EGPU Thread

>tfw the eGPU meme isn't a meme after all
>get to keep my fully capable business laptop but when I want to play some vidya at home I can hook up a video card and start playing in two minutes

Who else /eGPU/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is it only poor people who get egpus?

Can we all agree that having a laptop AND a pc is the best solution?

I have a gaming-capable desktop PC already, but I am going to be working abroad and travelling around, and I don't want to lug around a desktop PC or build one over there if I'm going to be leaving in 1-2 years, anyway.

Sure buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Not an argument.

>Why is it only poor people who get egpus?

What if you travel for business a lot and what to be able to relax after a day of pointless meetings?

bullshit desu, watch gaming vids on youtube instead of buying a egpu to somewhat play a game decently, fuck that son


Don't mind me, just spoiling your discussions about eGPU.

I don't want to get a desktop and get addicted to games like I was in highschool. Haven't played any games since then and I don't plan to till I finish uni.
I am kind of tempted by an eGPU, it'd allow me to play rocket league with a few buddies and develop some sort of self control..

PC + 13" ultrabook masterrace here, and I agree with you.


yo i did this and it works better than it has any right to:
>x220 ($100)
>exp gdc beast v8 ($35)
>dell da-2 psu ($15)
>750 ti (free from friend who was upgrading. you have friends, right, user?)

shit's running overwatch pretty well at medium settings on the internal display, and can bump up to high with an external monitor. new vegas was pretty choppy on ultra with just the hd 3000, but is well over 60 fps now.

not terrible for $150

>too stupid to build your own mini-itx desktop
>too gullible to see how much lag and performance bottleneck you get from using a dual-core cpu at 1GHz and less than 16,000 MB/s connection.

>some people have problems with eGPUs, so that means they are a meme

Stupid poor people, am I right? You must be pretty fucking retarded if you aren't collecting neetbux in 2017.

Can i run it on t420 and Archlinux?

I have a desktop and a laptop+eGPU. Since I don't need to spend $1500 on a gaming desktop and another $2000 on a gaming laptop, nor do I need to play all the latest games at 60+ fps (although all the games I play can get that framerate and higher) it's definitely worth it for me.

I travel a lot and on dispatches sometimes have to spend up to half a year in one place, so having a dedicated gaming pc is not an option for me.

instead I have a work laptop, which is first gen surface book
and a gaming laptop which at this point is GX800
I will probably get Zephyrus, because that shit's still too fkn huge. especially with watercooler

All of them do fuckstick. That CPU on your laptop may have a turbo of 3.5GHz but when push comes to shove it'll cower at 2GHz or lower as the heat cranks up and the TDP limit trips.

This is all compounded by added latency and the fact that most laptops have under 16GB of system RAM.

>eGPU's work better on an external screen

Because the GPU can output to it properly, how exactly does it work?

>dual core trash CPU

routing the video from the gpu back to the internal display will eat up some of the overall bandwidth of the link between the egpu and laptop, reducing overall performance. if the gpu just spits its video to an external monitor, that bandwidth is saved and allows more bitz to go back and forth from the laptop.

Desktop + Chromebook is the best solution. When you have a powerful desktop, the only thing you use a laptop for is more comfortable and portable web browsing.

Damn... I can't believe anyone bought that. Please post it with timestamp for science.

That makes sense, same reason RasPi's are awful NAS' basically. Has anyone come up with a workaround, carrying round an extra monitor seems counter productive, I've seen eGPU adapators that intergrate a PSU so you don't have to carry around a spare like OP

I'm at work, and it's in the hotel.
I can't believe I bought it myself either.
it's great for gaming, but portability is shit.

What is the g4560?

I prefer to keep my working and gaming machines separate.
And I have an extremely large backlog of the old games, so it's not a problem even on a laptop.

wow, that was so hard f@m

Absolute garbage. A $100 R3 1200 would be miles better.

>All of them do fuckstick.

Not mine. Not everyone here plays 120fps @ 4K games. This isn't Sup Forums.

I have to say this may may throttling meme is pretty funny.
Too bad it's not true.

>dual-core CPU

I have an i7 QM CPU.

in that shitty pleb tier x230?
For sure, kid. Keep dreaming.

Try a T520.

Then why do you respond to me when OP posted x230, you little dipshit?
Fuck off.

Also enjoy your 2010 tier sandy bridge pleb cpu

i'm still stuck in the single pci lane world of expresscard adapters, so the performance hit is more noticeable. i imagine the thunderbolt adapters mitigate this problem with all the extra bandwidth available to them. on paper, you might still be losing out on the top 15-25% of a cards max capability vs if they were slotted into a desktop, but is that *really* affecting your gaming experience?

i can live with low/medium instead of medium/high gfx settings with this dumb expresscard adapter. a thunderbolt 3 adapter may be the compromise of ultra instead of super-fuck-you-mega-ultra.

to be fair, prior to R3 lineup's release that pentium was THE choice for budget builds for quite a while

If I've already got a spare HD7870 and an x230, how much am I looking at spending here?

if you use PCIe 2.0 x1 adapter with external resolution equal or below 1920x1200 then there is no bottleneck.

2570p + GTX960 4GB
Desktop PC + GTX960

This thread can now be closed.

I don't see OP specifying this thread was only about the X230, and you've been spewing shit this entire thread, it seemed like you were shitting on eGPUs in general.

Who the fuck pissed in your cornflakes this morning?

nope. Don't ever use amd gpus as egpus. These lack bandwidth compression functionality which is mandatory for this entire thing to work.

What if you travel for business and need something more powerful

True. AMDs A8 and Athlons were fucking garbage.

Well then you have a use case scenario that justifies getting a more powerful laptop (if your company doesn't issue you one).

Get a second laptop for gaming. GTX 1060 laptops are affordable this day.
>inb4 I can't afford a second laptop
If you travel for business you can afford a second laptop.


Nice baby hands

ay Dios mío
quien es ese semen demon

user could you take another picture of that cup?

What is that game?

I have an x220 but I never considered putting games on that shit.

are laptops NOT PCs?

let me guess. you're one of those idiots who believe macs are not PCs either right?

nice youtube gameplay / steam streaming faggot

ur mother

I did it using the expressport with an r9 270 and it was slow as fuck probably because its 1x speed

how do you get it to perform so well?

Is there any mpci or pc card egpu adapters for old shit?
My g40 has a Pentium 4 in it but the integrated graphics suck dick
Giving it even just a gt 210 or something would be a huge improvement for old games

>same as pc


I wish

Question, does it help with things like photoshop with huge image rendering?


50*C isn't exactly good

You do know that the laptop GPUs are now the same as the desktop. So now there is no purpose of having your overdone setup

Saving this picture. It's 100% meme.

>using eGPU for years
>nobody gives a fuck
>hurr eGPU everyoine!!!
It's a meme now. Don't even bother denying it.

t.never been to a LAN party

I was /eGPU/ for awhile with a T430 and RX460. Upgraded to Ryzen a week ago and my laptop is just a laptop again.

It got me through some tough broke times, but having a desktop and a laptop is infinitely better.

Chromebooks are shit fuck off

Contemplated falling for this meme but the x230 can perform well enough at the garbage games I want to play already, so whatever.

I had a plastic toolbox I cut holes in, mounted three fans, the GPU, and the PSU inside it. Screwed a budget monitor onto the case using the vesa mounts. Worked okay until I upgraded.

they say sandy bridge is when mobile core took off, but i think ivy bridge was the real killshot with its igpu update. its always a fun surprise what ends up running (sometimes well) on the hd 4000

>bandwidth compression
dx9 only

depends if you have spare psu too, like ~40 usd for adapter

This isn't your safe space. I'm happy with my Chromebook. I'm sorry if that triggers you.

I find it funny that all those "tech" guys on Sup Forums now find out about it while some have used them for over a decade.
Only proves the point how "normie" Sup Forums is.

it's steam streaming via ac wifi network.
The only proper way to play gaymes on a laptop.

with disabled fan and closed lid, yes it is. Faggot.
It's not a desktop computer.

no, it's about all PCIe communication. In nvidia its called Optimus.

Lol at the autist iit upset that people are using an external gpu with their laptop

aka me

I like having all my shit on the laptop. Having two computers is a waste of space and money for me.

How does it feel to be poor?

Overwatch runs like shit with a i7 2720qm at 3ghz 4c/8t. Getting close to enemies lags the mouse and makes the game unplayable.

stop playing on settings your computer cannot handle.

Render scale is at 33% with everything on low at 900p. Gpu utilization at 60%

You need at least a 3.5ghz quad to play any modern games at low settings.

>steam controller
Oh, I didn't realize we were dealing with mental retardation this severe. Did mommy type the post out for you?

Except it is
Desktop and laptop is best solution

>Watch games instead of playing
God I don't even know how anyone can be this retarded and manage to survive in life

You're clearly mentally retarded if you believe this.

For students where you don't have a permanent residence it's a fantastic idea. I sold mine and have a mini itx in a 10 litre case now tho

You can run Tekken 7 at absolute lowest settings, despite that the claimed minimum required PC has a GTX 660 w/ 2gb of VRAM.

Why would someone buy an ITX if they already had a laptop? They recommended the Pentium G4560 which wouldn't be much faster than a laptop CPU and will probably throttle with the stock cooler in an ITX case so that means you have to spend at least $20 on a decent low profile fan. And again, it would just be a dedicated gaming device since the OP preferred to use a laptop, while not even being a very good dedicated gaming machine. Just a bad post all around.

no you cant, and fuck you if you actually go online with that shit


Then don't use your fucking igpu to game you idiot

>i5 3320m 2c, 4t
>hd 4000
>render scale 50
>everything on low
>35+ fps but limit to 30 for smoothness

As a poor person looking into buying an egpu. Yes.

it let's you use internal display with shit tier performance though

Mexican Lust is the name of this THICC

>40fps min
Nah old laptop cpus are garbage

>all the hassle of a desktop
>none of the advantages

my game glitched out here, it was bullshit, so i stopped playing