruby on Rails and have C# bindings

Sure, show me the billions of dollar of investment it'll take to hire the scientists and engineers to create and produce the CPU, to market high performance CPUs to the desktop market and sell them at a competitive price to AMD or Intel after funding incentives for each major operating system and software developer to port their software to our architecture.

I propose RISC-V

All of that is completely unnecessary

Sure, having no processor while nobody knows the existence of us including the operating systems and software developers should turn out well for starting starting a CPU business.

Is this a doll or a girl?

>when you're not sure if a pic belongs in /soc/ or /buyfag/

she's gal.
check it out:

sure i'll design it, but it'll only run forth

Why wouldn't she be, she's literally god.


Why not just use ARM instead?

or start with cheap RISC-V in DIP packages for hobbyist

I want to fuck this cartoon.

God I wish that were me

Isn't this whole thread a repeat of the LEON processor?

God can be flawed user. After all, we exist.
Plus, I didn't fall for the "Haurhi is a God" meme. It's more likely that He gave her the ability to change reality, but not god-like powers.

Who is dhis ho? She has nicepuccy

felix is girl (male) tho

How do you choose a cool name for a platform/project/programming language/OS?

random page in dictionary