Mommy installed web filter on the router

>Mommy installed web filter on the router
>can't access Sup Forums now
>have to use phone network now
pls help

Other urls found in this thread:

>can't fuck with the web filter
You don't belong here. Get the fuck out.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

installing picrelated should fix your problem user

Router filters are installed in C:/Windows/System32
Just delete everything inside that folder (ignore the warnings) and reboot.

Get login code from the back of the router if locked reset the modem using a small needle.
Disable filtering
Oh btw
>>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

i'm rebooting right away

You got to be kidding me, he fell for it


yfw on Sup Forums there are literal ten year olds posting here without you knowing, being so well adapted into the board culture that you couldn't distinguish them from actual oldfags because they are so good at the shitposting.
think about it, you know they do exist. anybody of us could be one of them.

No, you fell for it.

Move out you cunt.

It's the only statement on here that isn't either mocking or total BS.

I started grinding Sup Forums when I was 14 or something. Good times, back in 2006.

shove it up her ass. router and phone


Fuck off, if you can't bypass it you are not supposed to be here.

Use tor browser my nigger.
Werked for me when my isp decided to activate parental controls for some fucked reason and decided to take several days to put it back to normal.

Gobal rule #2

If it is filtering dns:
use encrypted DNS

if it is filtering URL requests: use a proxy

use google translate to access Sup Forums. should evade most web filtering

Go out and avoid watch porn.
t. Some guy spend 12 years jack off in front computer.

the very end of the video tho, kid says praise kek

Use clover

Lol user, le kekistani.