Why havent you painted your thinkpad yet user?


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Upvoted for effort

Jeez I'd buy a wholly white finkpad
I'd probably make it dirty as fuck in a couple of weeks as well.

because I'm not dumb enough to fall for the chinkpad meme

That icy blue

Really wish there was an easier way to do this because that looks sick.

dont know how to feel about this, kinda cool but i would've personally have it

You painted the fucking battery case? You're retarded.

Mmm shit I never thought how sexy a white thinkpad would be until now

but i did

only the keyboard though

We did a gud job you mongoloid


>good job
not even the guy you replied to, but was this painted by a quadriplegic with tourette's?

Taping was the most tedious part, the whole process took a few hours. Just disassembly, taping, and spray paint

How do you paint it so that it's smooth and doesn't peel?

It looks fine from the outside, that whole part is covered when plugged in

Tiny bit of 320 grit sanding, multiple coats from at least 8 inches away.

because i dont have a thinkpad

I've been thinking about lacquering my thinkpad for that bento box feel

How do myself senpai?

>remove the keys one by one
>sandpaper them
>apply a couple of coats of spray paint

they're like $60 user for a good shitposter.

naah, i have a fairly good laptop and a good pc, i'm not in need of a thinkpad. but i would buy one if my laptop crashes

Laziness. I've been planning on it since 2006. Yours looks nice!

from far away it looks decent but that battery pack bro... bro.... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!
you fuged up hard there

Should've put on a clear coat and polished it. All comments about quality of the job aside, this is going to look very bad in a month or two.

its only cool because you have a pretty good desktop too, if it was running windows like this it would look really out of place i think

would actually look very cool in all-white if you could get it new like that but all that work and the large risk of fucking it up somehow plus not looking right with black trackpad/keyboard, bleh.. u dun goof'd op

should've gone for OWO pink

>if u dont owo this post ur mom will (◦>﹏



owo urself u fukken furry faget

Because I don't have a thinkpad. There's no one selling thinkpads in my area. I literally want to kill myself.

can no one ship in your area?


That actually looks really nice user

Good job!


I have, OP.




Post background image please.

Because I just bought it. $110 refurbished.

>E series
You may as well throw it in the trash.

I have an old 600E, the vinyl is thorn to shreds, how do I remove it completely without scratching the plastic too much?

Looks like fucking shit, honestly.

I needed a computer, and everything else they had were crappy Toshiba and Acer laptops with lesser specs.

I didn't know they made E series with full keyboards

I don't know how to feel about it

$60 where, and which models?


MODS please ban people who do this shit.

Them niggas jus hatin main.

I like it so far. I am eventually going to put an SSD in it just because I fell for the meme.

>Windows vista
>E series
You could've bought a T420 for about ten more dollars, and it would outperform that computer in every category.

What kind of tape did you use to cover the logos? I'm interested in doing this to my x220t





It's not Windows Vista. It's an i5, 8GB RAM and Windows 7 PRO on it.

Not the user, but it's Windows 7 with a smaller taskbar. Notice the little "show desktop" button in the bottom right corner of the screen. Also, the window tabs have round edges in Vista.

Bad at arts and crafts and I don't care about aesthetics plus i don't want to fix future replacement parts.

>inb4 it flakes off after a couple months

Well now I feel dumb. Sorry user.


Because the only color electronics should ever be is black.

what did he mean by this?

And why is that, dad?

OP, you fucking downie, did you use interior paint to paint plastic?

The reason we use cheap as fuck emulsion acrylic is because our walls are flat and there's less stress points to chip the coat.

All of those unprotected corners are giving me anxiety.

Also take note of how grainy and pitted it looks. OP only made one coat, and likely used an xbox huge brush or a paint roller to do the job.

For fuck's sake, interior paint was not formulated to adhere to plastic either. You use spray paint, or specialty craft plastic paint, to paint plastic.


o-w-o you massive faggot. Also, Pink and white would be a nice aesthetic. That or full neon.

Because that way all electronics will match each other.

I did it turned out shitty.


i did

meet the late snowpad
was gutted for parts when my T42 had some serious shit go down

it was a pretty R52
but i got it for like 10$ and it wasnt worth keeping a shell of a laptop around when i had to move, so it got tossed

Best paint for doing this? Also would you need smaller screwdrivers than the standard phillips head?

Because the end result would look like the abhorrent piece of rattle canned shit you just posted.

That actually looks pretty cool.

Black is modern. White is beige-tier now.

I painted my winkle?

well, this it already looks fucked

The ultimate rice.

I wanna do this to my t440s

Can you read?

Loving this so far but still think you could've stenciled the Tux sticker on

It looks really neat but why?

Probably x200 or something

I don't know how to paint.
Plus I live in a hot humid climate. I jave a feeling that won't do any sort of paintjob any good. I'm afraid the paint might get sticky.

looks better than op, lines are clearer and the non painted keyboard doesnt stick out that much

Looks good user. I'm trying this when I upgrade, and flash my laptops.

wtf, $110?
I5? What's bad about the E-serie?

What said

Cheaply made
Essentially a rebadged lenovo with a trackpoint

Someone elaborate

>people who believe it's all in the inside
try standing on your E-series or spilling water on it

>you can't

Wow, that looks really fucking shitty.



I'm not going to believe that OP used spray paint and it came out looking oatmeal.

I've never known of any idiot to decide to sand spray paint, so there is chance he's telling the truth. But, that doesn't look like spray paint.

i can't believe this cunt is so rump roasted lmao