Is Solus the best beginner "just werkz" Linux distro for beginners?

Is Solus the best beginner "just werkz" Linux distro for beginners?
I'd have to say yes from my experience since it's easy for Windows users to adjust to and looks great right after installation.

Is there anything better?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Is there anything better?
solus is the best distro

just let the plebs join the botnet


but has lots of issues with screen tearing on dual-gpu laptops

It is still kinda pre-alpha so you'll encounter some missing essential packages here and there. So I can't say that it just werks. Mint is still the king in that area.

Xfce mint

If you like a beginner to use an obsolete DE and making him getting used to lack of GUI tools - then yes, not a bad choice.

What makes XFCE good for beginners?

Just use Fedora as gateway loonix

Can it composite with the default setup? Or do I need to start installing extra packages?

Yeah it's great. My first ditro and I'm having zero issues with it so far.

>It is still kinda pre-alpha
Not really, everything works perfectly on my laptop. What are some missing essential packages?

Kevin pls

It's the fastest Distro I have ever used. I used it for almost a year, but I just needed something more. I'm using arch right now. I might go back to it in the future. Really nice.

Been using it for almost a month.
I wouldn't call it the best distro but it's the nicest I've tried and it's probably the best beginner friendly one at the moment.

I tried to shill Solus long ago when nobody have heard of it. My thread got 0 replies. Archived within minutes.

Now? Every Solus thread will get tons of replies.

Switched from Arch to this, never been happier.

>1.6694s faster
you fucker we're blood enemies now


Agreed. It's the better, faster version of xubuntu.

no, fuck off kevin

Love the boot speeds. It was around 15s on my HDD, much faster than any other OS I've tried.

It's not just boot speeds though, on the HDD my laptop running Solus felt as fast and responsive as my windows 10 desktop with an SSD.

Enjoy your repositories with maybe 7 or so packages.

I count more than 7.

Not at the moment.

Where you been Kevin? Seems like it's been a while.

Is Solus bleeding edge rolling release like Arch?

wow you're so cool

Fuck off kevin

Go to sleep, Kevin

Hi Kevin 

It's a stable bleeding edge.

Is it a better meme than arch?

A much better meme. You'll get called Kevin no matter what.



I thought arch was the real, but boy was I wrong.

Hopefully Ikey wont fall for the SJW meme.

I won't

What the fuck is wrong with you?


What Discord server?

Its past your bedtime, Kevin

Yeah, haven't had to tweak anything since installing it. It's my favorite distro.

i just installed lubuntu. not bad to start with either.

no, fedora is

i remember installing solus and the open source graphics driver didn't come installed. i tried to install it and found no way to install it

went back to using fedora

Solus is dumb.

GNOME has addons that do what Budgie does, but better. No awkward sidebar horseshit. And they added ANOTHER package manager to an already crowded market.

Either contribute to better projects or go away.

Have fun with your proprietary driver installation

Fuck yeah, literally just werkz OTB and looks great at the same time. No ricing or fucking around required.

What botnet comy.