You have 30 seconds to say why it's worth using

You have 30 seconds to say why it's worth using.

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it's not.
ryzen ports for win 7 are out already

It's not linux.

free botnet

It works.

Drivers install automatically*

*unless they don't

it's actually compatible with all non hipster software unlike loonix and gives you way less trouble overall. windows is for people who program for a living and don't wanna waste time with loonix compatibility issues. also gaymuhrs.

I use more than one display and like to get my money's worth out of my hardware.

Its not Arch or Vista.

*sits silently for 30 seconds*

When your hardware less than 5 years old.

It just works.

Closed source software, fa.m

I can't defend proprietary nigger software.

SO for master races.


is that a jojo reference?

no it's a todd howard reference

Optimized for modern PCs

But for real, cheapest place to get a license?

Games with pixel graphics and dungeon vibes.

But I think, I can play them with vine/wine but gnu/linux is unstable in my devices.

Like random freezes, performance drops.
Wi-fi is not working on fedora if I don't fix it
Most of gui is garbage
And other guis not working properly so I need to install arch, but it's hard to do.
And in the other hand; manjaro linux is same as others about crash and random freezes on my devices.

Help bros.

Gayms, drivers, adobe, office.

It just works, including all your wifi/graphics/sound hardware.

Live tiles, Cortana, XBox integration, free antivirus, Edge...

Printing, scanning etc.

> windows is for people who program for a living
Good one. Serious developers use unix-like systems with superior package management, tooling, and support. Pajeets use Windows 10.

It's not linux and FagOS X.

Highest market share and thus all current software is going to be geared towards working on it.

Actually, serious developers use both. If you don't dual boot by now you're a confirmed newfag.

> If you don't run Windows you're newfag
The state of neo-Sup Forums, everybody.

Dual boot, fag.

You're still running windows.

If you are a Windows depended user then you will eventually end u using it due to the fact that all previous versions will at some point have their support cut off.

So? How else am I going to print my resume and take it to an interview? I guess you use your Mommy's OS for that.

What type of fucking printer do you have that doesn't support other OSes? Also if you weren't tech illiterate you could just set up a VM.

Welp, you just proved yourself to be summer-in-august so its been fun. Ciao.

why it's worth using.

if u can get privacy under control, best windows yet

Dude, I work in Helpdesk and looked for each of the printers in our office (various HPs, brother, samsung) and none of them are supported.

That other user is right sadly, printing (like what drove RMS crazy in the first place) is a proprietary game.



*outdated drivers

muh video games

games and software support for certain hobbies/work environments. Also musicbee the best music player


Is that the OS where you can install that famous image editting software that makes it super super easy to create circles and green peppers?

to connect to botnet

Keyguin or just don't activate and deal with the watermark

Install 7, activate through accessibility, get free activation.

Video games.

Should i torrent this.

anons don't let anons install windows 10.

Why do people think it's a good idea to pirate windows?

I'm actually black so it works out.

I want to get paid

I said people, not niggers

>Develops non corporate software for Linux
>Tries to make money from it
>Oh wait it's open source and who the fuck cares about donating


>Develops for Windows
>Make it closed source and difficult to crack + make people buy it

Linux software developers are all piss poor wearing raggy trenchcoats begging for small amounts of money to try and leave their parents house. Meanwhile rookie windows developers can make a fucking mint.

Sure user, everyone's going to buy your proprietary Windows hentai game.

In reality, Linux machines (and a few Win Server boxes) are powering the world's network and IT infrastructure while Windows is used in dumb thin clients, in prebuilt computers that your grandma uses, and by gaymers.

it just works

When you use it, you never feel alone.

Man, can someone ban this child already? This is why Sup Forums is dead. Every summer you this influx of kids who flood in because they spent 10 minutes on PCpartpicker with Mom's credit card.

An absolutely ridiculous amount of manufacturing across all sectors in the US is performed using boxes running Windows XP.

God damn Allen Bradley. God Damn it to hell.

Games and Photoshop

Linux for anything else

Pic show stats of my pihole from the last 24H
>Win10 is a fucking spyware.
>Not only the os, but other software is spying you too.
>Fuck me i cant stop gaming.

For the rest i use Debian or Linux Mint.

This is sadly true.

Get the new techs way before linux.

Is this a bait?

I like to be connected to other people

Windows 10's support will be discontinued long before Windows 7 becomes totally useless. Hopefully by then they find a non-pajeet CEO and make an operating system that works. (I don't count on it though)

You will never feel alone

I still hope for linux to take completely over on consumer hardware before anything similar youre describing happen.

Because I'm too retarded to figure out how to fix this

It just works out of the box. Installed on a C2D and sandy build and all usb ports and networking worked at startup.
Compatibility, it's the most used os in the world.
I could go on for longer than 30 seconds.

trust me, same shit will happen under win 10 again.

anything you talked about count for linux too. Take a look over Linux Mint. Great for beginners.

Install KB3102810 before any updates on a fresh installed Windows 7. It's a known problem and it fixes it.


It's not Applel macOS.



> Make it closed source and difficult to crack + make people buy it
lol fag, I bet you are not talking seriously

> linux dominates the world and powers almost the whole internet

good meme

It just works.

Linux shills will cry, but nobody is ever going to use that shit. Windows is a much better experience.

Muh gaymmin

The only conceivable reason is DirectX 12, even then that's a stretch as the vast majority of games still use DirectX 9 or 11. I won't let the virus known as Windows 10 anywhere near my machine.

games, stability, polish, and convenience

no, that's the entire point of the simplified update process

how about the fact that DEs in Linux are uniformly shit

so you can download and install gentoo?

why would anyone use ryzen? there's no point in upgrading

It's total shit, you have litterally no excuse to not use windows 7 instead of windows 10

>paying for an operating system you don't even have full control on.

please user it's like you like to suck dicks

I can't actually find anything to seriously complain about with Windows 10. It has anything I could ever need and so much more.

because I actually have a life worth living

Has anyone gotten fucked from keyguin?

>I'm using it right now on my mid level laptop
>Runs smoothly without any crashes
>All the drivers work
>Muh Photoshop and MS Word
>Touchpad is god tier (but idk if only my laptop's touchpad is godly or whatever, who do people whine about touchpads and say apple's touchpad is superior? I have used both and it feels the same (on this laptop at least))

pic related

Let's see
>Adobe software
>Autodesk Software

I use 3DS Max, Cinema 4D, the Office suite (for work), Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere and After Effects, all my games that I want to play at high framerates with minimal hiccups and input lag and slowdowns, and then there's a lot of programs that have an ok counterpart for Linux but that don't justify switching over and in any case would be a sidestep that you need to relearn.

I upgraded from 7 to 10 and never looked back.

Convince me to use 7 again.