Professional Motherboards X399 being market as Le RGB gaymen

>Professional Motherboards X399 being market as Le RGB gaymen

Shit is cringy as fuck, but at least you can turn it off.

>buying Gigacuck anything

[spoiler]gaymers/enthusiasts can be professionals too[/spoiler]

Fuck off. That shit is cool. Admitting it doesn't make you gay faggot. Quit trying to be so hard to impress.

>not gay

everything except server boards gets this treatment nowadays. Pros have no window and don't give a shit as long as you can turn it off. Manchildren have a piece of glass they clean religiously so they can see the blinkenlights

Sells to both markets

LEDs areva fucking joke. I cant even see them with the case closed.

Just turn it off.
Are you guys so fucking sensitive to the fact that manufacturers are trying to cater to different consumer groups?
grow up.

If you have to ask this questions you really should lurk more.

You could make it use only one color.

My problem with that is that I end up paying a premium for something I don't give a shit about, and simply don't want.

Asus have absolutely nailed their styling for Zen based cpus so far.

you don't have to make it gaymer red. Just turn it off or set it to white

It was funnier when everything was exxxtreme and radical, this radar cross section tacticool shit is just bland

Less than 150 usd
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
clear or brown
>Form factor
tenkeyless or 60 percent
>Previous/current keyboards
Only mech is a mediocre cm storm with blues I like it, but I wish it was smaller and had a usb port for my mouse.

atleast this one looks nice , i like how everything CAN be illuminated , not just some logo


The Asus WS mobos are like the only good boards out there that arn't a fucking rainbow mess.


>company spends a few extra cents to make product look better in advertisements
>autistic children desperate to prove their maturity complain about it


>to make product look better in advertisements
I don't see how adding LEDs does that, unless you are appealing to people who like bright lights.

Holy shit, what model? She's a beauty.

Why can't they just make something that looks like something an adult would buy

Looks very good. A match made in bangalore


Adults like the sci-fi look

Focus group testing says it looks better and makes someone more likely to buy it. The picture of something often matters just as much as the specs. The reason why finger print prone shiny plastic is so widely used is because it photographs well, even though its shitty to handle and deal with in person.

Under 30 is still youth.

What sci-fi look? they look like flashy toys to me



>implying that amerifats don't get their whole concept of reality from jewlywood

Just don't buy anything with "gaming" in the name to not support this shit.

Part of why I got a Pro 4 for my B350 board.

I like gay. Just not gayming.

>I still like shiny things because my emotional development stopped when I got addicted to vidya as a teen/child
I know that feel, brah

>Pride flag light show inside your case
>>Not gay

I really fucking hate the direction Gigabyte is going in

Thank the fucking Christ that my old socket am3 board ain't died yet. All that flashy shit would hurt my eyes. Whatever happened to plain yet functional boards that just werked? Fuck this shit, a board + components aren't ment to have flashy shit, they're ment to just work period.Who cares if they flash? No one's gonna be gawking at them, they more interested in what's happening on the screen, ya know, fragging and such?


>entire thread full of kvetching
Don't like it, don't buy it. Fucking spoiled brats.

That is hot, it is true, but you don't need a fucking police light bar in your machine to do that.

Serve the customer, nigger. The customer doesn't want this shit.

Nigger you can turn every LED off, and you wouldn't even see them unless your case had a window. Why are you buying a windowed case? If you're not then why are you even complaining?
You're a perfect example of this:

>company spends a few extra cents
Wew lad. Whose extra cents, ultimately?

>Second gen i7 using luddite in 2017 that spends his days compiling the Linux kernel endlessly and pretending he's a workstation professional because of it cries that companies who care about money target consumer groups that actually buy shit instead of calling everything made after 2005 bad.

>The customer doesn't want this shit.

No, YOU don't want this shit and you will never own a TR to begin with just like the rest of the "professionals" on Sup Forums.

The consumer in this case is your typical streamer and youtuber that want high cores and still flashy gaming look, and it will sell just like every other LED loaded product around no matter how hard you cry and how many threads you make.

AMD is marketing it for gaming themselves.

Do you think they're retarded? They know there's two major groups that purchase these HEDT types of CPUs - gamers with thousands of dollars to spend, and freelancers who do shit like modeling, rendering, etc who can save money by not buying Opteron/Epyc and Xeon chips.

No reason not to have rgbs

You can turn them off

the person who buys this does not give a shit , flicks a setting in bios and disables the leds , done

Couldn't have said it better myself.

The motherboard vendors know their audience. Gaming and gaming-related media is where so much of the money in this industry is. Of course they will cater to man-children with poor taste. If the majority of their customer base wants flashy RGB shit, that's what you're going to be seeing.

There is a good chance we will see workstation boards down the line, but expect them to be even more expensive than the current crop of X299/X399 boards. Pic related is $650 for example.

It won't look this flashy behind tempered glass, plus you can save money by not spending extra for RGB AIO cooler, RAM, and GPU.

>gross nigger hand
Not buying that.

'nix only box with an Asus Aura board.
I can turn off the "SupremeFX" LED from BIOS but no option to turn off RGB rainbow rice shit.

Is my only hope dual-booting or maybe VM will work...?

Just leave it on, you don't have a window anyway because you don't like that gamer shit so it shouldn't bother you

This sort of thing ever bothering you is total autism anyway

You're right about not having a window but my case is 75% perforated sheet (fanless case) which is almost as bad.

basically lights shining into the corner of my eyes while watching movies and whatnot is a peeve of mine. always has been.