Fucking Kubuntu

>fucking Kubuntu
Why the fuck is everything always crashing in this abysmal fucking distro?

I have serious issues with KDE and Ubuntu as well. KDE in general is very buggy.

I stick with Xfce and Gnome.


I just fucking switched from Mint, before which switching from Manjaro.
Give me ONE (2) good actual distro to use.


Found the problem.

Install Gentoo

What are you looking for in a distro is the question? Because Mint is great for a newbie to Linux.

Xubuntu and Lubuntu are great for older hardware while having a good UI.

I just want the basic windows 7 experience. Update everything at install, clear to use for ages. Looking for a passable GUI with NO screen tearing (no solution for me so far). That's it.
Maybe I'll Wine some roguelikes occasionally or use code::cocks.
Stability above all.

Use Ubuntu or Debian with xfc for a lean OS. i use it for a server.

Have no such problemo in openPEPE. What should I install to reproduce? Dragon player?

Either Xubuntu 16.04 LTS or Linux Mint Xfce. Both are great, light on resources and customizable.

You can also try Ubuntu MATE or Linux Mint MATE.

Screen tearing is easily fixed in Xfce/LXDE distros with compton. Just install it and have it start up at login. No screen tearing. Xfce also has the whisker menu which is very Windows 7-y. There's also a file searching utility called Catfish and Thunar (Xfce) has plugins for doing stuff like uploading to GIT/SVN.

How do I "get" this XFC? It's not on the download page.

Make sure you report it so they can fix it user.

use a real kde distro, like kde neon

Debain then, is what you want. IMO among all the distros I've used is the most stable.

Dragon player, Skype Beta (connection error at startup, does not remember login credentials), Software store often crashes by itself.....
inb4 Sleep(5000); fiasco

Report your crashes! Seriously, the more people that report these bugs, the better everything will get. Report bugs!

Switch to Arch and do a gnome minimal install.

There's no point reporting bugs to incompetent developers who can't fix them. KDE has always been fucking trash.

They will tell you it is a Qt regression or some shit and that it will be "fixed" when your distro updates Qt, and when the distro updates Qt it will get fixed but other shit will be broken, your report it and they will tell you it is a regression in Qt and your distro needs to update Qt .... it is an eternal cicle.

Use KDE Neon user LTS instead

never ever

Kubuntu has always been pretty crap due to Ubuntu's release schedule. If you want a KDE distro try Neon, openSUSE, Arch, or Manjaro.

Best solution is probably install Gentoo.

you installed GUI on a server OS, retard.

openSUSE Leap:
- A lot of GUI tools for system management (just like in Windows).
- Very stable. Comes with outdated packages, though.
- A bit slower than lighter distros like Fedora
- Has a steep learning curve: you must know how to add non-free repos, learn how to use it's package manager, etc.
- Has a great KDE integration...I guess. Never used KDE so can't really tell but I know that it has thumbnails in file picker for Firefox - that's good.

Xubuntu if you want something stable that actually works.


Why would you use crippled Debian?

>xe listened to the KDE shills

literally the only 100% stable DE is Xfce, and that is only if you don't mess with it. All other DEs are increasingly shit, KDE being at the top

Kubuntu is trash. Use KDE Neon.

>being buggy af
wow, who would have thought?

You asked for it. If you want a good KDE experience try Neon, openSUSE and Arch, in that order. Also, stay away from Fedora.